Position: PROJECT EVALUATION to Consultant to Conduct the Final Evaluation for Project (WHH )__Deadline:15-February

Evaluation of ‘Support indigenous communities in Ratanakri to secure their right to land and contribute to improved FNS’ in Cambodia

On behalf of Welthungerhilfe and Non-Timber Forest Products, 



Project title:

Support indigenous communities in Ratanakri to secure their right to land and contribute to improved FNS

Project no.:


Project holder:

Welthungerhilfe and Non-Timber Forest Products

Approved budget:

EUR 560,000

Co-financer (line):

BMZ Private Agencies

Project period:

01/10/2020 - 30/04/2024

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in Germany operating in the humanitarian assistance and development fields. It was established in 1962, as the German section of the “Freedom from Hunger Campaign”, one of the world’s first initiatives aimed at the eradication of hunger. Welthungerhilfe’s work is still dedicated to the following vision: All people have a right to a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.

In 2022, Welthungerhilfe and its partner organizations ran 603 international projects in 37 countries with an overall financing volume of EUR 287.4 million, comprised of private donations, public national and international funds.

In addition, Welthungerhilfe operates a marketing and fundraising department in Germany to engage and educate a wider public in development-related topics and to mobilize funds from currently more than 80,000 permanent private donors.


Welthungerhilfe has been active in Cambodia since 2003, with a focus on strengthening agriculture, improving food security, and promoting human rights. WHH has a longstanding experience of working with rural communities and pursues an integrated partner-approach, including both rights-based and social objectives: enabling the rural poor, particularly ethnic minority communities to secure their livelihoods and address the root causes of hunger and poverty through own efforts. The Cambodia programme was combined under Myanmar in 2018.

WHH’s implementing partner for this project is a local NGO, Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP). NTFP was founded in 1996 and it’s vision is for the people of Cambodia, especially indigenous people, to have improved livelihoods in a conducive environment. NTFP has extensive local knowledge and access to indigenous communities and has played a critical role in supporting indigenous people to secure their rights to land and natural resources.

NTFP has four main programmes –
1.    Natural resource management.
2.    Community and livelihood development.
3.    Child rights and education (including non-formal education).
4.    Conservation and bio-diversity.

NTFP operates in three provinces in northern Cambodia: Ratanakiri, Stung Treng and Preah Vihear.

The partnership between WHH and NTFP was established in April 2022, when the current project co-financed by BMZ, was handed over to NTFP.

The project ‘Support indigenous communities in Ratanakri to secure their right to land and contribute to improved FNS’ has been implemented since 1 October 2020 and will end 30 April 2024.

The final evaluation will evaluate progress and achievements of the project towards its expected outcomes and outputs, particularly in terms of the project's relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. The final evaluation will also review the project’s overall approach, the specific implementation methodologies and organizational set up, and consider possible short comings and gaps.

The final evaluation will take place when the project’s field implementation is finished. However, some small activities may be continuing.

The final evaluation serves two purposes:
1)    accounting for the project’s outcomes regarding the project’s stakeholders, in particular its participants and the donor.
2)    Provide learnings and recommendations for the design of a follow-up project which is envisaged to build on this project’s achievements.

The evaluation to be conducted is a final evaluation and covers the project period from 1 October 2020 to 29 February 2024. In terms of scope, the evaluation will focus on the target groups in 20 villages over 3 districts in Ratanakiri Province in Cambodia, and the activities as outlined in the project proposal, which will be provided to the selected evaluator(s).

Objectives and expected results



Overall objective

The land rights of indigenous communities in Ratanikiri are secure and their food and nutrition security and livelihood sustainably protected and improved.

Specific objective

19 communities have land titles that are secure and 20 communities generate increased income from their agricultural production and diversified their diets to meet their dietary needs.

Result 1

19 indigenous communities are awarded Community Land Titles (CLTs) and contingency support for conflict resolution is in place.

Result 2

Income and financial resources of 20 target indigenous communities are improved from farming and non-farming activities.

Result 3

Women and children from 20 indigenous communities have improved knowledge on nutrition and have improved access to diverse diets and the implementing partner has improved its capacity in nutrition related interventions and monitoring.

The intended users of the evaluation are the donor BMZ, the project partner NTFP, and Welthungerhilfe (both the Myanmar/Cambodia country office and the German headquarters). Further users are the project participants of the target communities. Other secondary users are civil society organizations working in similar thematic areas as NTFP and local authorities.

NTFP and Welthungerhilfe will use the results to improve activities and targeting in future projects. The donor will receive a copy of the final report, and project participants will be informed about the results of the project evaluation.




1. Relevance

To what extent is the project relevant in its design in relation to stakeholders’ needs and priorities?

-          How far is the project design appropriate regarding the intended outcomes?

-          Which  interventions  were  perceived  as  particularly  beneficial  by  different participating groups?

-          To what extent is the overall planning of good quality, including the quality of the logframe and defined results?

-          To what extent were the respective indicators adequate and realistic?

-          How far has planning considered gender aspects?

-          Did the project consider particularly vulnerable or marginalized groups?

-          Were all groups within the affected communities aware of how to give feedback on the activities and did they feel safe using these channels?

2. Coherence

To what extent is the intervention compatible with other interventions in the region and sector?

-          To what extent do other interventions (particularly policies) support or undermine the intervention?

-          To what extent does the project complement other interventions in the area?

-          To what extent does the intervention add value while avoiding duplication of effort?

3. Efficiency

To what extent is the intervention delivering or is likely to deliver, results in an economic and timely way?

-          Are the resources invested adequate compared to the results achieved?

-          To what extent has the use of project resources been appropriate regarding the achieved outputs / outcomes?

-          How can the project efficiency be rated (high/medium/low) and why?

-          How efficient is the overall management (including operational) of the project?

-          Was the project delivery timely?

-          If project adjustments were made, were they made reasonably according to the demands of the evolving context?

-          Have coordination structures and competencies of other organizations been made use of during project implementation?

4. Effectiveness

To what extent has the intervention achieved, or is expected to achieve, the objectives and results, including any differential results across groups?

-          Have men/women/boys/ girls benefited differently from project interventions?

-          Which indications are there, that the achieved outcomes can be attributed to the interventions of the project?

-          How did external factors including anticipated risks positively or negatively influence the achievement of the outcomes?

-          How has the implementing partner dealt with any negative factors (risks) and applied relevant means to circumvent/overcome them?

-          In how far has participatory monitoring by communities and project participants helped to advance the project’s achievements?

5. Sustainability

To what extent do the net benefits of the intervention continue, or are likely to continue?


-          How likely is it that positive project outcomes will continue in the medium and long- term, after the end of the project (both for project participants and possibly others)?

-          Are there any factors threatening the sustainability of project outcomes? If yes, how does the project seek to mitigate these risks?

-          To what extent have local self-help capacities of the target communities been strengthened to be better placed to advocate for their interests?

-          Which linkages have been established with local authorities that are likely to be maintained by the target communities for future engagement?

-          Has a clear transition and/or exit strategy been developed in consultation with concerned people and other relevant stakeholders?

6. Impact

Which positive and negative changes has the development intervention produced, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended?

-          Which impact did the intervention have on the local social, economic, environmental, and other development indicators?

-          Is the project contributing to improved food and nutrition security outcomes? If yes, how?

-          Is the project contributing to systemic changes, for example to improved rights, improved infrastructure, better service provision?

-          Is there any indication that the improved agricultural practices might spill-over to other geographical areas?

-          In how far can spill-over effects from secured sustainable land use already be observed (for example, higher agricultural yields and improved income)?

-          In how far did the social framework and status of indigenous communities improve due to their involvement in local discussions and dialogue, for example with authorities?

-          Are there any unintended outcomes (positive and negative)?

A final agreement on the evaluation design and methodology will be discussed based on the submitted offer and the inception report.
In general –
-The evaluation methodology must include sex-age-disaggregated data, showing how men, women, boys and girls have benefitted from the project.
-The methods and data sources should be triangulated for enhancing the validity of evaluation findings.
-Existing data (for example, baselines, endlines, secondary data, data stemming from the project feedback and complaints mechanism) must be included, where appropriate, for the evaluation’s purpose and scope.

The focus persons for the evaluator(s) will be the Welthungerhilfe Head of Programmes and MEAL Expert.
Access to communities will be supported by the implementing partner NTFP.

The following deliverables are expected to be produced by the evaluator(s) in standard American English:

8.1    Inception Report
Due date – 4 working days after the briefing meeting or contracting.
Format - 4 to 6 pages for the main text without front page, table of contents and annexes. The template will be provided to the evaluator(s) after contracting.
The inception report should –
-    Set out the planned design and methodology to meet the above-mentioned objectives and to answer the evaluation questions, or where needed specify the evaluation questions further.
-    Reflect the limits of the suggested design and methodology and the feasibility for answering the evaluation questions based on the ToRs.
-    Describe the overall approach of the evaluation and how data will be collected by providing an evaluation matrix, drafts of suggested data collection tools such as questionnaires and interview guidelines as well as a tentative evaluation schedule.

The inception report will require the approval of the contracting party.

8.2    Field Mission Report
Due date – 2 working days after the end of the field mission.
Format – 2 to 4 pages for the main text without front page, table of contents and any annexes; and a PowerPoint presentation to be presented in the debriefing.

The field mission report should –
-    Outline the most important findings of the field mission.
-    Include preliminary recommendations.

8.3    Final Evaluation Report
Draft report due date – latest 7 working days after the end of the field mission. Final report due date – latest 10 working days after the end of the field mission.
Format – 25 to 35 pages main text, including an executive summary of maximum 5 pages, but excluding the front page, table of contents and annexes. The executive summary is to be in English and German language.

The final report should –
-    Include mandatory annexes.
-    Describe the evaluation methodology.
-    Include the evaluation results.
-    Include recommendations for future projects in the region and activity improvement. A standard outline for the evaluation report will be provided to the evaluator(s).
The final report needs the approval of the contracting party. In case of dissent there should be documentation of the matter.

8.4    Photographs
Due date – together with draft report.
Format – Digital file with up to 5 photos in JPEG format. The photos should –
-    Document the evaluation process, for example, of group discussions, interviews.
-    As a prerequisite have the informed consent of the persons presented.

Welthungerhilfe  has  an  approved  budget  from  the  Federal  Ministry  of  Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), towards the costs of the evaluation.
Available data will be provided to the evaluators (baseline and endline).

The total consultancy period is estimated to be the equivalent of 19 working days between 1 March 2024 and 30 March 2024.

-    4 days preparation (including inception report)
-    10 days field phase
-    5 days report writing International travel days are extra.

All documents and data acquired from documents as well as during interviews and meetings are confidential and to be used solely for the purpose of the evaluation.

The deliverables as well as all material linked to the evaluation (produced by the evaluator(s) or the organization itself) is confidential and remains at all times the property of the contracting party.

The evaluator(s) will hold the following expertise and qualifications, in line with the current and planned project thematic areas:
-    A master’s degree in research or a development related field.
-    Expertise and extensive knowledge in the field of food and nutrition security, civil society strengthening, governance, gender empowerment and livelihoods promotion.
-    Experience  in  conducting  evaluations  for  BMZ-funded  projects  or  other  major institutional donors.
-    Prior experience of working in Cambodia or in South Asia with a similar assignment will be advantageous.

13.1    Contents
Applicants must provide a technical and financial offer consisting of the following -
-    A reference to the perceived feasibility of the ToR.
-    A description of the overall design and methodology of the evaluation and workplan (maximum 4 pages).
-    The proposed budget for the complete evaluation. It should state the fees per working day (plus the respective VAT, if applicable), the number of working days proposed and any other costs (for example visa costs).
-    Proof of professional registration and tax number.
-    Point of departure for the field mission.
-    CV with references.

Additional information -
-    It is not required to include travel costs, accommodation and per diems in the financial offer as such costs will be covered by Welthungerhilfe in line with German legislation (Bundesreisekostenrecht).
-    All insurances are the responsibility of the evaluator(s).
-    Laptops need to be provided by the evaluator(s).
-    Welthungerhilfe  and  NTFP  staff  will  facilitate  community  entry  and  contacts  to interviewees.
-    Translators, if required, will not be provided by Welthungerhilfe.
-    The cost of preparation of the financial and technical proposals is neither reimbursable nor can be considered as a direct cost of the project.

13.2    Submission Details and Deadline
All offers for the evaluation are to be signed or should include the phrase “valid without signature”.

Offers are to be submitted with the following reference in the email subject line – ‘KHM1062 – Evaluation – Name of Applicant’
to Than Than Zaw (she), Welthungerhilfe MEAL Expert, via email at the address below - thanthan.zaw@welthungerhilfe.de

Offers will be accepted from individual consultants, commercial companies, NGOs and academics until 15 February 2024, 5 pm Myanmar time (GMT+5:30).

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: PROJECT EVALUATION to Consultant to Conduct the Final Evaluation for Project (WHH )__Deadline:15-February
Position: PROJECT EVALUATION to Consultant to Conduct the Final Evaluation for Project (WHH )__Deadline:15-February
Cambodia Jobs
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