Position: Training Courses in Support of (1) Investment Attraction and Promotion, and (2) Investment Entry and Establishment (Ministry of Economy and Finance)__Deadline:27-January

Aligned with the implementation of the Industrial Development Policy (2015-2025) and the Pentagonal Strategy-Phase I, the Royal Government of Cambodia initiated the Master Plan to Develop Preah Sihanouk Province into a Model Multi-purpose Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and Develop Cambodia Coastal Provinces into a Multi-Purpose and Comprehensive Economic Corridor. This initiative aims to support the strategic development of Preah Sihanouk Province while sharing opportunities with neighbouring coastal provinces, namely Kep, Koh Kong and Kampot provinces. The initiative also positions the four coastal regions as a key economic hub, which would significantly contribute to the achievement of its vision to become an upper middle-income country in 2030 and high-income country in 2050.

The Royal Government of Cambodia is currently in the final review stage of the Master Plan, signaling that its implementation will soon be launched. However, the success of this Master Plan relies heavily on human capacity development to ensure that project staff and public servants are well trained and highly skilled to perform their roles and responsibilities effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the Secretariat Office of the Preah Sihanouk Province’s Multipurpose Special Economic Zone Master Plan (MPSEZ) is looking for a training service provider to deliver training courses to equip project staff, public servants and key stakeholders across multiple key areas with the necessary skills and expertise to navigate and catalyze the broader vision of the Master Plan.

The main objective of the capacity development service is to instil communication, technical and managerial skills in the project staff, public servants and management at both national and sub-national level involved in the development and implementation of the Master Plan.

Training Topics
Interested training service providers need to propose a package of training topics, focusing on both soft and hard skills, that serve the two main areas as follows:

Area 1: Investment Attraction and Promotion aims to attract and promote investment from local and foreign businessmen into the coastal provinces. Those courses include, but do not limit to:

  • Investment Promotion Strategies
  • Customer Service and Hospitality
  • Sale and Marketing,
  • Policy Proposal Writing Skills, and
  • Others.

Area 2: Investment Entry and Establishment aims to serve investors in setting up and managing their businesses successfully. Those courses include, but do not limit to:

  • Investment Project Analysis and Risk Management
  • Fund Raising and Management
  • Special Economic Zone Management
  • Investment Data Analysis and Management, and
  • Others.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Training Need Assessment: Conduct a survey with prospective trainees to assess their existing skills and the needs for further knowledge and skills to fill in the skill gap.
  • Curriculum Development: Design and deliver a comprehensive training curriculum tailored to the needs of participants. The training service provider will work hand in hand with the
  • Secretariat on a regular basis to develop the training content that is suitable for the trainees and the organization.
  • Training Delivery: Conduct engaging and interactive training sessions, using real-world case studies and examples to demonstrate the concepts and theories provided in the respective training. The training service provider is charged with arranging logistics, and the location is subject to discussion.
  • Resource Provision: Provide training materials, user guides, manuals and additional resources to ensure participants can effectively use the materials post-training for their investment promotion, management and after-care service delivery.
  • Technical  Support  and  Demonstration:  Offer  hands-on  demonstrations  and  technical support during the training, ensuring participants understand how to navigate and utilize training lessons and substance for their specific needs.
  • Assessment and Feedback: Evaluate participants' understanding through practical exercises and  provide  constructive  feedback  to  help  them  master  the  skills  needed  to  implement respective work.
  • Post-Training  Support:  Offer  follow-up  support,  such  as  Q&A  sessions  or  refresher materials, to address challenges participants might face when applying the lessons in their professional contexts.


  • Being a business school or training firm, centre and academy, whose area of focus is to facilitate and deliver similar training programs as a package.
  • Having over five years of experience in facilitating and delivering similar training programs including  the  provision  of  qualified  in-house  trainers,  external  trainers  and  logistic arrangement.
  • Having a team of qualified trainers with a demonstrated proficiency and hands-on experience or having the ability to facilitate the outsourcing of the training service to external qualified trainers to accommodate the demand for a training package.
  • Proven track record of facilitating and delivering similar training programs or workshops, preferably with experience in capacity-building initiatives for organizations or professionals in related sectors.
  • Ability to design and adapt training content to address the specific needs and objectives of the target audience, ensuring the training is relevant and practical.
  • Provision of detailed, user-friendly training resources, such as manuals, guides, and case studies, to support learning during and after the training sessions.
  • Commitment to providing post-training assistance, such as troubleshooting support, mentoring, or additional resources, to ensure effective implementation of the skills and tools taught.

Expected Delivered Outcome

  • Skill Assessment Tools – Pre- and post-training evaluations to measure knowledge gained and skill  improvement.
  • Training Modules – Comprehensive learning materials covering the respective training topics, including presentation slides, manuals, guides, quizzes, exercises, role plays and various activities that enhance students’ understanding of the lessons.
  • Certificate of Completion – Certificate is required in recognition of successful participation and achievement in the training program.
  • Post-Training  Support  Materials  –  Follow-up  resources,  including  summary  reports, recommended readings, and action plans for implementation.

Duration of Service

  • The selected training service provider will be offered a contract to facilitate and deliver training courses in Area 1 and/or Area 2 as a package and the duration of each course can vary according to the nature of the course considering its effectiveness. The training will be conducted intermittently until the full package of the courses are completed on condition of meeting satisfactory performance. The training contract and schedule will be determined based on the discussion between the Secretariat Office and the service provider.

Proposal Submission Requirements

  • Interested training service providers are invited to express their interest by submitting the following documents:
  • Cover Letter addressing the requirements by mentioning a course package of Area 1 and/or Area 2 applied;
  • Firm profile, including relevant past experience; and
  • CVs of all trainers who will be involved in the assignment.

Selection Process

  • Interested training service providers are invited to submit the relevant documents by 27 January 2025 at 5:00PM via procurement@mpsez.gov.kh.
  • Secretariat Office team will invite representatives of all shortlisted training service providers for a technical discussion and budget plan.

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply! 



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Training Courses in Support of (1) Investment Attraction and Promotion, and (2) Investment Entry and Establishment (Ministry of Economy and Finance)__Deadline:27-January
Position: Training Courses in Support of (1) Investment Attraction and Promotion, and (2) Investment Entry and Establishment (Ministry of Economy and Finance)__Deadline:27-January
Cambodia Jobs
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