Position: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Specialist (Branch of ARD INC)__Deadline:29-January

Tech ARD in Cambodia. USAID Conserve aims to improve conservation governance along coastal areas of Koh Kong and Preah Sihanouk provinces; Prey Lang Extended Landscape (PLEL), which includes Preah Vihear, Kampong Thom, Kratie, and Stung Treng provinces, and around Tonle Sap’s flooded forest areas. USAID Conserve works closely Royal Government Cambodia, international non-governmental organizations (NGO), Cambodian NGOs, private sector, community-based organizations.

Reports to: Site Manager

Location: Sre Ambel, Koh Kong Province

The primary role and responsibility of MEL Specialist is to ensure that data generated from activities and interventions implemented by community-based organizations (CBO), partnered service providers, Grant Technical Coordination (GTC) partners, or landscape field teams are reliable, accurate, and timely collected; and to make sure that critical lessons learned from field-based activity implementation are properly captured, reported, and analyzed for refining future actions. Under supervision of Site Manager and technical direction of MEL Manager, the MEL Specialist is responsible for coordinating and providing cross-cutting support for activity planning, implementation and reporting processes; and ensuring a smooth implementation of the USAID Conserve Project Management and MEL system at landscape level.

  • Organize and provide ongoing support, training, coaching, and induction to partners, grantees, and landscape field team on MEL-related activities, tools, and procedures, and the USAID Conserve Project Management System.
  • Support MEL Manager in developing relevant training materials, delivering training activities, and organizing Pause and Reflection sessions among USAID Conserve team members and other stakeholders.
Data Collection and Reporting
  • Support Site Manager and field team members to implement MEL activities following the project USAID Conserve MEL Plan.
  • Ensure that data from field-based activities, grantees, and secondary data are input into the project database in a timely, effective, and efficient process, and that data is accurate, correct, and reliable.
  • Develop a plan to verify data using participatory data collection methods and techniques and document activities’ relevant files in USAID Conserve MEL database system.
  • Follow up with team members and GTCs to collect more proofs of field-based activities’ output and outcome, as needed.
Field Monitoring and Data Quality Control
  • Conduct on-site monitoring of program activities collecting both qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Conduct routine spot checks to ensure data has been accurately collected from project’s participants.
  • As required, participate in client-directed data quality assessment (DQA) and preparation of report(s).
  • Verify program results with supporting documentation, photographs, and success stories, with direct quotes from project’s participants.
  • Produce evidence-based insights for project’s strategic adaptation and intentional learning.
  • Collaborate with the technical field team and the MEL team to ensure that all monitoring results are clearly and accurately presented in the project progress reports.
  • Under the technical direction of MEL Manager, ensure the administration, implementation, and compliance of MEL requirements and procedures per USAID procurement regulations and local laws.
Research and Cross-Cutting Support
  • Support Site Manager and MEL Manager in the design of relevant research planning and implementation of research activities.
  • Support MEL Manager and the COP in developing training materials and public-facing materials on project activities and results.
  • Provide cross-cutting support to Site Manager and landscape field team on activity planning, implementation, and reporting.
  • Develop special quick assessments to confirm data or provide contextual information on performance.
Key Requirements: 
  • Must have at least a bachelor’s degree in international development, project management, business administration, social science, or in a related field
  • Must have at least 3 years of experience in performing MEL activities or research including data collection and other tasks outlined above, for international development organizations, preferably with USAID contracts or agreements.
  • Progressively challenging experience in preparing collection tools, field surveys, coordination, monitoring, learning, adaptive management.
  • Demonstrate an ability to learn and adapt quickly and able to work independently.
  • Excellent coordination, organizational, time-management, interpersonal, and communication skills.
  • Strong problem-solving and analytical skills.
  • Able to manage multiple tasks efficiently and set priorities to meet tight deadlines.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.
  • Fluency in Khmer and very good in listening, speaking, and written English.
Candidates interested in this position should email a CV, cover letter, and three professional references with the position title in the email subject line to usaidconserverecruitment@tetratech.com

Moreinfo: https://www.tetratech.com/careers

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Specialist (Branch of ARD INC)__Deadline:29-January
Position: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Specialist (Branch of ARD INC)__Deadline:29-January
Cambodia Jobs
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