The Skills Development Fund (SDF) project has been piloted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) since March 2018 to test a new and innovative financing mechanism in order to promote demand-driven and sustainable skills development with the ultimate objectives of diversifying and increasing value addition of Cambodia’s Economy as well as creating better and well- paid jobs for Cambodian citizens.
As a result of the implantation so far until July 2023, the SDF has approved 100 training projects in priority sectors such as Manufacturing, Construction, ICT, Electronics, Automotive and Tourism amounted 6 million USD worth of training grant for 11,309 trainees (37% female) under the cost- sharing and joint-training model between industry and training providers (public, private and NGO). With this success, the Royal Government of Cambodia has transformed this pilot project into a TRUST FUND under the name of Skills Development Fund (SDF) (Sub-Decree 97.RNK.BK dated May 18, 2023) with the Board of Director comprised of the MEF, relevant line ministries and industry leaders. To date, the SDF has received fundings from the Royal Government of Cambodia, and development partners such as the ADB and AFD. The mission of the SDF is to stimulate pragmatic partnership between employers and training providers.
It is required to conduct tracer studies of graduates from the skill training projects when they are completed. Therefore, SDF is going to recruit a consulting firm to evaluate the completed training projects which received fund support from RGC. There are 19 completed projects with 21 skills that the selected consulting firm will be responsible for the tracer studies.
B. Objectives of this Assignment
The general objective of this assignment is to trace the trainees graduating from 19 awarded training projects in terms of their employment status and salary levels (excluding allowances and benefits) and to assess if the training projects achieved on the employment rates and salary rates they were aiming at in the proposals they submitted to SDF. The specific objectives are:
- Trace if the graduates is employed or not employed within 3 months after the training completion as indicated by reports by the training projects
- Verify and record salary (excluding allowances and benefits) of each graduates and compared them with reports by training projects
- Calculate percentage of employment of training projects and compared them with employment rate the project committed to see if they achieve their intended targets
- Calculate the average monthly salary of graduates (excluding allowances and benefits) and compared them with salary rate the project committed to see if they achieve their intended targets
The consultants shall conduct the study with the following scopes.
- The selected consulting firm shall develop a structured questionnaire, tools, and survey plan for collection of the necessary and required information from the representative number of graduating trainees. The questionnaire should include the general information of the graduating trainees, employment status and the monthly salary of the graduating trainees, and other questions that will help the consultants to analyze and deliver the above expected results. The salary in this assignment should exclude allowances and benefits that the persons receive. The salary of each graduate shall be verified by their pay slip if possible. The allowances and benefits shall be calculated separately as value of money.
- The interview shall be conducted online using the designed questionnaire. The study should include both quantitative and qualitative data analyses including the analysis of the employment status and the salary range. The client will provide a list indicating which training projects the graduating trainees attended, and the consultants shall analyze the data per a given training project. The consultants will be requested to develop the research methods and materials as well as this analysis method in the inception report after contracting.
- Definition: Regarding the terms of employment, the consulting firm shall refer to the definition defined by the National Institute of Statistics, the Ministry of Planning, in the Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey 2014 as following:
- Status in Employment: “the status of an economically active person with respect to his or her employment. That is, whether he or she is an employer, own-accountant workers, employee, unpaid family worker or other, etc.”.
- Employed: All persons who worked at least one hour during the reference period, the past seven days, or had a job/economic activity from which they were temporary absent are employed. Unpaid family workers are included in employed.”
- Unemployed: “comprises all persons who during the reference period, the past seven days, were without work, were currently available for work and were actively seeking work. All three criteria must be fulfilled simultaneously”.
No |
Name of Training Project |
Contract Number |
By School |
Training Type |
Number of Trainees |
1. |
Production Sewing Skill |
SDF-R2-01 |
Upskilling |
157 |
2. |
Building Electrical Installation & Aircon Install |
SDF-R2-02 |
Upskilling |
150 |
3. |
Networking |
SDF-R2-03 |
Sunrise |
Upskilling |
15 |
4. |
Electricity |
SDF-R2-04 |
Upskilling |
30 |
5. |
Electric& Computer Repair |
SDF-R2-05 |
Pre-employment |
90 |
6. |
LED Installation |
SDF-R2-06 |
Pre-employment |
15 |
7. |
Merchandising& Industrial Engineering |
SDF-R2-07 |
Pre-employment |
25 |
8. |
Transformative Software Engineering |
SDF-R2-08 |
Idealink |
Pre-employment |
20 |
9. |
Hospitality |
SDF-R2-09 |
Pre-employment |
50 |
10. |
IT Vocational Training |
SDF-R2-10 |
Pre-employment |
73 |
11. |
Software Engineering |
SDF-R2-11 |
Pre-employment |
80 |
12. |
Air-Conditioning |
SDF-R2-12 |
Pre-employment |
150 |
13. |
Global Distribution System Expert Training |
SDF-R2-13 |
BookMeBus |
Upskilling |
20 |
14. |
Automotive Services |
SDF-N2022-22 |
Pre-employment |
20 |
15. |
Refresher training for hoteliers |
SDF-T2022-01 |
Upskilling |
700 |
16. |
Refresher training for tour guides |
SDF-T2022-02 |
Upskilling |
200 |
17. |
Refresher Training for Travel Agents and Tour Operations |
SDF-T2022-03 |
Upskilling |
175 |
18. |
ToT for Tour Agents & Tour guides |
SDF-T2022-04 |
Upskilling |
49 |
19. |
Refresher Training on Housekeeping & Ethics |
28-July-22 |
Upskilling |
200 |
Refresher Training on Front Office & Ethics |
28-July-22 |
Upskilling |
200 |
Refresher Training on Food and Beverage Services & Ethics |
28-July-22 |
Upskilling |
100 |
Total |
2,519 |
The hired Firm/NGO will be responsible for the following tasks and deliverable:
No |
Key Tasks |
Indicative Date |
1. |
Develop inception report, containing methodology, instruments work plan and team arrangement |
2 weeks after contract was signed |
2. |
Hire and train sufficient number of data collectors to trace the sampled graduates |
2 weeks after the inception report was approved |
3. |
Conduct the field work of the tracer study |
3 weeks after the data collectors were trained |
4. |
Submit draft report and present findings from the study to SDF team and submit final report |
2 weeks after the data collection was completed |
The hired Firm/NGO will be working under direct supervision of SDF M&E division. The SDF M&E division will provide a list and contacts of graduates from 19 training projects and other information as requested by the firm to conduct the survey successfully. For the rest of tasks, it shall be performed by the hired firm.
F. Qualification Requirements
- Firm/NGO based in Cambodia
- Demonstrated experiences relevant to designing and executing tracer study or survey
- Demonstrated capacity in planning and logistics carrying out tracer study to trace job and wage of graduates from training projects or similar studies
- Demonstrated access to a network of personnel for data collection and data entry
- English is advantage
G. Payment Schedule
Tentative schedule for payments is as follows:
Terms of Payment |
1. |
First payment will be done after contract was signed |
2. |
Second payment will be done after data collection is completed and submission of draft report and presentation of findings |
3. |
Third payment will be done after submission final version of the report, incorporated comments from SDF team |
Interested Firm/NGO could submit technical and financial proposals to SDF, using their own proposal templates. Submission is requested to submit electronically to by 28 September 2023 at 5:00 pm.
I. Evaluation Criteria
SDF will use 5 criteria to evaluate the proposals (i) Strong experience of the firm in conducting tracer survey or similar surveys; (ii) Strong organization and management of the firm; (iii) Qualifications and practicality of the proposed methodology (iv) Qualifications of the proposed team and (v) Clear planning and organization of teams and tasks to ensure timely deliveries.
The weight for evaluation of proposals is: technical proposal 80% and financial proposal 20%.
J. Sample Size for Tracer Study
The sample size of each training project for tracer study is selected by using the formula of sample size selection with margin of error 3% and confidence level 95%. So, total sample size of 19 training projects for tracer study is 1,263 trainees (equal to 50% of total trainees). The sample size of each training project can be flexible based on the approval from the SDF but the total sample size has to be respected.
The below table is the detail sample size for tracer study in 19 training projects:
No |
Training Project |
Contract Number |
By School |
Training Type |
Number of Trainees |
Sample Size |
1. |
Production Sewing Skill |
SDF-R2-01 |
Upskilling |
157 |
88 |
2. |
Building Electrical Installation & Aicon Install |
SDF-R2-02 |
Upskilling |
150 |
86 |
3. |
Networking |
SDF-R2-03 |
Sunrise |
Upskilling |
15 |
14 |
4. |
Electricity |
SDF-R2-04 |
Upskilling |
30 |
26 |
5. |
Electric& Computer Repair |
SDF-R2-05 |
Pre-employment |
90 |
62 |
6. |
LED Installation |
SDF-R2-06 |
Pre-employment |
15 |
14 |
7. |
Merchandising& Industrial Engineering |
SDF-R2-07 |
Pre-employment |
25 |
22 |
8. |
Transformative Software Engineering |
SDF-R2-08 |
Idealink |
Pre-employment |
20 |
18 |
9. |
Hospitality |
SDF-R2-09 |
Pre-employment |
50 |
40 |
10. |
IT Vocational Training |
SDF-R2-10 |
Pre-employment |
73 |
54 |
11. |
Software Engineering |
SDF-R2-11 |
Pre-employment |
80 |
57 |
12. |
Air-Conditioning |
SDF-R2-12 |
Pre-employment |
150 |
86 |
13. |
Global Distribution System Expert Training |
SDF-R2-13 |
BookMeBus |
Upskilling |
20 |
18 |
14. |
Automotive Services |
SDF-N2022-22 |
Pre-employment |
20 |
18 |
15. |
Refresher training for hoteliers |
SDF-T2022-01 |
Upskilling |
700 |
157 |
16. |
Refresher training for tour guides |
SDF-T2022-02 |
Upskilling |
200 |
101 |
17. |
Refresher Training for Travel Agents and Tour Operations |
SDF-T2022-03 |
Upskilling |
175 |
94 |
18. |
ToT for Tour Agents & Tour guides |
SDF-T2022-04 |
Upskilling |
49 |
39 |
19. |
Refresher Training on Housekeeping & Ethics |
28-July-22 |
Upskilling |
200 |
101 |
Refresher Training on Front Office & Ethics |
28-July-22 |
Upskilling |
200 |
101 |
Refresher Training on Food and Beverage Services & Ethics |
28-July-22 |
Upskilling |
100 |
67 |
Total |
2,519 |
1,263 |
Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!