Position: Laboratory Technician (AHC)__Deadline:18Feb

From                             :       Human Resource Department, Angkor Hospital for Children

Job location                  :       AHC Siem Reap, Cambodia

Report to                      :       Laboratory Manager

Working hours              :       40-45hours/week

Salary & benefits          :       Based on the employment contract

Closing Date                :     18th Feb 2023 at 5:00pm


Angkor Hospital for children (AHC) is looking for a highly motivated Cambodian individual who can fulfil the currently vacant position of Laboratory Technician (01 position).

The Laboratory Technician will assist with conducting the laboratory tests from all departments of the hospital.  He/she will also be responsible for keeping up to date on current standard medical laboratory practices.

A. Main responsibilities

  1. Conduct laboratory tests as ordered by doctor in timely manner. Priority should be given to ER & ICU patients.
  2. Draw blood from patient when needed, and try to minimize patient’s pain during blood draw. Explain patient or parents/ caretaker before drawing blood.
  3. Should be able to work in all areas: Biochemistry, Hematology, Microbiology, Blood Bank and Serology Units, even if specialize in one of the areas above.
  4. Help with quality control.
  5. Join the unit meeting organized by unit manager.
  6. Work on night duty and weekend duty when scheduled to do so.
  7. Team working

B.Stock control

  1. Follow- up consumption of reagents and equipment.
  2. Help with stock movement reports (consumption report, receiving report, expired tests or reagents) if asked.
  3. Help with monthly inventory of equipment and reagents.
  4. Be prepared to respond to emergency call (night, weekend, holiday) when scheduled.

C.Control and Management

  1. Keep the laboratory clean and in good order, assure hygiene, and follow to the infection control policy.
  2. Check the temperature for each refrigerator and incubator when scheduled.
  3. Assure that all reagents/equipment are properly labeled with good quality.
  4. Inform Lab Manager urgently in case of broken equipment or run out of reagents

D.Educational responsibilities

  1. Increase the skills and knowledge of the other laboratory staff through mentoring and cooperation.
  2. Participate in lab team discussions of interesting or difficult issues or problems in the lab department.
  3. Educate and explain to the patient’s family and to potential blood donors (including foreigners) about the safety and importance of blood donation.
  4. Help to teach new staff how to follow the policies and procedures and perform the quality control.
  5. Help to train Lab staff from other hospitals when they come to AHC for training.
  6. Show foreign medical students interesting blood results if they ask and if you have time.



  1. Lab Tech Certificate or Degree from a recognized university.
  2. Previous work experience in a laboratory is desirable.
  3. Good written and spoken English and Khmer.
  4. Willing to learn and improve knowledge and skills.
  5. Enthusiastic and willing to work diligently with good attention to detail.
  6. Good interpersonal communication skills.
  7. Able to work in a team environment involving different departments and outside agencies.
  8. Self-motivated.
  9. Honest and trustworthy.


How to Apply:

Interested candidates are requested to fill in and submit an Application for Employment (available at HR Department or download from http://angkorhospital.org/jobs/job-application-forms/ along with Curriculum Vitae, Cover letter and eligible Certificates of degree to: Angkor Hospital for Children, Tep Vong Road & Umchhay Street, Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap province‐district, PO Box 50, Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia. Tel: (855) 63 963 409,017 72 72 62 or via email: job@angkorhospital.org. Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview and submitted applications will not be returned. Applicants who do not complete an AHC application form will not be considered”.


Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Laboratory Technician (AHC)__Deadline:18Feb
Position: Laboratory Technician (AHC)__Deadline:18Feb
Cambodia Jobs
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