WeWorld Onlus seeks an organization, firm, or individual capable of organizing and conducting an external evaluation service for the BMZ co-funded project titled “Improved Employability of Better-Skilled Youth in Cambodia and for Work-Migrating Youth [BMZ-6301]”. This project has been implemented since November 2021 and has a duration of three years. It is a funded by the the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through ChildFund Deutschland and has been implemented in partnership with ChildFund Deutschland and two local NGOs: Kampuchea Action for Promoting Education (KAPE), and Legal Support for Children and Women (LSCW).
Background and Rationale
The Evaluation of the project has to serve to three main purposes:
Learning. To improve the shared knowledge among Project Partners, provide analysis of practices to increase learning within the Consortium, and strengthen the growth and self-learning of all the stakeholders (such as, schools staff, Local Authorities and targeted CSOs) involved in order to improve future strategic planning and informing advocacy actions. To develop specific recommendations for relevant stakeholders based on the conclusions to promote sustainability and long-term impact for the beneficiaries.
Engagement and participation. To share information, significant change stories and measurable objectives to increase the motivation of the team, their participation and ownership as well as the beneficiaries and of all the other stakeholders. The evaluation must enhance the contributions of all those involved (beneficiaries, partners, institutions, communities) to support the empowerment and awareness of the reference community.
Accountability and Communication.
To assess the progress towards realizing the project intended outcomes (against the impact matrix and baseline data. It is crucial for the evaluator to compare reference values with current situation values and target values of specific quantitative indicators. In instances where substantial disparities exist between target and actual values, the evaluator is required to elucidate these discrepancies by identifying potential contextual reasons. Furthermore, the evaluator must furnish a comprehensive rationale that clarifies the gap between intended outcomes and the objectives attained.!). To strengthen the reporting and communication of the Consortium towards beneficiaries, institutional and private donors, policy makers, stakeholders and general public on the changes produced also in consideration with the resources deployed, allowing them to take further informed decisions, while strengthening a culture of transparency and responsibility.
Quantity Structure
The evaluation requires 20 working days to be completed.
How to apply
The deadline for submitting the following requested documentation is Friday 09 August 2024 within 3:00 pm.
The Offer must include:
- Economic offer, including:
Total economic value
- CV of the expert(s)/portfolio and presentation of the consultancy firm or organisation
- Methodology and work plan
- Previous experiences samples
Annex I, II and III signed and stamped
NB 1: WeWorld is responsible solely for reimbursing expenses related to the two trips required for attendance at stakeholder meetings, in accordance with WeWorld Cambodia's mission guidelines.
The bidder must include in the daily rate also all additional expenses, including but not limited to translation, software, communication, and similar costs, related to the consultancy.
NB 2: The evaluator must consider at least 5 nights / 6 days of field mission in the project areas.
For more information on technical aspects, please contact:
- Andrea Cefis: andrea.cefis@weworld.it
- In cc: Visal Pov: visal.pov@weworld.it
The bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes with the inscription “Final evaluation BMZ project” and sent to address provided in the contact details.
Please note, the offer that are not sent within the deadline will not be considered eligible.
Moreinfo: https://www.weworld.it
Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!