Cambodia- Skills for Better Jobs Project (Project Number: 75480-KH)
Individual Consultant – National Financial Consultant (Package Number: SDF-CS-10)
I. Background
1. The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has received financing from the World Bank (WB) to implement the Skills for Better Jobs project (SBJ). The SBJ will be implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT) as the Executing Agency (EA), which will take the overall responsibility for the project implementation and coordination, and mainly focus on Components 1 and 2, and Sub- component 4.1. Moreover, the Skills Development Fund (SDF) is an Implementing Agency (IA) which will have one Project Implementation Unit (PIU) to cover Component 3 and Sub-component 4.2.
3. The Project Development Objective is to enhance the quality and relevance of skills among Cambodia’s upcoming and existing workforce, and in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it.
4. The SBJ comprises five components: (1) Strengthening TVET to upskill and respond to industry needs; (2) Information and orientation for better jobs; (3) Supporting sector associations and expanding skills development; (4) Project management and monitoring; and (5) Contingent emergency response (CERC). The Project Appraisal Document (PAD), which is public, provides the details of the project design. The MLVT and the SDF have also adopted a Project Operations Manual (POM).
5. Component 3 (C3) aims at strengthening sector associations for Employer Engagement in Skills Development (EESD) and expanding skills development by supporting the expansion of demand-driven training and new forms of training. It is split into two sub-components. Sub-component C3.1 focuses on enhancing the capacity of sector associations in priority sectors by providing technical assistance to identify critical skills needs, define suitable training options, and participate in Sector Skills Councils (SSCs). This support will vary by sector, improving their ability to engage with the SDF and partner with Training Institutions (TIs) in Industry-Linkage Development Plans (ILDPs). Sub-component C3.2 targets expanding quality and relevant training
delivery through demand-driven training proposals and institutional strengthening of the SDF. This includes communication campaigns, capacity building, IT investments, and financing training for at least 2,500 individuals. The project will also support improved M&E practices, including regular visits, reporting, and tracer studies covering at least 1,000 beneficiaries, to ensure training quality and continuous improvement.
6. In order to implement these components, SDF requires the support of a National Financial Consultant.
II. Objective of the Assignment
7. The consultant shall deliver the financial expertise to support the Financial Management (FM) unit of the project and to provide financial capacity improvement and hands holding/coaching on FM and accounting software to enable the government FM team of WB SDF PIU of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) to implement, coordinate, and monitor the FM activities in accordance with the agreed and applicable procedures, guidelines, and the financing agreement of the project. The consultant shall work closely with the Government FM team from the project Financial Unit, other project consultants, and all concerned entities of SDF/PIU staff.
8. The objective of the consultancy services is to (i) assist the project in the planning and preparation of the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB) and maintain the satisfactory financial accounting system, administration and operation of the project account(s), (ii) assist in the preparation of withdrawal and its supporting documentation, (iii) support and monitor budget execution and multiple years of financial planning, and draft periodic financial reporting and annual project financial statements, and (iv) assist in preparation and draft specific financial management manual and procedures for PIU/SDF.
9. The consultant will also support PIU/SDF in setting up of the project financial management information system (project FMIS) that will facilitate the preparation of financial statements according to the Cash Basis of Cambodian Public Accounting Standards for all projects financed by the Development Partners (DPs) according to MEF Prakas № 034, dated the 28th of January 2020. The project FMIS will help the project to generate the required information to produce quality and reliable financial statements and reports to be submitted to MEF and the World Bank.
III. Duties and Responsibilities
10. The Financial Consultant will assist SDF PIU to implement project financial management and fiduciary works in the field of accounting and finance under Component 3 and Sub-component 4.2 and undertake the following tasks:
i. Assist and support the team in compliance with the operation and internal control of the project accounts in accordance with the Financial Management Manual (FMM), Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs), and Procurement Manual (PM) for the Externally Funded Projects;
ii. Assist the project in setting up the project financial management information systems (computerized accounting software), and the accounting system based on the cash basis of the Cambodian Public Sector Accounting Standards;
iii. Coordinate with the Accounting Software’s supplier(s) and to install, maintain and customize the reporting formats based on the project needs and develop chart of accounts for the project aligned with the Government account codes;
iv. Update the project FM manual and procedures and ensure a clear set of internal control system and its procedures of the project financial management system
(staff, budget, accounting, fund flow, disbursements, contract managements/payments and reporting);
v. Ensure all fund receipts and expenditures are authorized in line with established financial procedures and Financing Agreement with proper supporting documents and accurate recorded in the Accounting System;
vi. Assist FM team in day-to-day basis in using the Computerized Accounting Software, accounting entry and closure of account (month-end and year-end) including journal vouchers, disbursement vouchers, receiving vouchers, petty cash payment vouchers, bank reconciliation, trail balance, and balance sheet;
vii. Assist the Project’s FM team in maintenance of proper books of accounts, management of project bank accounts, advance payment and clearance, and fixed asset management;
viii. Assist in preparation of the AWPB and advise the project team on the correct budget lines, source of funds, regular budget evaluation and variance analysis, prepare a catchup plan in order to ensure the delivery of the approved AWPB satisfactorily;
ix. Assist the Project’s FM team to ensure that the project applies appropriate payment procedures for goods, works and services against claims for payments in accordance with terms of contracts rendered by the project;
x. Assist day-to-day finance supports to the project FM team to monitor the contract registers of goods, works and services, claims of payments, administrative and office spending, and control advance register;
xi. Assist the FM team in management of advance accounts and cash management of the projects and ensure sufficient cash flow needs and adequacy of supporting documents of financial transactions and reconciliation;
xii. Assist and review the claim for payments submitted by the supplier, consultants, service providers, and training institutes/ training providers;
xiii. Prepare Withdrawal Applications and Statement of Expenditures (SOE) with relevant supporting documents as required by the Disbursement and Financial Information letter for submission for MEF’s approval before sending to the World Bank;
xiv. Assist the project team in preparing regular Interim unaudited Financial Reports (IFR) for the Project’s management review and approval before furnishing the IFR to MEF and the World Bank;
xv. Assist the project team during the audit process and advise on the remedial actions for implementing the audit recommendation;
xvi. Assist FM team to prepare the required financial reports and year-end financial statements and other financial statements as required by the project;
xvii. Preparing Monthly, Quarterly Financial Monitoring Reports and Annual Reports in agreed formats of and submitting them to Project Manager, Project Director for approval and subsequent furnish to MEF and WB;
xviii. Assist in reviewing budget requests for the training activities, travel missions, and office supplies and ensure the recurrent costs of the project are complied with the approved FM manual;
xix. Conduct field monitoring visits to support the training providers financed by the SBJ and to provide FM support and review the outputs and deliverables of the
Training providers according to the contract agreement and reporting requirement;
xx. Prepare and deliver financial capacity improvement and skills transfer to the Government FM team, working with the World Bank team and financial management specialist;
xxi. Ensure that agreed FM actions and recommendations from the Project Implementation Support Mission and Internal and External auditors are properly and timely implemented; Assist the project team to apply the correct tax treatment and comply with the law on taxation for the contracts rendered by the project for goods, works and services, and ensure remit of taxed amounts to the General Department of Taxation timely; and
xxii. Perform other tasks as may be reasonably required by the SDF PIUs and WB.
IV. Deliverables
Deliverables/ outputs |
Estimated duration to complete |
Target (due dates) |
Review and approves required |
Task 1: Prepare and draft specific financial management manual and FM annexes and procedures for PIU/SDF and skills transfer and provide training. |
13 months |
Year 1, 2 |
Finance Officer, Project Manager |
Task 2: Setting up of the project financial management information system (project FMIS) according to the Cash Basis of Cambodian Public Accounting Standards and provide training. |
13 months |
Year 1,2 |
Finance Officer, Project Manager |
Task 3: Offer quality services regarding budget preparation, monitor budget execution and multiple years of budget planning, and draft periodic financial reporting and annual project financial statements and provide on the job coaching to the project team. |
13 months |
Year 1,2,3, 4 |
Finance Officer, project manager |
Task 4: Support and guide to improve PIU/SDF financial activities with relevance to budget spending and contract monitoring and disbursement of funds from the WB and provide on the job coaching to the project team. |
13 months |
Year 1,2,3, 4 |
Finance Officer, Project Manager |
V. Minimum Qualifications and Experience Requirements
11. The individual consultant shall possess the following minimum qualification, skills and competencies:
i. At least bachelor's degree in accounting, or equivalent degree, or certified accountant from any recognized international and professional accounting body;
ii. At least 8 years of relevant work experiences in financial management and accounting with international organizations or under bilateral/multilateral funded projects/programs including WB, ADB, EU and other development partners;
iii. Familiarity with the RGC’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) on Financial Management for externally financed projects/programs in Cambodia;
iv. Have good knowledge on the cash basis of the Cambodian Public Sector Accounting Standards;
v. Have good knowledge of operations and installation of computerized accounting software (any accounting software);
vi. Have good knowledge in taxes and duties for the contracts of goods, works and services according to the law on taxation of Cambodia;
vii. Teamwork and team spirit under the Government and international environment; have ability to work independently and provide trainings to other staffs when needed; and
viii. Demonstrate ability to communicate and work cooperatively with others as a team, fluency in oral, written and report writing skills in English and Khmer.
VI. Contract Duration and Reporting Arrangements
12. The consultancy duration is 56 months full-time basis. The starting date is upon the contract signature.
13. The consultancy service is subject to the annual consultant performance evaluation and the renewal of the services depends on the availability of funds and the needs for the project.
14. The payment to the consultant's services will be in the form of a time-based contract and the consultant must submit the timesheet, bill of claim, and summary of deliverables/outputs.
15. The consultant will work under the direction of SDF/PIU and Finance Unit (duty station at the Skills Development Fund (SDF).
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant Selection method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be addressed through the email to , (CC email)
Expressions of interest must be delivered to , (CC email)
Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!