Position: Research and MEAL Specialist (Advocacy and Policy Institute)__Deadline:14-June

Contract type: Unidentified Duration Contract (UDC)
Location: Phnom Penh and travel to the provinces
Basic salary and benefits: Negotiate
Report to: Executive Director

The Research and MEAL Specialist will work closely with all Program/Project Teams and relevant partners to manage API’s Research and MEAL and the API’s social enterprise project (Consultancy), organize regular policy briefings and dialogues with key stakeholders based on research findings, to track the progress of all projects’ implementation and results at various levels, to oversee the MEAL framework to ensure the accountability, efficiency, and success of programs, and the organizations as a whole from start to finish.

Key expected results and responsibilities:
1.    Lead research and policy dialogues

API Strategic Plan 2024-2028. Evidence-based policy recommendations. In Cambodia, evidence-based policy recommendations have been insufficient due to (i) limited financial resources to formulate such policies, and (ii) a scarcity of experienced researchers to bring evidence-based analysis for influencing policy formulation. This hampers the achievement of desired outcomes, obstructs policy-making, and slows the Country’s overall. Positively, in recent years the RGC has given more attention to the use of data and evidence-based inputs in the public policy process. Knowledge is produced by (i) Government research groups/or organizations/units, (ii) technical experts from development partners, (iii) research institutes and think tanks, (iv) university research centers, (v) United Nations agencies, (vi) NGOs, (vii) consultancy firms and individual consultants.

  • The Research and MEAL Specialist will lead and conduct research studies regarding issues of citizens’ concern, whose conclusions will be used as evidence while advocating with the Royal Government of Cambodia to formulate new or amend existing policies and laws. Those studies may cover the fulfilment of the Right to Access to Information, Freedom of Expression, Digital Rights, Decentralization and Deconcentration, Public Financial Reform, Social Protection, and Economic Development.
  • S/he will coordinate with project teams to organize regular policy briefings and dialogues
  • with key stakeholders, including development partners, CSO networks, the media, the private sector, central government institutions and Sub-National Administration (SNAs), the National Assembly, as well as ASEAN and Global Dialogue Platforms and Mechanisms, such as the ASEAN People Forum, while reviewing RGC follow-up actions for the Universal Periodic Review reports (on Cambodia’s human rights records) and during the joint celebrations of the Access to Information Day, Human Rights Day and Social Protection Week and other international events.

2.    Lead the Research and Online Monitoring and Evaluation of API’s social enterprise “API Development Consulting” to provide civil society, development partners, government, and private sector with the best consultancy services.

API has established a social enterprise called “API Development Consulting” to provide civil society, development partners, government, and the private sector with professional services to meet their needs through social enterprise-based, high-quality training and consultancy services. These services will help promote social change and positive impact on the poor and most disadvantaged people in a more sustainable manner.

  • The Research and MEAL Specialist will lead the “API Development Consulting” to provide services in the field of research and assessment to local and international NGOs, SMEs, donors, and government entities. S/he will coordinate the project team and consultant (s) and client(s) with the whole research project process of preparing, submitting proposals, managing, and implementing research project consultancy services based on customer needs and calls by/to development partners for funding its activities. But not limited to leading in defining the methodology, tools, questionnaire preparation, data collection, data entry, data analysis, reporting, and presentations.
  • S/he will lead and coordinate the Tech Company ICT specialist and the project team to sell the API online Monitoring and Evaluation system for subscription and customized for clients.
3.    Coordinate Project MEAL Framework and Tasks
With the support from the Program/Project Teams, the Research and MEAL Specialist will coordinate the project teams, partners/stakeholders, to implement the MEAL Framework, and Project Tasks as below:
  • Coordinate the implementation of API MEAL plan, tools, systems, guidelines, and the digital Monitoring, Evaluation, Accounting, and Learning (MEAL) platform.
  • Support all projects and program teams to conduct ongoing day-to-day MEAL activities implementation, including field monitoring, project reflections, meetings, data collection, data entry, data analysis, improvement of databases systems, and storage, to assess, document the ongoing progress, challenges, lessons learned, impacts, and changes of projects implementations.
  • Generate data in preparing MEAL data reports and produce organization reports for internal and external audiences/donors together with API management and project teams.
  • Generate data to make programmatic, and policy recommendations to support advocacy efforts with the policymakers.
  • Work with consultants and the project teams to conduct baseline, regular projects, and
  • organizational monitoring and evaluations, document, ongoing documentation, and learning, and prepare all technical doc for supporting the mid-term review, end-line/end- of-project evaluations, and related assessments, learning, and reflection activities.
4.    Coordinate API organisational MEAL Framework and Tasks
With the support from the API Executive Director, Head of Program, and Board of Directors, the Research and MEAL Specialist will coordinate to implementation of the API organizational MEAL framework, and tasks as below:
  • API organizational Monitoring and Evaluation: will be implemented through projects funded by multiple donors with a log frame (indicators) for each project for monitoring and evaluation. Generally, a baseline survey will be undertaken before the start of each project and an end-line survey will be conducted as well. The targets for each of the indicators will be determined after the baseline survey. End-line survey data results will be analyzed and disseminated among API’s staff and donors for discussion in order to identify success and challenges and how those results can be linked to the next steps.
  • API Data Management: API has been keeping a database for the monitoring of and lessons learned from the implementation of this strategic plan. It has been the responsibility of API’s Monitoring and Evaluation unit/ expert to update this database on a quarterly basis. This Online Monitoring and Evaluation system is being used to support API and clients (mostly CSOs) who are in need  as part of API’s capacity building and organizational development for CSOs. Details of this database are presented in API’s operational plan.
  • API organizational reporting: will be produced with supervision by the Executive Director,
  • Head of Program, and Project Managers and then submitted to donors as per their requirements. API Research and MEAL Specialist will support the Executive Director, Head of Program, and Project Managers in preparing annual organizational reports on the implementation of this Strategic Plan (2024-2028), including the progress towards the above targets of the results and the learning results. In case any projects have not been completed, the progress report may be based on anecdotal information or Focus Group discussions with the participants.
  • Implement other tasks to contribute to achieving the API's strategy goal 2024-2028, and organization mission.
Qualification Required:
  • At least a master's degree in Development Study, Social Research, Database, Social Science, or Statistics.
  • At least 5 years of experience in research, monitoring, and evaluations for CSOs, private sector, and government, preferably on local governance, advocacy, and human rights projects.
  • Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative indicators monitoring and documentation and statistic reporting.
  • Knowledge and experience in working with online Monitoring and Evaluation systems and Tech tools
  • related to Monitoring and Evaluation, data management from App, public dashboards, Windows Excel, and/or Statistical Software (SPSS), or others, data analysis presentation, online surveys, and report writing are advantages; proficiency in the use of software packages, computerized system, Microsoft Office including Internet, E-mail, and others.
  • Possession  of  strong  verbal  and  written  communications  with  internal  and  external
  • stakeholders both in Khmer and English.
  • Must have very good interpersonal skills and a proven ability to work well in cross-cultural team building.
  • Able to travel and undertake activities in provinces.
  • Demonstrate ability to implement effective multiple tasks with results orientation.
  • A demonstrated a strong passion for the project and the organization's mission and goal.

All applicants must have good interpersonal skills and a proven ability to work well in a team; proficiency in the use of standard software packages, i.e. Microsoft Office 365.
How to apply
Interested applicants are requested to submit a cover letter and detailed CV to apioffice@apiinstitute.org

API is committed to a policy of equal opportunities and value inclusion and seeks to have a diverse and inclusive workforce. Applications are welcome from people of all origins, ages, religions, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and disabilities. Every application will be reviewed against the above requirements for the position only. Women and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Due to a high volume of applications, only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Your application/CV will not be returned.

Moreinfo: https://apiinstitute.org/page/get_involved

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Research and MEAL Specialist (Advocacy and Policy Institute)__Deadline:14-June
Position: Research and MEAL Specialist (Advocacy and Policy Institute)__Deadline:14-June
Cambodia Jobs
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