Sustainable Assets for Agriculture Markets, Business and Trade (SAAMBAT) is a project of the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia (GoKC). SAAMBAT became effective on 12th September 2019 with an expected completion date of 30th September 2025 and financial closure date of 31st March 2026. The total estimated project cost (after design and agreement of EIB and EU financing) was USD 162 million. Current available financing consists of IFAD Loan USD 53.20 million; IFAD Grant USD 1.20 million; EIB Loan EUR 65.25 million; EU Asia Investment Facility Grant EUR 15 million (consisting of EUR 13.5 million investment grant and EUR 1.5 million technical assistance grant). GoKC is expected to provide USD 11.30 million.
The project development objective of SAAMBAT is to “Increase productivity of rural youth, enterprises and the rural economy” which in turn contributes to the Goal of “Reduce Poverty and Enhance Food Security.” SAAMBAT is implemented through two Components: (1) Value Chain Infrastructure; and (2) Skills, Technology and Enterprise. These components are designed to deliver two key outcomes: (1) Poor rural people’s benefits from market participation increased; and (2) Poor rural people’s productive capacities increased.
Ref No. C2/SAAMBAT/24/CS-1
Under, Sub-Component 2.2. Technology and Enterprise for Rural Value Chains, the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of Ministry of Economy and Finance is seeking to hire a service provider to develop a Master Satellite Application (Mobile Applications and Web Application) which could be integrated with KAS Core Platform and consist of the following Modules such as an Agricultural Produce Traceability System (KAS-TRACE), Agricultural Wholesale Marketplace Platform (KAS-MARKET), Agricultural Machinery Service (KAS-MACHINERY, Agricultural Credit-Scoring (KAS-CREDIT), and Digitization of Contract-Farming (KAS-CONTRACT). The application will support agricultural modernization through initiatives to help farmers, wholesalers, KAS entrepreneurs, commercial farmers, and smallholders to expand market access, motivate more young people/youth to take up agriculture, and advance the use of technology in agriculture to eliminate the value chain actor fragmentation and miscommunication.
The Ministry of Economy and Finance now invites Firms to indicate their interest in bidding on this contract. In response to this Expression of Interest (EOI), interested firms should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services to meet the criteria as indicated in the ToR.
A Firm will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost-based Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the IFAD Project Procurement Guidelines Version 2019 and in consistency with the RGC Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) On Procurement for all Externally Financed Projects/Programs in Cambodia updated version December 2019. As such, upon assessment of the qualifications and experience of the applicants, only eligible and qualified firms will be invited to respond to a Request for Proposals. The EOI form can be obtained from the IFAD website below.
- IFAD Request for Bids - ICB Goods - 1st edition
- IFAD Request for Bids - ICB Works - 1st edition
- IFAD Request for Bids - ICB Large Works FIDIC - 1st edition
- IFAD Request for Bids - NCB Goods - 1st edition
- IFAD Request for Bids - NCB Works - 1st edition
- IFAD Request for Expressions of Interest - Services - 1st edition
- IFAD Request for Proposals - Services - 1st edition
- IFAD Request for Quotations - Goods - 1st edition
- IFAD Request for Quotations - Works - 1st edition
- IFAD Simplified Request for Proposals - Services - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Combined Evaluation Report Services - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Debriefing Report Goods - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Debriefing Report Services - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Debriefing Report Works - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Declaration of Impartiality TEC members - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Evaluation Report Goods - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Evaluation Report VfM Goods Works - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Evaluation Report Works - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - General Procurement Notice - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Notice of Intent to Award - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Purchase Order for Goods - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - REOI Advertisement Consulting Firms - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - REOI Advertisement Individual Consultants - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Self-Certification Form at Bidding Stage - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Self-Certification Form at Contract Stage - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Tech Evaluation Report Services - 1st edition
- IFAD SPD template - Terms of Reference - 1st edition
Further information and the TOR can be obtained during office hours from 08:00 am to 05:00 pm and from Monday to Friday from MEF-PIU/SAAMBAT Ministry of Economy and Finance - General Department of International Cooperation and Debt Management Department of Multilateral Cooperation C/o: Office of Multilateral Cooperation III (OMC III), Street 92, Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
The deadline for receiving responses to this EOI is June 14th, 2024 at 17:30 (local time).
Contact Name:
Mr. Keo Vibol
Chief of OMC III, MEF-GDICDM and Chief of Procurement Officer of MEF-PIU/SAAMBA
Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!