Position: Climate Change Policy Expert (IC1) (NCSD)__Deadline:28Feb

General Directorate of Policy and Strategy/Department of Climate Change

The project “Resilient Recovery Rapid Readiness Support in Cambodia” is a one-year project funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to be implemented by the Department of Climate Change (DCC) of the General Directorate of Policy and Strategy. The project’s main objective is “to address the direct and indirect effects on Cambodia’s ability to implement the national climate change and green growth strategies and plans for climate resilient recovery due to COVID-19 Pandemic”.

The Project is seeking for qualified candidates for the following positions:

Climate Change Policy Expert (IC1)

1.    Assignment Information
Project Title:    Resilient Recovery Rapid Readiness Support in Cambodia
Contract Type:    International Consultant
Assignment Title:    Climate Change Policy Expert (IC1)
Duty Station:    Home base
Report to:    The Project Manager
Contract Duration:    53 days (February to June 2023)

2.    Project Description

Cambodia is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change impacts. Potential impacts of climate change were highlighted in the Modelling of Climate Change Impacts on Growth report in 2018 by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD). Around 75% of its population resides in rural areas and is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts because the kingdom relies heavily on climate-sensitive sectors, including agriculture, land, water resources, infrastructure, forestry, human health, and fisheries. Cambodia has been remarkably successful in containing the spread of COVID-19 and preventing community transmission; however, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected Cambodia’s economy and society.
The Cambodian government prioritized climate change in her Rectangular Strategy, Phase 4, as one of the four main rectangles, called “Sustainable Development and Climate Change”. Following the sustainable finance prioritization, the government aims to make significant progress for climate finance in accordance with cross-sectoral policies, such as the Green Growth Strategic Plan, Cambodia National Environment Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2023, Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023, and the National Policy on Green Development and the National Strategic Plan on Green Development 2013-2030.
Cambodia is actively engaged with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through the Department of Climate Change (DCC) of the General Directorate of Policy and Strategy (GDPS) as a part of the strategy to respond to climate change. A year project “Resilient Recovery Rapid Readiness Support in Cambodia” is funded by GCF to be implemented by the DCC. The DCC will undertake the daily implementation and management of activities, conduct project monitoring, and prepare regular updates on the project's implementation progress. The project's main objective is “to address the direct and indirect effects on Cambodia’s ability to implement the national climate change and green growth strategies and plans for climate resilient recovery due to COVID-19 Pandemic”. It is structured around the following three outputs with corresponding activities:
Output 2.2.1: Impact on and opportunities for the country’s climate change strategies and plans as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic is elaborated and validated by the NDA.
Activity Perform desk analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 and economic stimulus measures on the climate change strategies and plans; develop a report on COVID-19/economic stimulus impacts on climate change strategies and plans, which includes inputs from stakeholder interviews conducted in activity

Activity Undertake stakeholder interviews and organizes two consultant meetings with CCTWG members, the private sector, NGOs, research institutes, and academia to identify opportunities for aligning the country’s climate change agenda with the economic recovery agenda. The results will be included in the report produced in activity At least 30% of participants in the meetings will be women and individuals from vulnerable groups.

Output 2.2.2: National strategy for resilient recovery developed and adopted by the NDA/country.

Activity Undertake stakeholder interviews and organize two consultation meetings with CCTWG members, private sector, NGOs, research institutes, and academia to identify a range of measures (regulatory, fiscal, financing/investment, etc., by critical sectors and regions of the country) to maximize climate, economic and social benefits. At least 30% of participants in the meetings will be women and individuals from vulnerable groups.

Activity Perform Conduct modeling exercises to optimize and prioritize different measures

Activity Organize one final validation workshop with CCTWG members, the private sector, NGOs, research institutes, and academia to validate the priority measures identified and the investment plan. At least 30% of participants in the workshop will be women and individuals from vulnerable groups.

Activity Develop an investment plan for priority measures in consultation with public and private investors. The measures are identified through a consultative process and are validated through activity

Output 4.1.1: 2 Concept notes with pre-feasibility studies for up to three priority projects/ programmes developed and submitted to the GCF.

Activity Conduct pre-feasibility studies on the priority measures identified in

Activity Develop two draft concept notes and organize a validation workshop.

3.    Scope of Work
Reporting to the Project Management Unit, in close coordination with other staff and national consultants involved in the project, and while coordinating and communicating with relevant stakeholders involved in her/his activities, the International Consultant will support the following activities:
  • Technical support for Activity, Activity, Activity, Activity, Activity, and Activity;
  • Lead the design of the overall methodology for conducting the assessment and the strategic planning process. The methodology will take into consideration of international best practices and lessons learned from similar exercises in Cambodia and the region;
  • Guide the consultations and interview process to ensure consistency with the methodology;
  • In collaboration with Climate Change Adaptation Specialist (NC1) and Climate Change Mitigation Specialist (NC2);
  • Provide technical guidance for the analysis of sectoral measures contained in the national recovery plan prepared by MEF and coordinate the analysis that will be carried out by the NC1 and NC2;
  • Provide technical guidance for the identification of the measures to be included in the strategy for climate resilient recovery and coordinate the analysis that will be carried out by the NC1 and NC2;
  • Facilitate the identification of synergies between adaptation and mitigation actions, with a particular focus on co-benefits and economic development opportunities;
  • In close collaboration with the Climate finance specialist – Economist (NC3):
-    Conduct the analysis of the fiscal impact of the national recovery plan prepared on the availability of resources from the national budget and donor partners for the implementation of Cambodia’s climate strategies and international commitments; this will include an assessment of the shift in political and economic priorities and the possible effects on climate action in the medium term (3-5 years);
-    conduct a rapid analysis of the measures included in the national recovery plan to quantify the economic benefits/impacts including projected job creation;
-    identify “brown” investments that are likely to have negative effects on Cambodia’s climate policies and plans, and if relevant formulate recommendations for adjustments; identity possible “green” alternative measures alternatives;
-    draft a briefing for MEF presenting the results and recommendations;
-    in the formulation of the strategy for climate resilient recovery, conduct an economic analysis of the alternatives identified and guide the process of prioritization of measures;
  • Coordinate the drafting of the assessment report, and the national strategy and related investment plan. The consultant will be responsible for finalizing the deliverables and ensuring their overall technical quality; and
  • Perform other tasks that request by the project.

4.    Minimum Qualifications of the Individual Consultant
A postgraduate degree (Master’s Degree or equivalent) in environmental science or related fields;

At least 10 years of experience in technical advice for climate policy development, including both adaptation and mitigation;
Experience in conducting multi-stakeholder consultations;
Previous relevant experience in Cambodia preferred;

Strong analytical, facilitation, and planning skills.
Excellent written and oral communication skills.

Excellent command of English (both spoken and written)

5.    Expected Deliverables



Review and Approve Required

Deliverable 1: Diagnostic analysis report on impacts and opportunities (Activity


25 days


Project Manager

Deliverable 2: Update economic and fiscal models (Activity


14 days


Project Manager

Deliverable 3: Resilient recovery strategy and investment plan document (Activity


14 days


Project Manager

Total Number of Days

53 Days

This is a country-based consultancy that the consultant who stays outside of Cambodia will be responsible for his/her own travel to Cambodia. The consultancy shall be included international travel and accommodation in Cambodia. The costs for local travel and DSA for field missions in the country will be reimbursed upon request from the fieldwork/project team and completion of each mission.

Interested candidates should send curriculum vitae with a cover letter to the following address:
Department of Climate Change, the General Directorate of Policy Strategy/ Ministry of Environment.
Techno Heritage Building, plot No.503, Blvd (St. 3), Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel/Fax: (855-) 10 586 228
E-mail : botdavin77@gmail.com
Closing date:  28 February 2023

Moreinfo: https://ncsd.moe.gov.kh/tenders-jobs

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply! 



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Climate Change Policy Expert (IC1) (NCSD)__Deadline:28Feb
Position: Climate Change Policy Expert (IC1) (NCSD)__Deadline:28Feb
Cambodia Jobs
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