Position: Consultant for the end-line survey and end project evaluation for Easy to Learn in Kampong Trabaek, Prey Veng KH01-07 (ChildFund Cambodia )__Deadline:10May

Term of Reference

The End-line survey and End Project Evaluation for Easy to Learn in Kampong Trabaek, Prey Veng KH01-075

  1. Organisational context

ChildFund Cambodia is the representative office of ChildFund Australia – an independent international development organisation that works to reduce poverty for children in developing communities.

ChildFund Australia is a member of the ChildFund Alliance – a global network of 12 organisations which assists almost 23 million children and their families in over 70 countries. ChildFund Australia is a registered charity, a member of the Australian Council for International Development, and fully accredited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade which manages the Australian Government’s overseas aid program.

ChildFund began working in Cambodia in 2007 and works in partnership to create community and systems change which enables vulnerable children and young people, in all their diversity, to assert and realise their rights. Projects are implemented in the rural districts of Svay Rieng, Kratie, Prey Veng and Battambang provinces, focused on improving living standards for excluded or marginalised communities.

With a focus on child protection and resilience, quality education, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, improved local governance, water and sanitation, and youth empowerment, ChildFund Cambodia is also working to strengthen the government’s policy frameworks to improve early grade reading performance through technology interventions, and build community-based child protection mechanisms.

ChildFund Cambodia implements its programs in collaboration with local civil society organisations, and in partnership with the relevant ministries and government departments.

Kampuchea Action to Promote Education (KAPE) a local NGO which is an expert on primary education, within their recent expansion active in Kampong Trabaek district and have shown keenness to engage in the project to promote the key features as the foundation of quality education. KAPE has been a key and strategic partner of CFC for many years in other locations with a proven record of quality project implementation and high technical competence on key features.

2. Background

The project seeks to promote students’ learning outcomes in early grade reading and mathematics and child-friendly school environments which play significant roles in quality education. These are consistent with government policies and which address supply and demand-side factors that depress educational access and quality. This calls for modulated approaches based on specific local needs and flexible project design. The project introduced and piloted the new approaches to improving both early grade reading and mathematics as a result of the MoEYS’s innovations to strengthen the learning performance of primary students of early grades in both subjects, Child-Friendly School methodology, Youth Outreach, and ICT applications. In collaboration with MoEYS’ relevant departments (e.g., Primary Education Department (PED), Department of Information Technology (DIT), Quality Assurance Department (QAD)…), the project was designed to ensure that young children acquire the basic tool skills, mainly in reading and Maths that are the key to all future academic success. Our commitment to innovation is demonstrated through our use installed applications of e-learning in the tablets.

The project design was based on 4-year experiences of E2L concept implementation in Svay Rieng and that in Kraite’s Chhlong district (KOICA-E2L), especially on the aspects of the Reading Package Approach to teaching early grade reading that is also supported by ChildFund Cambodia, the results of two CRSAs, and the stakeholder workshop in Prey Veng in October. At the beginning of project design, ChildFund Cambodia had undertaken a rapid school assessment in Prey Veng using a standardized and previously tested tool that is often used as part of its project design process. This assessment involved visits to schools under consideration for selection and extensive meetings with local stakeholders including POE/DOE officials, school directors, teachers, children, and community members. The assessment focuses on leadership ability among school directors, professionalism among teachers, views of children, and the commitment of the local community to education.

The E2L project has been working with the KAPE organization, which is a local NGO in the education sector in Cambodia. This non-profit organization implements projects and conducts research at all levels of the education sector in Cambodia, with beneficiaries in primary schools, secondary schools, and tertiary programs.

The goal of this project is: Primary school girls and boys with and without a disability in 11 target primary schools gain full access to quality education to improve their literacy and numeracy competence.

This goal will be achieved by the following specific objectives set as following:

Outcome 1: Improved access and retention of eligible primary school-aged girls and boys with and without a disability in target primary schools.

  • 330 additional girls and boys with and without a disability enrolled in school
  • Enrolment rates of primary school aged girls and boys with and without a disability increased by 6% from the baseline (annual target 2%)
  • 11 target primary schools report a decrease in drop-out rate each academic year compared to the baseline
  • 11 target schools reported a decrease in student’s absenteeism compared to the baseline


Outcome 2: Improved school environments and teaching and learning through activation of Child-Friendly School policy in target schools

  • and % of target primary schools with enhanced learning environments, WASH facilities and ICT infrastructure.
  • 70 % of enrolled girls and boys with and without a disability report access to and use of handwashing stations and private, safe, toilets
  • 11 target schools with gender-related privacy
  • and % of primary school girls and boys with/without a disability with improved learning performance against the baseline.
  • All trained Grade 1 and 2 teachers demonstrate at least a 70% increase in use of teaching and learning techniques by the end of the project.
  • 70% of teachers received professional development (e.g., degree, training, promotion) a s a result of CDP practices.

Outcome 3: School governance and management and educational leadership (SMC, SMC, Technical lead of School Cluster, CC…) strengthened for their increased responsiveness, accountability and ownership.

  • 50% of females and girls with and without a disability supported to assume leadership roles.
  • 50% representation of women and girls in management committees.
  • By the end of the project, 80% of school governance bodies in all target schools report increased participation in school improvement plans, including development, implementation and review stages.
  • By the end of the project, 60% of school autonomy improved
  • By the end of the project, 80% of accountability and responsiveness in the school demonstrated

Outcome 4: ChildFund project team’s technical capacity in Education programming strengthened through different training opportunities.

  • All project staff demonstrate at least 60% increase in technical capacity prior to FY2

3. Purpose

The purpose for this evaluation is to assess the performance of the Easy to Learn Project in Kampong Trabaek District, Prey Veng Province and capture project achievements, challenges and best practices to inform future similar programming.

  • Project End-line: Conduct a comprehensive endline study against the E2L Project Results M&E plan and tracking report (see annex) that entails collecting two sets of data: a.) for endline and b.) retrospectively collecting endline data due to variation from the current logical framework versus baseline data. The consultant will conduct an endline survey on level of knowledge and skills as well as project interventions to address key barriers among children, youths, key community members and relevant stakeholders.
  • End Project Evaluation: Conduct a final evaluation of the project to identify the challenges and successes (best practices) and key suggestions for ways forward based in the DAC criteria. The end-of-project evaluation (hereafter, ‘the evaluation’) will ensure accountability towards ChildFund and the beneficiaries of the project. The findings and recommendations of the evaluation will be shared with the KAPE and ChildFund management teams, government stakeholders and child and youth participants to guide future project development and learning.
  • Case study: Produce 2-3 case studies of different target groups (i.e.: CWD, youth, and Government staff) and specific findings in a comprehensive report.

Key requirements are:

  • Answer the main evaluation questions below and use these to determine whether the project’s purpose, outcomes and related indicators have been met in accordance with the OECD DAC criteria;
  • Assess the project’s performance addressing cross-cutting issues including gender equality, disability inclusion, and child and youth participation;
  • Explore lessons learned and identify the strengths, weaknesses and potential gaps of the intervention;
  • Provide specific findings and recommendations as well as cross cutting issues are covered to inform organisational learning and dissemination with key stakeholders. These stakeholders include:
  • NGO Partner: KAPE
  • National Level: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS)
  • Provincial and District Levels: Provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sport (PoEYS) and District of Education, Youth and Sport (DoEYS).
  • School Level: School Director, Teachers, School Support Committee (School Management Committee), Children Councils and students.

OECD DAC Criteria

OECD DAC Criteria Key evaluation questions

·  coherence addresses the synergies and interlinkages between the intervention and other interventions carried out by the same institution/government,

·  coherence considers the consistency of the intervention with other actors’ interventions in the same context. This includes complementarity, harmonisation and co-ordination with others, and the extent to which the intervention is adding value while avoiding duplication of effort.

Relevance To what extent did the project address the main issues identified during the project design (and referenced in the background section above)?


How do project participants perceive the relevance of the project and how have the implemented activities improved their lives? Are there any stories of change?

Efficiency How efficient was the delivery of the project in both expenditure and implementation of activities? Are there opportunities to improve efficiency?


To what extent were output indicator targets achieved and were these targets appropriate?


In what ways might the project have reached more beneficiaries with the available budget or reduced costs without compromising either beneficiary numbers or quality?


What changes were made to the project design during implementation based on the reality on the ground and how did these changes affect the efficiency of the project?

Effectiveness To what extent was the project goal and 4 outcomes achieved? What factors influenced the achievement of these?


To what extent were all outcome indicators achieved and were these indicators appropriate?


What unintended outcomes, whether positive or negative, did the project achieve?

Impact To what extent and how has the project benefited different marginalised groups including boys, girls, men, women, gender diverse people, children with disabilities and people with disability and minority ethnic groups?


How can the impact of the strengthened School director, teacher and SMC be explained in terms of their capacity to address and respond to Education needs?


How have students, teachers, school directors and SMCs and relevant stakeholders’ behaviours and practices changed?


How has the “Easy to Learn Project in Kampong Trabaek District, Prey Veng Province” project strengthened the whole sub-national in terms of their capacity and influence to take into account to the Education sector?


What evidence exists of positive change in knowledge, attitude and practice among relevant stakeholders in addressing and responding to education needs in schools?

Sustainability What is the likelihood that project outcomes will be sustainable and that project achievements will benefit target communities and participants following project completion?


What key factors might support sustainability and replication of the project approach?

What level of ownership and independence of the target groups has been achieved and response to education issues by the end of the project and will this be sufficient for sustained work beyond the life of the project?

4. Scope of Evaluation

  1. The end project evaluation must cover the whole project and implementation period from October 2020 to June 202 It must be carried out in line with ChildFund Cambodia’s guidelines and policies on Child Protection, ethical standards, and Covid-19 prevention measure. ChildFund Cambodia and local partner will be actively involved in and contributing to the evaluation process including providing support to access project participants and stakeholders, providing feedback on inception reports and final reports;
  2. The OECD DAC Criteria should be followed: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. The consultant will use the result of the baseline and endline for evaluation purpose and measure as the pre-designed the questionnaire for this evaluation. However, there were many variations in the baseline data which requires the consultant to assess pre-project data retrospectively against the last update in logical Framework with end-line data for a complete M&E plan and tracking report;
  3. The evaluation needs to explore core components of the project against its objectives, outcome and indicators and include analysis of how the project has addressed crosscutting issues cross-cutting issues including gender equality, disability inclusion, and child and youth participation;
  4. The selected consultant will provide an inception report which will include a work plan specifying in detail the work plan. All the interactions are needed (in procedures and questions) due to the Covid-19 pandemic this must be clearly stated and reflected upon in the evaluation report; and
  5. The consultant can start field work unless the inception report and plan has been submitted and approved by ChildFund Cambodia.

The consultant responsibilities will be to: 

  • Develop and prepare end project evaluation schedule/plan by consulting with ChildFund Cambodia field team, ChildFund OiC-provincial manager and KAPE team who responsible for project KH01-075 at Kampong Trabaek district, Prey Veng province;
  • Review relevant secondary data and available documents associated with the project proposal, project variations, project report (quarterly, semester and annually) including the baseline survey report and other relevant materials;
  • Develop data collection tools including questionnaires, interview guides with structured questions, FGD guiding questions, and observation checklists that are in line with the project Logical Framework indicators;
  • Submit the developed tools to KAPE and ChildFund Cambodia for review and comments;
  • Data collections tools will be prepared, piloted and tested before data collection;
  • Collect data for endline M&E plan and retrospectively for new indicator variation against baseline data against update of logical framework indicators;
  • Clearly show data presentation analysis and interpretation approaches of the evaluation. Provide outcome indicators matrix key linking tool questions to LF indicators;
  • Consultant presents findings to KAPE and ChildFund Cambodia team for discussion and feedback (1st week of June 2023);
  • The end project evaluation final report will be produced in English with baseline and end-line report figures from the data collection, all data both soft and hard copies included noted, records, photos, case study, and attendance list which can be used as an endorsement for the work done by ChildFund Cambodia; and
  • Cover all field costs from the consultancy fee.

4. Methodology

The consultant should use both qualitative and quantitative methodologies for the evaluation. As one methodology, the consultant should follow the pre-designed questionnaire used during the baseline as well as any additional question will added. All data collected through the assessment must be disaggregated by ability, age and sex. Key definitions of CWD, children and youth including terminologies will be provided by ChildFund for consultant to follow.

The methodologies proposed needs to be participatory, capturing the views and opinions of stakeholders including Ministry of Education, youth and Sport (MoEYS) Provincial of Education, Youth and Sport (PoEYS) and District of Education, Youth and Sport (DoEYS), School Director, Teachers, SMC (School Management Committee) and Children Councils, and students.

The evaluation should provide evidence, including successful case stories, quotations, and high-quality photos, about the effectiveness that was contributed to or produced by the project. Follow Annex guidelines on case studies, baseline and mid-term evaluation questions, as well as new design to align with the outcome’s variation of the projects.

The first output of the external consultant will be an inception report, which includes a thorough desk review and fieldwork plan (tools, sample and schedule). Only after the approval of the inception report, the fieldwork can begin.

5. Deliverables and Indicative Timetable

The consultant will provide as follows:

  • 01 x inception report, which includes: the results of the desktop study; the fieldwork plan; and sampling techniques and tools. Only after the approval of the inception report can the fieldwork begin. To be submitted by [15 May 2023];
  • 01 x draft end project evaluation report submitted to ChildFund and partner for feedback and approval before presentation on preliminary findings;
  • 01 x preliminary findings to ChildFund, partners, and key stakeholders. To be submitted by [First week of June 2023];
  • 01 x final report responds to all key evaluation questions, documents the good practices and lessons learnt; differentiating findings and recommendations utilising all data which will reflect and measure against the project objectives, outcomes, set indicators, and baseline result. The report should pull together and analyse the key findings from the project, including on crosscutting issues, successful case stories, and photos and make programmatic conclusions and recommendations. To be submitted by [second week of June 2023]; and
  • All data (raw, note-taking, and records) including interview outlines, list of people interviewed, successful stories, note, photo, consents form …etc. To be submitted by [second week of June 2023].

The evaluation process is estimated to take 21 working days from early May – 2nd week of June 2023 including preparation, fieldwork assessment, analysis, and the report should be finalized by end of 2nd week of June 2023.

Indicative dates Outputs and Activities Number of Days
2nd Week of May, 23 ·       Develop inception report indicating the detail of baseline assessment plan, desk review, data analysis, and report 3 days
2nd Week of May,23 ·       Conduct tools development orientation and field testing – (consultant pilots primary data collection tools) 3 days
3rd Week of May,23 ·       Field data collection, coding, analysis, and presentation finding to ChildFund Cambodia 8 days
1st Week of June,23 ·       Draft evaluation report 4 days
1st Week of June, 23 ·       Present the preliminary findings to ChildFund, partner, and key stakeholders. 1 day
2nd Week of June,23 ·       Final evaluation report 2 days
Total number of days 21 days

Support Team from ChildFund Cambodia and partner as follows:

No Name Position Responsibilities


1 Mr. In Davy Field Coordinator To work with a partner (LWD) to coordination at field level
2 Mr. Heng Sieng Education Specialist of ChildFund Cambodia Technical support and contact person at the national level
3 Ms. Leng Putheavy Admin Coordinator of ChildFund Cambodia Logistic in PP
4 Mr. Nov Samnang OiC-Provincial Manager of ChildFund Cambodia, PV Overall Coordination at the provincial level
5 Mr. Sao Vanna Executive Director of KAPE Technical review and support
6 Mr. Nou Sinat Project Manager of KAPE Technical Support and Coordination
7 Mr. Men Thy Project Officer of KAPE Overall Coordination at the field
8 Ms. Laura Blanchard Education Technical Advisor of ChildFund Australia Technical review
9 Ms. Thuy luu MEL Advisor of ChildFund Australia Technical review
10 Mr. Chhun Sona MEL Manager of ChildFund Cambodia Lead the evaluation and coordination
11 Mrs. Chhom Chakriya MEL Coordinator of ChildFund Cambodia Support and coordination
12 Mr. Chan Narin Head of Programs of ChildFund Cambodia Quality review
13 Mr. Prashant Verma Country Director of ChildFund Cambodia Oversight


The Consultant will report to Mr. Chhun Sona, MEL Manager of ChildFund Cambodia and Mr. Chan Narin, Head of Program of ChildFund Cambodia. All reports must be written in English and provided in an electronic format (Microsoft Word).

  • The inception report starts with a thorough desk review and analysis of the documentation provided. Based on the analysis, the inception report shall include the evaluation framework and plan, including suggested methodologies both to collect and analyse data for each key evaluation question and outlines for the evaluation timeline and activity plan. The consultant can only embark on fieldwork, once the inception report has been reviewed by ChildFund Australia and approved by ChildFund Cambodia;
  • The consultant is responsible for surveying objectively. However, KAPE and ChildFund Cambodia will be actively involved in and contributing to the process. Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework (MEL) in the ChildFund Australia’s Program Handbook and baseline will be followed as much as possible; and emphasis will be on learning, participation and accountability; and
  • The consultant will present the preliminary findings to ChildFund Cambodia and conduct one day of validation workshop with key project stakeholders included key implementing partner (KAPE) at Prey Veng province. The final survey report will be reviewed by KAPE and ChildFund Australia and approved by ChildFund Cambodia after all comments are addressed and agreed upon among stakeholders

8. Confidentiality

All discussions and documents relating to this ToR will be treated as confidential by the parties.

9. Child Safeguarding

The Consultant will undertake the Services to a high standard; use its best endeavours to promote the best interests of ChildFund; protect the reputation of ChildFund and work in a manner consistent with the mission, vision and policies of ChildFund (see Child Safeguarding Policy/Child Safeguarding Code of Conduct PSEAH policy and Employee Code of Conduct). ChildFund Australia has a zero-tolerance policy to abuse, exploitation and harassment in all its forms.

10. Counter-Terrorism and Anti-Money Laundering

ChildFund Australia acknowledges its obligation under the Australian laws relating to counter-terrorism and anti-money laundering.  To meet its obligation, the consultant is obligated to provide the information required for ChildFund to undertake counter-terrorism screening before engagement.  The consultant’s name, date & place of birth and ID number will be checked against the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) consolidated list, National Security Australia list, World Banks listing and the Asian Development bank listing to ensure not engage with entities or individuals appearing on the lists.

11. Conflict of Interest

The Consultant must declare any financial, personal, family (or close intimate relationship) interest in matters of official business which may impact the work of ChildFund Cambodia and KHEN.

12. Fraud and Corruption prevention and awareness

ChildFund Australia has a zero approach to fraud and corruption act. The successful consultant will be required to comply with ChildFund Australia’s fraud and corruption prevention and awareness Policy and act against any form of fraud or corruption and not offer, promise, give or accept any bribes.

13. Insurance

The successful applicant will be required to have in place insurance arrangements appropriate to the provision of the requirement in this TOR including (without limitation) travel insurance.

14. Acknowledgment and Disclaimer

ChildFund, its Board and staff make no express or implied representation or warranty as to the currency, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this ToR. Nothing in this ToR should be construed to give rise to any contractual obligations or rights, expressed or implied, by the issue of this ToR or the submission of Expression of Interest in response to it.  No contract would be created until a formal written contract is executed between ChildFund and a selected consultant.

Selection Criteria for Consultant

  • A minimum of a post-graduate degree in Humanitarian Development with sound knowledge of the Education Skill as well as Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion- GEDSI, Primary Education and Cambodia’s context;
  • Excellent understanding and experience of community- Education concept, youth/children development, and gender, especially for rural and underserved areas in Kampong Trabaek district, Prey Veng Province;
  • High-quality presentation and reporting skills;
  • Proven experience in conducting quality base/end-line, evaluations and assessing development programmes/ projects from a gender equality and education;
  • Thorough knowledge and experience of Education programming in Cambodia preferred;
  • Experience in conducting both quantitative and qualitative research;
  • High level of fluency in spoken and written English essential; local language skills desirable but not compulsory;
  • Cover letter and CV (maximum 3 pages; with references) of each person who would be involved in this end project evaluation;
  • Company profile(s) and documentation of legal status, and registration as a Company;
  • Technical proposal (maximum 6 pages) including the end evaluation questions, methodologies and proposed schedule;
  • Experiencing on fields works and practical way of working with rural communities’ context where many issues are still their struggling, including education barriers; and
  • Financial Proposal:The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees (detail of number of working day). The consultant has to cover all field related costs (i.e.: accommodation, materials, per diem and transportation to the field to collect data, food and other related costs).

Interested applicants should submit their CV, proposal, and other relevant support documents to ChildFund Cambodia, Office Address: House #30, Street 228, Sangkat Chatomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia or via email at careers@childfund.org.khcareers@childfund.org.kh, no later than 5.00 pm (local time) on  10th May 2023. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

All employees and consultants are required to abide by Child Fund’s Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct.


Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Consultant for the end-line survey and end project evaluation for Easy to Learn in Kampong Trabaek, Prey Veng KH01-07 (ChildFund Cambodia )__Deadline:10May
Position: Consultant for the end-line survey and end project evaluation for Easy to Learn in Kampong Trabaek, Prey Veng KH01-07 (ChildFund Cambodia )__Deadline:10May
Cambodia Jobs
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