Position: Consultancy on livestock production, value chain/market systems analysis and integrated farming options with a focus on cattle, buffalo, native pigs, native chickens (SNV Netherlands Development Organisation)__Deadline:19-September

SNV is a mission-driven global development partner working in more than 20 countries across Africa and Asia. Building on 60 years of experience and grounded in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we work on the core themes of gender equality and social inclusion, climate adaptation and mitigation, and strong institutions and effective governance. Together with our team of over 1,600 people, our mission is to strengthen capacities and catalyse partnerships that transform the agri-food, energy, and water systems, which enable sustainable and more equitable lives for all. For more information on SNV, visit our website: www.snv.org

Project Background

Biodiverse Landscapes Fund (BLF) – Lower Mekong

The BLF is a UK government programme focussed on protecting biodiversity and promoting its conservation, reducing poverty and tackling climate change across 6 critical landscapes.

Its general activities are:

  • Improving management and linking of protected areas
  • Creating alternative sustainable livelihoods for local communities improving their climate resilience
  • Strengthening land rights, stewardship and natural resource governance, as well as supporting improved planning to reduce environmental impacts of infrastructure development
  • Tackling illicit activities such as poaching
  • Investment in sustainable local businesses and green finance initiatives

A consortium led by Fauna & Flora is implementing interventions in three countries across three areas. In Cambodia, the program will focus on the Virachey National Park area. SNV in Cambodia will be responsible for the second component: developing, supporting, and raising awareness of sustainable agriculture models to provide indigenous communities with sustainable employment and opportunities to access new markets. Additionally, we are also in charge of supporting the first component: creating alternative sustainable livelihoods for local communities.

Livelihood scoping studies have elucidated the pivotal role of livestock, including cattle, buffalo, and native pigs/chickens, in contributing to household livelihoods within the landscape. These animals are integral not only for consumption and sales but also as a means of savings and risk management, particularly in the event of crop failure. Furthermore, livestock hold significant cultural value for Indigenous Peoples, playing a crucial role in their ceremonies and festivities. In a participatory priority scoring exercise, villagers identified the development of livestock, especially cattle, buffalo, and native pigs, as one of the top three potential interventions to enhance livelihoods and bolster climate resilience. Despite a downturn in livestock market and price potential since the COVID-19 pandemic, livestock remains a promising avenue for income generation and livelihood enhancement.

However, livestock, particularly cattle, can have adverse environmental impacts. These include deforestation for grazing areas and the burning of forests/hillsides to stimulate grass regrowth. Local authorities are also addressing issues related to free-range livestock behaviour in villages, especially along roads where they can damage crops. To mitigate these negative effects, improved grazing and feeding practices, along with the active planting and management of fodder/forage crops, are recommended. Integrating livestock into farming systems is crucial for providing households with draught power and maintaining soil fertility through manure application.

Over the past five years, livestock have been afflicted by diseases such as hemorrhagic septicemia (HS) and Lumpy Skin Disease, often without adequate vaccination prevention. Currently, livestock productivity is hampered by challenges in production management, including high mortality rates due to diseases, irregular and inadequate vaccination, and insufficient dry season feeding practices. Additionally, market prices at the farm gate level are low and irregular, exacerbated by high transaction costs and transportation expenses.

To address these issues, a detailed value chain analysis is imperative. This analysis should identify gaps in production management and market linkages, thereby uncovering opportunities for interventions that can strengthen livestock production and the value chain. Considerations should include financial affordability, applicability, and the creation of market demand through service providers and supply chain arrangements. In conclusion, while livestock plays a critical role in household livelihoods and cultural practices, there are significant challenges that need to be addressed to enhance productivity and market potential. Through targeted interventions and improved management practices, it is possible to mitigate negative impacts and bolster the resilience and sustainability of livestock-based livelihoods.

Job Description

Analyse the livestock production and market systems, assess its potential to contribute to improvement of Indigenous People and local communities’ livelihoods and incomes, improved climate resilience and how it affects biodiversity and forests. Recommend interventions to enhance the sustainability, productivity, climate resilience and value of livestock and how this can contribute positively to enhanced biodiversity conservation.

The detail TOR can be requested to email: cchhor@snv.org


  • Advanced university degree in livestock production, animal husbandry, veterinary science, or a related field.
  • Understanding of integrated farming system improvements and sustainable natural resource management.
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a multicultural environment and with local communities.
  • High proficiency in English, ensuring effective communication with Indigenous Peoples (Kavet, Brao, and Khmer Lao).

Additional Information

Interested applicants are requested to submit the project proposal and budget proposal to SmartRecruiter through provided link. The deadline for application by Thursday, 19 September 2024.

Apply at https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/SNV/744000011487943

Moreinfo: https://snv.org/careers

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Consultancy on livestock production, value chain/market systems analysis and integrated farming options with a focus on cattle, buffalo, native pigs, native chickens (SNV Netherlands Development Organisation)__Deadline:19-September
Position: Consultancy on livestock production, value chain/market systems analysis and integrated farming options with a focus on cattle, buffalo, native pigs, native chickens (SNV Netherlands Development Organisation)__Deadline:19-September
Cambodia Jobs
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