Position: Programme Specialist in Food Security and Food Systems (FAO)__Deadline:31May

Closure Date: 31/May/2023, 4:59:00 AM
Organizational Unit: FACMB
Job Type: Non-staff opportunities
Type of Requisition: Consultant / PSA (Personal Services Agreement)
Grade Level: N/A
Primary Location: Cambodia-Phnom Penh
Duration: 180 days within 11 months

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) contributes to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through the FAO Strategic Framework by supporting the transformation to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems, for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind. The main aim of the FAO Representation in Cambodia is to assist government to develop policies, programmes and projects to achieve food security and to reduce hunger and malnutrition, to help develop the agricultural, fisheries and forestry sectors, and to use their environmental and natural resources in a sustainable manner.

The Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) project supports the Royal Government of Cambodia in moving forward with food systems transformations according to the general guidelines of the Roadmap for Food Systems for Sustainable Development 2030, focusing on specific areas that are identified and designated as game changing for food systems transformation. The project focuses on food system transformation for sustainable development through stronger policy guidelines, monitoring and evaluation frameworks and advocacy for sustainable food systems in Cambodia by working with all stakeholders including at sub-national level, the private sector and consumers through multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder platforms to support dialogue, design, and coordination and reporting.

Reporting Lines
The Programme Specialist in Food Security and Food Systems reports directly to the Assistant FAO Representative (Programme) of the FAO Representation in Cambodia and technical oversight of lead technical officer in the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP). Under the overall supervision of the FAO Representative in Cambodia, and in close collaboration with international and national specialists, government counterparts, and other technical specialists, the incumbent will perform the tasks listed below.

Technical Focus
The Programme Specialist in Food Security and Food Systems takes the lead in the planning and implementation of all activities under project with focus on developing an improved framework for targets and indicators to support national strategies and plans, reflecting food systems and climate change linkages in policy and planning processes and related priorities and developing key messaging for food waste reduction.

Tasks and responsibilities

The Programme Specialist in Food Security and Food Systems will:
•    Provide technical support and overall coordinate project implementation with other experts and government counterparts, especially the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD);
•    Contribute to other thematic areas for the FAO Representation, including food systems, food safety, and nutrition, gender and social protection under the Technical Working Group for Food Security and Nutrition (TWG-FSN) chaired by CARD
•    Coordinate to support the design of an overarching M&E framework for food systems for sustainability to accommodate all relevant initiatives at international, national and sub-national level.
•    Test the M&E framework to determine its usefulness for reporting progress towards SDGs, international initiatives, national strategies and for FSN at sub-national level;
•    Stakeholder consultations including the National Nutrition Day and the World Food Safety to draft, validate and finalise recommendations for the incorporation of objectives, targets, indicators and responsibilities related to the integration of food security and nutrition and climate change linkages at the strategic level.
•    Review current status of work underway on food security, food control systems and food safety policy and support ongoing work across all sectors involved.
•    Identify and engage with relevant stakeholders including all Competent Authorities (CAs), the existing inter-ministerial committees, the Codex Committee, and Technical Working Groups, the private sector, development partners and consumer representatives to engage in a fully consultative and inclusive policy process.
•    Develop timelines and milestones for project activities and support participation of relevant stakeholders in the process, ensuring that men and women are equally represented.
•    Coordinate CAs to design, test and disseminate basic food safety messaging to serve their joint and specific needs for communications with key stakeholders (producers, processors, traders, schools, public consumers).
•    Promote international cooperation/advocate for best practices, increased policy dialogue and provides technical expertise at international/intergovernmental meetings;
•    Communicate with HQs and the Regional Office in preparing the relevant progress reports, discussion papers, briefs and  policies;
•    Advise on developing inclusive and sustainable food systems, involving producers, their organizations, other private sector actors, civil society organizations and government;
•    Advise on task organization, selection of consultants, and preparation of terms of reference and in ensuring the quality of outputs;
•    Represent the Organization at meetings and conferences, advocate for strategic partnerships, best practices and effective policy dialogue related to food security and nutrition, food system, social protection and gender, etc.;
•    Contribute to production of analytical works including technical briefs and documents on emerging issues and knowledge products on food systems, food safety, and nutrition, gender and social protection for the Representation;
•    Contribute to the resource mobilization activities as per FAO corporate strategy;
•    Support other initiatives and opportunities; and
•    Perform other tasks as required in order to deliver the above tasks.

Minimum Requirements
•    University degree in agriculture, food safety, nutrition, rural development or other relevant fields
•    At least five years of relevant experience   
•    Working knowledge (proficient – level C) of English and limited knowledge (intermediate – level B) of another FAO official language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish). For PSA, working knowledge of English.

FAO Core Competencies
•    Results Focus
•    Teamwork
•    Communication
•    Building Effective Relationships
•    Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement

Technical/Functional Skills
•    Systemic and analytical capacity on complex issues related to food system, food security and nutrition, agri-food system transformation;
•    Knowledge and experience on value chain development of agricultural products;
•    Experience with food systems and climate change linkages, food waste; food safety and quality;
•    Experience in organizing participatory processes and contribution to processes related to programme development through engagement of a wide range of stakeholders from the government, civil society, academia, and the private sector;
•    Proven experience and capacity in coordinating and leading the discussions with senior government officials;
•    Good analytical, presentation and training skills;
•    Proficient in relevant computer applications such as word processing tools, spreadsheets and statistical package (MS Office-Word, Excel, STATA etc.);
•    Demonstrated ability to work independently, handle multiple tasks, work under pressure and deliver assignments on time; and Leading, engaging, empowering and an excellent team player.

Moreinfo: https://jobs.fao.org/careersection/fao_external/jobdetail.ftl?job=2301403&tz=GMT%2B07%3A00&tzname=Asia%2FBangkok

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Programme Specialist in Food Security and Food Systems (FAO)__Deadline:31May
Position: Programme Specialist in Food Security and Food Systems (FAO)__Deadline:31May
Cambodia Jobs
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