The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF)
works to improve life for the poor and vulnerable people in Cambodia. It
is a membership organization that builds NGO cooperation and capacity,
supporting NGOFC networks and other civil society organizations to
engage in policy dialogue and debate. The NGOFC was created in the
1980s. It was localized in 2012 and registered with Ministry of Interior
(Sor Cho Nor #304 issued on 07 March 2012 by the MoI). Currently, the
NGOFC is coordinating 60 NGO members and secretariat of 12
network/working groups of NGOs with around 200 organisations as the
members of the group. The NGOFC has been operating 3 programmes in the
current strategic plan 2018 – 2023. The mid-term (3-year action plan
2018-2020) evaluation was conducted to review the progress, address
challenges, and further recommendations for developing the last 3-year
action plan 2021-2023. After mid-term review, the 3 programmes were
renamed from: 1) Land and Forestry Policy Programme (LFP) to Natural
Resource Governance Programme (NATGOV), 2) Environmental and Agriculture
Policy Programme (EAP) to Partnerships for Sustainable Growth (PASGRO)
Programme, and 3) National Development Policy Programme (NDP) to
Socio-Economic Equity Development Programme (SEED). Number of
development partners/donors such as AAC, AFSC, Caritas, CAPS,
Diakonia/Sida, DCA, Development and Peace, HEKS, EU, FCA, WWF, Bread for
the World, IUCN, IBP, ILC, NPA, MRLG, Oxfam, Mighty Earth, RECOFTC, GEF
SGP UNDP, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Voice for Mekong Forest provided
financial support to implement some and/or all these programmes
Since the current strategic plan 2018 – 2023 come to an end, thus we need to evaluate it and all programmes mentioned above, and more importantly to develop the new one for the period 2024 to 2030. The evaluation and new strategic planning will be conducted through participatory approaches where all key stakeholders such as NGOFÇ members, partners, government, development partners, private sectors and communities will be engaged in the process. For the new strategic plan, it will be based on key findings from the evaluation, consultations with the members, partners and the other key stakeholders as well as consult with UN 2015 development agenda (2016-2030), the Cambodian 20230 vision, and other sectoral policies, and development trends.
Overall Objective: The NGO Forum on Cambodia is going to develop new strategic plan for the period 2024 – 2030 aiming to evaluate the 2018-2023 strategic plan on its relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability and to draw lessons learnt, development trends and priorities which can be considered as the new direction for the NGOF.
Specific Objectives:
1. To evaluate the current
programmes against the objectives and indicators outlined in the
2018-2023 strategic plan and 5 Year Strategic Plan 2018-2023 and its
programmes/projects by looking at key achievements, key challenges,
lesson learnt, and key recommendations.
2. To design new strategic
plan 2024 – 2030 with participatory approaches, situational analysis,
and clear description of key priorities, strategic directions, outcomes
and impacts of the plan.
Outputs and timeframe
Two key results are expected to be delivered by the consultant/consultant team as follow:
Result 1: the evaluation report on the current strategic plan by the end of July 2023 The report includes: the body report covering each programme/project and its annexes such as questionnaires, list of participants, and list of documents reviewed.
Result 2: The strategic plan 2024-2030 and 3-year action plan 2024-2026 were developed by first week of September. They are the important documents outlining the vision, mission, goal and objectives of the organisation to achieve in the next seven years with 3-year action plan 2024-2026, which is strategically more focused, result-oriented and activities that NGOFC (all programmes and operational support) will do to achieve the set goal as followings:
Strategic plan 2024-2030
1. To revisit if vision, mission, goal
and core values of NGOF are still relevant to current political,
economic and social changes of Cambodia;
2. To set long-term objectives with indicators as milestone for the 7-year strategic plan;
3. To determine of leadership and strategic direction to the organisation;
4. To improve organisational effectiveness, efficiency, impact, accountability and resource mobilisation; and
To determine advocacy approaches and collaboration with the NGOFC
members, the Royal Government of Cambodia, development partners, private
sector, civil society and communities.
The 3-year action plan 2024-2026
1. To set medium-term objectives with indicators as milestone for accomplishing the 7-year strategic plan;
2. To set operational plan and expected outputs annually as pattern to the strategic plan;
3. To determine engagement and collaboration with stakeholder for result-oriented and minimizing work load.
All these documents are produced in English and Khmer.
The consultant/consultant team consists of two parts:
Part A: 15 days starting from June 10, 2023 focusing on the evaluation
of the current strategic plan and its programme/projects.
2. Part B:
10 working days. It is expected to be started in early July 2023 to the
end of August 2023 to develop the new strategic plan.
The detailed timeline, please find in the Terms of Reference.
An interested consultant shall have:
• Proven experience in NGO evaluation and strategic plan development;
Experienced in M&E, result-based management and strategic planning,
Strong background in developing logical framework, Sound understanding
of Cambodia’s social, economic and political development and trend,
• A degree in a development-related field, preferably at master level or higher;
Proven experience evaluation and planning on strategic advocacy of key
policy issues related to public financial reform, development,
environment, and land management;
• A good understanding of the NGO community in Cambodia, specifically civil society networks and membership organizations;
• In dept knowledge of NGOF’s 3 programmes;
• At least ten-year experiences in development work, preferably including experience in Cambodia;
• At least five-year experiences in advocacy or NGO networking;
• Strong cross-cultural understanding;
• Excellent listening skills;
• Excellent analytical and communication skills; and
• Excellent writing skills in Khmer and English.
How to apply
NGOF requests an expression of
interest from individual or consulting firms with the experience and
skills described above. The expression of interest shall include:
• Curriculum vitae detailing relevant skills and experience and including referees,
• Technical proposal highlighting key milestones with budget estimation,
• A cover letter describing how the skills and competencies mentioned above are met.
Qualified and interested consultant shall submit CVs, Cover letter, the technical research proposal to the NGO Forum via e-mail: no later than 31st May 2023 or CLICK HERE for ToR. For more details, please find the ToR. Only short-listed candidate will be contacted for interview.
Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!