Position: Investment Consultancy Firm for Investment Readiness (CAPRED)__Deadline:08-April

RFP Number:    RFP24-026
Project Name:    Investment consultancy to support CAPRED in designing and implementing its investment readiness initiative.
Domain Name:    Trade, Investment and Agri-food innovation
Application Closing Date:    5pm (Phnom Penh Time), 8 April 2024
Assignment Duration:    June  2024- September 2025

1.    Background
1.1    CAPRED
Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) is Australia’s flagship bilateral economic development facility in Cambodia. Funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and implemented by Cowater International, CAPRED focuses on supporting inclusive economic recovery and boosting resilience and sustainability over the five years from 2022 to 2027. CAPRED adopts a mix of a programmatic and facility model. The facility model allows CAPRED to flexibly tackle a range of emerging inter- related public and private sector constraints and opportunities to promote resilient, inclusive, and sustainable growth (RISE) across different sectors.
CAPRED interventions fall under three technical components including: Agriculture and Agro-processing; Trade, Investment and Enterprise Development and Infrastructure Development; and three Cross-Cutting themes: Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI); Climate Resilient initiatives, and Policy Hub.
1.2    Project Context
CAPRED is implementing a pilot program through its Investment Portfolio to enhance the investment readiness of the Cambodian private sector across the entire investment cycle, including pre-investment, investment, and post-investment stages. This initiative aims to achieve two key objectives:
  • Firstly, to support enterprises in Cambodia’s agri-food sector and associated industries, such as logistics, cold chains, and renewable energy, by providing tailored, one-on-one technical assistance on investment readiness and post-investment support through a cost-sharing model. This assistance will be customised to meet the requirements of potential investors and the specific needs of the selected enterprises.
  • Secondly, to identify key stakeholders capable of providing long-term investment readiness services using sustainable business models in Cambodia without relying on grants or funding. The program will develop actionable recommendations to support investment readiness services in Cambodia in a sustainable manner.

1.3    Key Expected Outcomes:
  • Develop an investment readiness application process for enterprises, along with selection criteria and essential assessment tools aligned with qualified investors' requirements.
  • Provide tailored technical assistance and one-on-one coaching sessions based on enterprise needs and investor requirements, complemented by matchmaking/pitching events.
  • Equip at least 15 enterprises to join investors' pipelines once they are investment ready, with at least five (5) securing investments within 1-2 years, while the rest are ongoing negotiations with the investors.
  • Essential technical support for post-investment is provided.
  • Identify sustainable business models for delivering investment readiness services in the Cambodian market, with key actionable recommendations.
  • Identify and secure partnerships with qualified investors through identification, engagement, and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signings with CAPRED on investment readiness program.

2.    Purpose
To achieve the aforementioned outcomes, CAPRED is seeking a highly experienced investment consultancy  firm with a proven track record in investment readiness and deal execution. The chosen firm will partner with CAPRED to design, support the implementation of, and identify sustainable business models for its investment readiness programs aimed at Cambodian enterprises. The selected investment consultancy firm will work closely with the CAPRED team on the following indicative technical tasks, with outputs and deliverables subject to CAPRED’s assessment and confirmation.

3.    Requirements
3.1.  Key Tasks and Activities
The selected investment consultancy firm will provide technical assistance to CAPRED, performing the following four main tasks while adhering to the noted key activities and outputs.


Key activities








1.Preparatory Stage

·   Develop comprehensive workplan and methodology with specific timeframe for the support of the CAPRED investment readiness initiative,through preparation, pre-investment, during investment and post-investment stages:

-          key approaches for selecting and engaging with a list of qualified investors

-          Proposed approaches for selecting enterprises for the investment readiness initiative

-          Proposed methods to identify sustainable business models and key stakeholders capable of providing long-term investment readiness services in Cambodia without relying on grants or funding.

·   Final workplan and methodology with specific timeframe on delivering this assignment from (preparation, pre-investment, during investment and post- investment stage), approved by CAPRED :

-          key approaches for selecting and engaging with a list of qualified investors

-          Proposed approaches for selecting investment readiness enterprises

-          Proposed methods to identify sustainable business models and key stakeholders capable of providing long-term investment readiness services in Cambodia without relying on grants or funding.




Early June 2024

The development process will be closely consulted with the CAPRED team.




·         Assess investors’ requirements and interests.

·         Secure partnerships / MoUs with qualitied investors for participating in the CAPRED investment readiness initiative, including drafting a MoU template.

·         Develop application procedure with specific timeframe, and template(s) including criteria, assessment scorecard and weighing, investment need assessment for enterprises.

This work will be done in close colloboration with the CAPRED team.

·   Assessment report on investors’ interest and requirements approved by CAPRED team.

·   MoUs signed with CAPRED and qualified investors.

·   Application procedure and template(s) including criteria, assessment scorecard and weighing, investment need assessment for enterprises, approved by CAPRED.


August  2024










2.Pre- investment

·   Develop and organise an information workshop/seminar on investment readiness initiative including basic knowledge session on investment readiness and debt/equity finance, including a draft list of potential enterprises, speakers, and investors and key relevant stakeholders.

·   Identify sustainable business models and key stakeholders capable of providing long-term investment readiness services in Cambodia without relying on grants or funding.

This work will be done in close colloboration with the CAPRED team.

·  Draft concept note on this information seminar/workshop approved by CARPED  including draft agenda a list of speakers, enterprises, investors and key stakeholders who will be invited for the workshop.


·  Workshop report including a list of participants, enterprises and key stakeholders ( minimum  50 participants) submitted one week after the event. Report to be in a format as approved by CAPRED.

·  A report on key finding of sustainable business models and key stakeholders capable of providing long-term investment readiness services in Cambodia without relying on grants or funding, with actionable


August- September 2024


recommendations, approved by CAPRED.


·         Evaluate, scrutinise, and select enterprise applications based on established criteria and scoring systems, including:

·         Providing individual technical feedback (for a maximum of 20 applications) on the enterprise’s potential and seek further information to ensure final assments as needed.

·         A final 15 enterprises will be selected from the above applications to participate in the investment readiness. This will be based on their willingness and commitment.

This assessment process will be done in close colloboration with the CAPRED team.

·  Technical assessment report on enterprise application with:

§ Individual technical feedback on the 20 shortlisted enteprises on investment readiness, noting those that require further information/ assessment

§ Final 15 enterprises that are selected to participate in the investment readiness intitiative.

·  Proposed tailored trainings and one on one coaching sessions on investment readiness, approved by CAPRED.

·  Technical recommendation on investment readiness of each selected enterprise that CAPRED would support through cost- sharing modality with enterprises

September- Octorber 2024

·      Provide tailored trainings and one on one coaching sessions including pitching sessions / networking events for the selected enterprises, and other technical support during pre- investment stage.

This process will be done in close colloboration with the CAPRED team.

·     Monthly  progress report(s) approved by CAPRED covering:

§  providing tailored trainings and one on one coaching sessions including pitch preparation for enterprises

§  supporting on improving each enterprises’ needs

§  supporting on technical assistance on investment readiness for instance, business plan development, cooperate structure, etc (based on their actual needs aligned with investor requirement)

§  pitching sessions / network events

October - 2024

to  April 2025


·   Facilitate one on one pitching sessions /matchmaking between

·      Monthly  progress report(s) approved by CAPRED covering:


3. During investment stage

the 15 selected enterprises and the qualified investors.

·   Provide essential support during the investment process including due diligence, deal decision, negotiation, contract arrangement and terms sheets and others.




This process will be done in close colloboration with the CAPRED team.

§  Specific support on each enterprise on a one on one basis for pitching session with the qualified investors (including key next steps and recommendation) Provide essential support during the investment process including due diligence, deal decision, negotiation, contract arrangement and terms sheets etc. Minimum of 5 enterprises expected to reach investment deals.

·      Specific plan for one on one investment matchmaking for

February July 2025



remaining 10 enterprises.






4.Post investment

·   Provide post investment support for sustainability of the investment.

·   Develop profiles of all 15 investment ready enterprises to assist with future investment.

·   Develop final report detailing challenges and lessons learnt and suggesting best practices for future investment readiness programs in Cambodia.

This process will be done in close colloboration with the CAPRED team.

·      Monthly reports on post investment support, approved by CAPRED including technical support:

§  At least 5 enterprise received investment deals

§  Other technical support.

·      15 SME profiles of investable and investment ready enterprise developed

·   A final report suggesting challenges and lesson learnt and suggesting the best practices for investment readiness program in Cambodia.

May September 2025

4.    Qualifications
An investment consultancy firm shall have personnel within the team with the following qualifications.

  • The firm should have between seven and ten years of experience and expertise in designing and delivering investment readiness programs. They should also have experience in facilitating finance and investment matchmaking, particularly for the agri-food and associated sectors such as logistics, cold chain, and renewable energy enterprises and investors. This should be done through various financing methods, including debt, equity, blending financing, and the joint venture process.
  • Individuals who will work on this project should possess advanced degrees related to investment and banking, finance and accounting, law, MBA, economics, or other related fields.

Technical competencies and Experience:
Essential Criteria:

  • Have a proven track record of success in bringing together investors and enterprises and closing deals, especially in the agri-food sector and its associated sector in Cambodia or other similar contexts.
  • Have an excellent understanding of the gaps, needs, and expectations of investors and enterprises regarding investment, especially in Cambodia and other developing countries.
  • Demonstrate a strong reputation and a strong regional network in agri-food and its associated sector, with access to investment portfolios or a wider pool of debt, equity, and blended finance investors and enterprises which are from agrifood and its related sectors in Cambodia
  • Demonstrate the ability to develop tailored capacity development for investment readiness through trainings and one on one coaching sessions, to design a matchmaking database, to plan matchmaking events, and to provide ongoing support and advice to the parties involved in pre, during, and post- investment stages.
  • Demonstrate the ability to provide technical advice to enterprises to be ready for investment, including the due diligence process, deal decision, and negotiation.
  • Demonstrate a strong business modality of the company on delivering readiness technical services in the markets and post investment consultancy services, (without funding or grant support) is a plus.
  • Demonstrate excellent communication and interpersonal skills in both written and verbal communication in English (Khmer is a plus).
  • Demonstrate ability to work with a variety of stakeholders, including CAPRED team, private sector, investors effectively to deliver this assignment.

Desirable Criteria

  • Have excellent understanding on investment ecosystem in Cambodia and the regions, especially in agri- food sector and its associated sector such as cold chain, logistics and renewable energy.
  • Have excellent understanding of the investment process and needs in closing the gaps between the requirement of investors and actual needs of enterprises.
  • Demonstrate ability to develop and implement a tailored investment readiness and other technical support that meets the specific needs of its parties/clients. This may include:
  • Identifying the key criteria for matching investors and enterprises
  • Developing a tailored capacity development on investment readiness and tailored process for bringing these investors and enterprises together to make investment decision, negiotiation and deals
  • Providing ongoing support and advice to the parties involved from pre-investment, during investment and post-investment.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and experience on implementation of Gender Equality  Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) principles or social risks into industrial park establishment and operations highly desirable.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and experience on implementation of Climate change mitigation and adaptation, environmental risks into operations highly desirable.

Other eligibility criteria include:

  • Demonstrating integrity and high ethical standards.
  • Displaying sensitivity and adaptability to cultural, gender, religious, racial, national, and age differences.
  • Treating all people fairly without favouritism.
  • Fulfilling obligations to GEDSI sensitivity and maintaining a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment.
  • Strictly comply with DFAT Child Protection Code of Conduct and Policy. (https://www.dfat.gov.au/sites/default/files/child-protection-policy.pdf )

5.    Evaluation
CAPRED will use an objective and reliable process to evaluate each proposal. The proposals and responses will be evaluated based on (in no particular order):
a.    Compliance with this Request for Proposal (RFP).
b.    Understanding of and ability to meet the requirements and deadlines as specified.
c.    Proposed comprehensive workplan and methodology
d.    Supplier expertise and experience with delivery of similar projects.
e.    Expertise of individuals and overall team nominated to deliver the services and equipment. CAPRED reserves the right to reject any individual being proposed and to ask the supplier to provide an alternative.
f.    Past performance relevant to this RFP (as determined by referee checks)
g.    Relevant examples of previous work.
h.    Proposed fee charged for the services.
Note: While price is a factor, it is more important that the applicant can demonstrate value for money. CAPRED reserves the right to contract more than one supplier for these services and may actively seek to contract   more than one supplier to ensure supply of technical services. CAPRED reserves the right to vary the contract terms, and to exercise the option period at its sole discretion.
Due diligence checks will be conducted on the organisation/s and individuals nominated in the RFP prior to awarding contract/s.

6.    How to Apply
The proposals including the Response Form must be submitted no later than 5pm (Phnom Penh time), Monday 8 April 2024. by email to procurement@capred.org with “Investment Consultancy firm – RFP” in the subject line. Any proposals submitted after this time and date will not be considered.
The applicant is required to submit the Response Form in English language (form provided separately), and with an indication of a daily rate for each task/service as per section C of the Response Form. The rate should include any and all costs to carry out the work in the specified location. In addition to the proposal fee, the applicant should also detail any other relevant assumptions or required terms.

For further information:
Further information about this RFP can be obtained from Sereysothea Sao , Trade Promotion Manager at email: sereysothea.sao@capred.org

Moreinfo:  https://www.capred.org

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Investment Consultancy Firm for Investment Readiness (CAPRED)__Deadline:08-April
Position: Investment Consultancy Firm for Investment Readiness (CAPRED)__Deadline:08-April
Cambodia Jobs
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