Position: Consultancy on sexual and reproductive Health education in disability field (Damnok Toek)__Deadline:30Jun

Young people with disabilities are among the most vulnerable to sexual violence and victimization. Damnok Toek (DT) is currently seeking a Sexual and Health Education consultant to develop a curriculum and training for young adults with disabilities. DT seeks to ensure its residents with disabilities in Kep and Neak Loeung have access to relevant, inclusive and affirming sex education that can help them achieve autonomy and self-care with regards to their own sexuality, identities and relationships. The consultant shall also be responsible for determining gaps in DT staff’s current knowledge of sexual and health education and how to incorporate it into existing practices and policies for programs working with children, adolescents and adults, both in residential and outreach-type projects.


In particular, the consultancy aims at:

  • Assess baseline of staff’s knowledge of sexual and health education for young adults with intellectual disabilities. The consultant will interview key staff on both sites on the topic and will conduct a needs analysis of key content to be integrated into the programming regarding sexual and health education.
  • Review the existing curriculum and teaching materials on sexual health for children with disabilities and the identify barriers to the implementation of this curriculum
  • Adapt or create a new curriculum/ curricula and teaching materials on sexual and health education for children and young adults with intellectual disabilities of differing levels of independence, aiming at the educators and staff with assigned responsibilities.
  • Propose activities to integrate key content on sexual and health education into the day-to-day routines of the beneficiaries of the projects, both in residential and outreach activities.
  • Review current policies and practices in residences that affect sexual and reproductive health including protection policies, room-sharing arrangements, management of relationships between residents, support for transgender residents, etc. and develop recommendations on how to optimize practice to ensure and positive sexual and reproductive health environment.
  • Review current practice of contraception administration for residents and make recommendations to ensure practice is aligned with international standards for consent and best interests’ decisions.


  • A brief document with the main findings of the assessment on the knowledge on sexual and health education of DT staff working directly with children and young adults with disabilities, a review of the current curriculum and materials, barriers to implementation of the current training programme, and recommendations for how to overcome barriers to implementation
  • A training plan for Kep and Neak Loeung, including identification of trainers to be trained, a plan for providing the training and a plan for refresher training
  • A systematized training curriculum on sexual and health education for children and young adults adapted to the Cambodian context to train DT staff, including facilitator’s manual, participant’s manual, PowerPoint presentations, pre- and post-test forms, training evaluation sheet, and training resources checklist adapted to DT’s mission, values and type of projects;
  • A train the trainers for staff who will be responsible for providing the training in the future with a report on the training including recommendations on whether further training is needed for this staff or they are able to train independently
  • Participation in the training of children and young adults with disabilities with the new trainers. A report on the training should be provided complete with an analysis of challenges and recommendations.
  • A document outlining procedures for optimising the environment to ensure good sexual and reproductive health for Kep and Neak Loeung residents.
  • Develop material and guidelines to incorporate sexual and health education content into the daily routine activities with the residents, including but not limited to:
    • Understanding safe and healthy sexual activity including sexually transmitted infections and contraceptive methods
    • Learning how to confirm or deny consent
    • Identifying physical boundaries and exercising bodily autonomy including naming and identifying the own body parts
    • Understanding the components of a healthy relationship identifying unhealthy and unfair treatment looks like or feels like
    • Developing healthy body image and self-esteem and establishing a sense of self-worth
  • Handover of the assignment material to DT’s Head of Programmes and other relevant staff

Minimum qualifications and competences:

  • Education and experience: Social work or related field and extensive experience on sexual and health education with children and young adults with disabilities. Experience in developing countries in Cambodia or Southeast Asia would be valuable.
  • Experience advising NGOs or projects with young and adults with disabilities on issues related to sexual and reproductive health.
  • Fluent in English; Khmer language is valuable.

To apply:

Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV, and list of three references to: admin_hr@damnoktoek.org before 30th June 2023. In your cover letter, you should describe your experience in the field of children and young adults with disabilities, and your experience performing similar assessments and trainings in NGO settings. Applications of a team consisting of a team leader and a team, of maximum two, are also welcome to ensure coverage of the expertise required and adaptability to the Cambodian context.

Moreinfo: https://damnoktoek.org/work-for-us

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply! 



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Consultancy on sexual and reproductive Health education in disability field (Damnok Toek)__Deadline:30Jun
Position: Consultancy on sexual and reproductive Health education in disability field (Damnok Toek)__Deadline:30Jun
Cambodia Jobs
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