Key Responsibilities:
World Vision Cambodia's strategy from FY17-FY22 focuses on the main four Technical Programmes Health & Nutrition, Education and Life Skills, Child Protection, and Youth with three Supporting Approaches Advocacy, Economic Resilience and Livelihood, and Disaster Risk Reduction. Diversity of income is one component to support the national strategy through the Grant and PNS project in order to contribute to the well-being of children in the community.
The Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer role will be focused on; first, leading Grant/PNS assessment, baseline, mid-term, monitoring, and evaluation by ensuring high quality and standard M&E practice, second, s/he is overseeing data integrity by having and ensuring the data collection process is meeting the quality and standard requirement for all Grant/PNS projects across the organization, third, S/he is performing a data analysis for all Grant/PNS project, and to see a significant change for decision making, fourth, ensuring the Grant/PNS project M&E standard is align/contribute to national strategy and response to donor requirement, and fifth, s/he is leading Area Development Programme end-program evaluation.
- Performing evidence analysis function of Grant/PNS projects and evidence-based summary reports for the attention of WVC senior leadership and management team as appropriate.
- Data analysis for all Grant/PNS projects for decision-making for resource acquisition.
- Led assessment, baseline, mid-term, monitoring, and evaluation for all Grant/PNS projects with technically sound and align with the Monitoring and Evaluation standard and donor requirements.
- Guiding all Grant/PNS projects in designing Monitoring and Evaluation to meet the donor expectation and align with WVI-C Monitoring and Evaluation guidance.
- Leading Area Development Programme end-evaluation.
- Cooperating with the consultant to conduct baseline, mid-term, or evaluation surveys which included statistical sampling methodology, database, and data management for grant and PND-funded projects.
- Ensuring the quality of the data collection process is acceptable for all Grant/PNS projects and Area Development Programme end-evaluation.
- Lead capacity building and leading the development of associated training resources/ curricula for WVC stakeholders, especially grant and PNS Monitoring and Evaluation project staff.
As part of the World Vision International-Cambodia mandate requirements for new staff, all candidates who are offered jobs are required to produce Local Police Clearance Certificate prior to the date of joining the organization.
- At least 5 years experience in project M&E or program/project management
- Bachelor's degree in Social Science or a related field
- Degree or certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation program/project management or research study
- Experience with big Grant project baseline, monitoring, and evaluation
Please copy the job title and location to be your title ONLY and attach your completed Application Form, CV, and Cover Letter to the link apply above.
Please follow this link for WV Application Form. If you have any challenges accessing the link above, please call or telegram to 086 623 723.
Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!