Position: Consultant to Produce Evidence-base Report on the Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception (Banteay Srei)__Deadline:24Jul

Position Title:    Consultant to produce evidence-base report on the Knowledge, attitude, and perception (KAP)
Organization:    Banteay Srei (BS)
Reporting to:    Gender and Advocacy Coordinator and Executive Director
Length    of Assignment:    1st Aug- 15th September 2023

1.    Background
Banteay Srei (Citadel of Women) is a registered Cambodian NGO with over twenty years of experience working with poor and poorest vulnerable Cambodian women and communities in rural areas to promote women in political, economic, and social development. Banteay Srei organization is evolved from the International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA), an Australian NGO, and has become a leading Cambodian NGO in the areas of building women’s leadership in rural areas, strengthening women’s participation in local community development processes, promoting gender equality and women’s rights, and increasing community action on positive gender relations and against gender-based violence in Siem Reap and Battambang.

Gender Based Violence (GBV) has been broadly recognized as a violation of human rights, which is considered as an issue of social and economic cost to individuals, communities, and countries. Sexual harassment and violence at workplace are also forms of GBV which can result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life.

To date, there are very few studies conducted to provide robust evidence and up-to-date data on sexual harassment issues in Cambodia, especially in the workplace. There was a study done by ILO a decade ago (2012) to explore sexual harassment among garment workers. There are very limited efforts undertaken to understand the issues of sexual harassment and violence among workers in informal economy, e.g. entertainment or sex workers, who are at higher risks. However, through BS’s Safe House and Peace Centre program, it showed that few harassment cases were reported and addressed by local authorities. The gaps and exceptions in the laws combined with social values make women increasingly vulnerable to violence. There appears to be a relatively widespread reluctance to address VAW cases through formal law enforcement and judicial channels unless the violence is deemed to be severe or “very serious.” The lack of linkages and coordination between sectors (e.g., judicial, law enforcement, health, social services) increase the barriers to accessing necessary support. Despites harassment at workplace, entertainment or sex workers are being discriminated by others. With this, Banteay Srei is now in the process of conducting a study on Gender Based Violence: sexual harassment and violence at formal workplace among private sectors, including bank, restaurant, hotels, entertainment workplace etc to understand the context harassment and violence happens ranking from recruitment process, during employment and ending contract. The research is expected to be released at the end of 2023.

To empower community-based organizations that have been trained by Banteay Srei to understand about evidence-based advocacy, Banteay Srei is conducting another research which complemented the current one. The research is aiming at looking into harassment and violence that happened to community people or informal sector including farmers, and small business at the community. BS is looking for a consultant to conduct a field study and produce an evidence-based report on the Knowledge, Attitude and Perceptions (KAP) of community people on gender-based violence and harassment, and to provide capacity building to our community-based organizations. The goal of the research is to empower community-based organizations to equip them with knowledge and skills in producing or involving in evidence research-based, and to produce the data information for advocacy and education outreach’s purpose.

2.    Objective of the KAP Report
To provide the valuable insight of gender-based violence and harassment in formal sector such as farmer and small business in the community of BS target area (Battambang and Siem Reap)
To provide training on the participatory research to our key’s staff and community-based organization, and engage them in the process of doing the research
To look-into more information in order to complement the current research on sexual harassment at workplace research at formal sector

3.    Proposed Methodology
The report will be conducted in the participatory approach where engage BS community-based organisation members in Battambang and Siem Reap by engaging our CBO in all process of the report finding including capacity building on data collection, data entry, data analysis, and not to mention, from the start till the end of the report. Below are some listing points:
  • Desk review
  • Research design
  • Collect input from BS
  • Finalise research design
  • Questionnaire development
  • Collect input from BS
  • Questionnaire testing
  • Finalise questionnaire and translation
  • Design Kobo Toolbox – CAPI
  • Training to field supervisors and data collectors
  • Field data collection
  • Data cleaning
  • Data analysis
  • Present preliminary findings and collect input
  • First draft report
  • Second draft report
  • Final report
  • Report translations

4.    Expected Deliverables
An evidence-based report on the Knowledge, Attitude, and Perceptions (KAP) of communities on gender-based violence will be produce with participatory approach

5.    Key Timelines and Milestones
The assignment is planned to complete during the period from 07th July 2023- 15th September 2023, from the recruitment of consultancy team to the final report is produced.




Expected Results


Preparation by


·     Develop consultant’s workplan

·     Conduct relevant literature


·     Evaluation workplan and

timeframe are developed.

·     Evaluation instruments (examples: matrix with key questions and means of



·     Develop methodology (sampling procedure, data collection schedule, identify key interviewees, question guide, etc.).

·     Organize or arrange meeting with BS to collect input

·     Questionnaire testing

·     Finalise questionnaire and translation

·     Design Kobo Toolbox CAPI


verification, questionnaires,

interview protocols, interview methodologies, etc.)

·     Conduct consultation meeting on finding of literature review with BS management team


Provide the training to

field supervisor and data collectors

·     Develop training curriculum

·     Provide 2 and half-day training to key staff and CBO and pilot a half-day questionnaire testing at the field




Support the trained data

collectors in data collection

·     Meeting with community members (CBOs)

·     Meetings with key relevant NGO networks


·     Finish 1st draft of finding

report in English and submit to BS management team for review


Data  Entry,  Data  cleaning,  and

data analysis




Presentation of findings to

BS management team and CBO

·     Organize meeting(s) with BS to present preliminary findings and recommendations as well as to collect feedback which will help in finalizing the report


·     Share a slide presentation of

findings to BS management team and CBO for review

·     Send attachment of all relevant documentation and recordings for verification to BS

·     Incorporate the feedback into report


Revision of 1st  Reporting

·     Do revision of the 1st draft report of evidence-based


·     A draft is submitted to BS

management team and CBOs for final feedback.


report on the Knowledge,

Attitude, and Perceptions (KAP)




Presentation of findings to

key stakeholders

·     Conduct a presentation in a validation workshop with key stakeholders


·     Incorporate the feedback

from key stakeholders into a report


Submission of a Final


·     Send a final report in English and Khmer, incorporating the prior reports from the 1st and 2nd deliverables and add final recommendations to create a unified final document.




Total Days

27 days


6.    Arrangement
The consultant will work under the supervision of Gender and Advocacy Coordinator, and BS Program Manager with support from M&E and Provincial Coordinators in both Siem Reap and Battambang. The consultant will bring his/her own personal computer to conduct this assignment.

7.    Degree of Expertise and Qualifications
a.    Education:
  • At least Master’s degree in gender, law, development studies, international relations, or other related disciplines
b.    Experience:
  • At least seven years of relevant professional work experience in women’s rights, in particular on ending violence against women (VAW)
  • Experience in conducting field and desk research focused on gender-based violence, service provision, referrals and response, gender equality and justice and other related issues.
  • Experience working in consultation with government actors
  • Experience in providing training to field staff and CBO
c.    Competencies:
  • In-depth knowledge and understanding of the social, cultural, and political context of Cambodia and its relation to gender and VAW
  • Solid experience in undertaking research in coordination with the government and NGOs in Cambodia would be an asset
  • Fluency in English (both oral and written)
  • Fluency in Khmer is an advantage
  • Excellent skills in planning, goal-setting and prioritization
  • Proven technical knowledge in violence against women, GBV, gender analysis and the design of participatory assessments and consultations
  • Excellence communication and interpersonal skills
  • Passionate about gender equality and women’s empowerment, with a strong motivation and determination to improve outcomes for women
8.    Application Information
•    Banteay Srei provides equal opportunities for employees and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, or disabilities, and is fully committed to child protection to prevent children from all forms of abuse.
•    Women are strongly encouraged to apply.
•    Application Package:
-    Application letter explaining why the candidate is the most suitable and CV.
-    At least one writing sample product(s) in which authorship attribution is clear.
-    Financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount breaking down the professional fee by day and relevant travel cost, if any.

Interested and qualified candidates should  send applications to Banteay Srei by email: pfo@banteaysrei.info or to Phnom Penh office: #19B, Street 145, Sangkat Phsar Doeum Tkov, Khann Chamcar Mon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia by 24th July 2023.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply! 



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Consultant to Produce Evidence-base Report on the Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception (Banteay Srei)__Deadline:24Jul
Position: Consultant to Produce Evidence-base Report on the Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception (Banteay Srei)__Deadline:24Jul
Cambodia Jobs
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