Cambodia- Skills for Better Jobs Project
Project Number: 75480-KH
Package Number: SDF-CS-07
I. Background
1. The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has received financing from the World Bank (WB) to implement the Skills for Better Jobs project (SBJ). The SBJ will be implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT) as the Executing Agency (EA), which will take the overall responsibility for the project implementation and coordination and mainly focus on the Component 1,
2 and 4.1. Components 3 and 4.2 will be implemented by the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) at the Skills Development Fund (SDF).
2. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to enhance the quality and relevance of skills among Cambodia’s upcoming and existing workforce, and in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it.
3. The SBJ comprises five components: (1) Strengthening TVET to upskill and respond to industry needs; (2) Information and orientation for better jobs; (3) Supporting sector associations and expanding skills development; (4) Project management and monitoring; and (5) Contingent emergency response (CERC). The Project Appraisal Document (PAD) provides the details of the project design. The MLVT and the SDF have also adopted a Project Operations Manual (POM) which includes a section for component 3. The SDF will prepare a more detailed SDF Manual.
4. Component 3 (C3) aims at strengthening sector associations for Employer Engagement in Skills Development (EESD) and expanding skills development by supporting the expansion of demand-driven training and new forms of training. It is split into two sub-components. Sub-component C3.1 focuses on enhancing the capacity of sector associations in priority sectors by providing technical assistance to identify critical skills needs, define suitable training options, and participate in Sector Skills Councils (SSCs). Sub-component C3.2
targets expanding quality and relevant training delivery through demand-driven training proposals and institutional strengthening of the SDF. This includes communication campaigns, capacity building, IT investments, and financing training for at least 2,500 individuals. The project will also support improved M&E practices, including regular visits, reporting, and tracer studies covering at least 1,000 beneficiaries, to ensure training quality and continuous improvement.
5. In order to implement these components, SDF requires the support of a Project Coordinator (PC).
II. Objective of the Assignment
6. The selected Project Coordinator is expected to provide professional and expert support to the SDF-PIU to ensure the successful and timely implementation and completion of SDF implementation activities. The selected consultant shall at all times observe the highest standard of professional ethics and integrity and promote a results-oriented approach in the area of his responsibility and accountability.
III. Duties and Responsibilities
7. The Project Coordinator will assist the SDF-PIU to implement project management and provide expert support to the activities under Component 3 and Sub-component 4.2. The key tasks include:
i. Assist the PM in the day-to-day management, monitoring and administration of all project implementation activities and outputs under the SDF-led Components, 3 and 4.2 in accordance with the Legal Agreement, the PAD, POM and SDF Manual. These entail but are not limited to:
a. Ensure that the PDO, including as measured through the Results Framework, is realized on time and within budget.
b. Identify bottlenecks to project progress and work with the SDF-PIU and with the PMU when relevant, to resolve problems. Bottlenecks can be at the level of the SDF-PIU, in the performance of consultancies financed by the project, the performance of the training providers, or, ultimately, in project design. The PC needs to monitor all these dimensions to ensure project success.
c. In particular, given the key dimension of industry partnerships in the project, the PC, together with the industry partnership consultant, will represent the SDF-PIU in key activities with employers and employer associations. For example, the PC may represent the SDF-PIU in outreach and communication activities and in more targeted activities aiming to foster industry-school training proposals.
d. Prepare the project’s annual work plans and budgets (AWPB) and Procurement Plan;
e. Monitor work progress in accordance with the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB);
f. Coordinate with the PMU to harmonize the overall project implementation;
g. Provide support to the SDF-PIU in ensuring that all reports, documents, and other information are made available in an orderly and timely manner.
ii. Assist the PM in supervising activities and maintaining performance levels.
These can entail:
a. Revise the POM including Component 3
b. Develop and finalize the SDF Manual to guide the implementation, in coordination with the MLVT to meet the emerging needs of the project;
c. Prepare and/or review ToRs for consultancies;
d. Support the SDF-PIU to oversee the performance of the other consultants, and coordinate/facilitate with other individual consultants, and other consulting firms contracted under the project to ensure synergies between interventions and quality delivery.
e. Assist in building capacity of the SDF-PIU and SDF team.
iii. Assist the PM in overseeing the PIU fiduciary, ES, and M&E activities:
a. Review contracts and expenditures;
b. Fiduciary management in accordance with the POM and SDF Manual;
c. Ensure smooth flow of funds to project activities and the maintenance of a financial system and the necessary financial and other records adequate to allow for full accountability of these funds;
d. Review the audit reports and respond to the auditor’s recommendations;
e. Oversee Environmental & Social safeguards (ES) in compliance with the ESCP and other ESF instruments;
f. Oversee and conduct M&E activities to inform project management on implementation progress and success ensuring quality monitoring, and reporting throughout the project for the implementing activities and progress to ensure their alignment with the project objectives;
iv. Report to the Project Director, Technical Advisory Group (TAG), and Project Steering Committee (PSC) on the project performance and coordination with the implementation partners:
a. Prepare the implementation progress reports (every 6 months), including as inputs for the World Bank’s Implementation Status Results Report (ISR);
b. Prepare other inputs for the bi-yearly Implementation Support Mission (ISMs), including presentations;
v. Perform other tasks as reasonably assigned by the SDF-PIU.
IV. Deliverables
8. Expected deliverables will be agreed upon with the SDF-PIU continuously as the project implementation progresses but will, among others, include:
i. SDF Manual;
ii. Updated and finalized POM;
iii. Annual work program and budget;
a. Timely submission of high-quality project progress reports as required by the SDF-PIU, the Project Steering Committee, and as per the Legal Agreements. For the SDF-PIU, specifically, these will entail quarterly financial report of the project.
V. Minimum Qualifications and Experience Requirements
9. Master’s degree in Economics, Economic Development, Project Management, or other related fields;
10. Self-motivated with strong leadership capabilities and a demonstrated record of successful leadership of multi-disciplinary teams;
11. At least 7 years’ experience in senior management related to private sector development or TVET projects funded by the World Bank, ADB, AFD, or other major donors in Cambodia; preferably with experience serving as team leader;
12. Strong management and coaching skills including ability to provide strategic leadership and technical oversight and ability to work under minimum supervision;
13. Excellent project planning, management and analysis skills;
14. Demonstrated ability to consult and work cooperatively with others as a team;
15. Fluency in written and spoken English and Khmer and good report writing as well as presentation skills;
16. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both oral and written; and
17. They should possess, negotiation, presentation and reporting skills.
VI. Contract Duration and Reporting Arrangements
18. The duration of the contract for the PC is 48 months on full time basis from the contract start date and subjected to the annual assessment of the consultant performance, availability of funds and the needs for the project.
19. The payment to the consultant’s services will be in the form of time-based contract. The consultant must submit a timesheet, bill of claim, and summary of deliverables/outputs.
20. The consultant will work under the direction of the Project Director and Project Management and in close collaboration with other SDF-PIU team members.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant Selection method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
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Expressions of interest must be delivered to , (CC email)
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