Position: Research and Advocacy Advisor (Oxfam)__Deadline:11Jan

LOCATION: Cambodia
CONTRACT TYPE: Fixed Term Contract – 1 year with possible extension
DEPARTMENT and TEAM: Fair Finance Asia Executive Team (FFA ET), Oxfam in Cambodia
HOURS (FTE): 37.50 hours/week

‘We believe flexible working is key to building the Secretariat of the future, so we’re open to talking through the type of flexible arrangements which might work for you. We think this role would work particularly well as a partially home-based where it can be discussed with the line manager’.

We are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organization.

DEPARTMENT PURPOSE: Oxfam is an international confederation of 19 organizations networked together in 97 countries. As part of a global movement for change, we are working together to end world poverty and injustice. We work with thousands of partners in countries around the world and employ staff in a wide variety of sectors and expertise. We work directly with communities as well as with the powerful to facilitate an enabling environment wherein the most marginalized can improve their lives and livelihoods and have a voice in decisions that affect them.

TEAM PURPOSE: The Fair Finance Asia (FFA) program is a five-year program funded by the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand. It aims to contribute to the reduction of the negative impact of cross-border investments on human rights, the environment and climate change, particularly those made by multinational financial institutions, banks and insurers, and to increase inclusive economic development. Currently, FFA is operational at regional level and in 8 countries across Asia, namely - Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam – wherein national FFA civil society organization (CSO) coalitions together with regional partners lead research and engagement with the program’s key stakeholders including financial regulatory and policymaking institutions, banking and investment associations, multilateral development banks and the academia. FFA’s regional program management unit is stationed in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

The FFA program works in close alignment with the Fair Finance Guide International (FFGI) which operates in 9 countries globally[i]. FFGI’s assessment reports on the policy and practices of banks and insurers at national level are envisaged to form part of FFA’s influencing and engagement toolkit in promoting sustainable finance and responsible investments.

The FFA program works in close alignment with Fair Finance International (FFI). FFI’s assessment methodology on the policy and practices of national financial institutions form part.

The Results areas for the FFA Program are as follows:
  1. Financial institutions (FIs) operating across the region increasingly adopt or improve sustainable finance policies, practices and public disclosure.
  2. Regulators and governments increase independent monitoring of FI policy, practice and accountability and transparency, and improve the regulation of FIs, including through mandatory regulation.
  3. Regional financial sector actors take increasing actions to require and enforce improved standards for FIs’ policies, practices, accountability and transparency.
  4. Strong and resilient civil society across the region effectively influences the sustainable finance agenda across the region, integrating a gender lens and community voice
  5. Other actors (intermediary stakeholders) have increased awareness and take increased action to influence the sustainable finance agenda

JOB PURPOSE: FFA is seeking an experienced Research and Advocacy Advisor with an advanced knowledge and understanding of the international sustainable finance landscape and with a particular focus on Asia.

The Research and Advocacy Advisor will closely work with the Program Lead to consolidate the FFA network’s body of knowledge on sustainable finance policies and practices and leverage this knowledge to shape and deliver strategic influencing messages and materials to specific audiences. In addition, this role will also lead the coordination of flagship and multi-country research activities on key themes prioritized under the Fair Finance Guide (FFG) Methodology such as gender, human rights, and climate change.

ROLE REPORTS TO: Fair Finance Asia Program Lead

ROLES REPORTING TO THIS POST: Program Officer, Research and Advocacy

Research and Advocacy
  • Lead the coordination of flagship and multi-country research activities on key themes prioritized under the Fair Finance Guide (FFG) Methodology such as gender, human rights, and climate change as well other key issues such as just energy transition, and the annual compilation and analysis of policy assessments across all FFA countries.
  • Lead research and data analysis, including using statistical modelling and other quantitative techniques, and ensure that all FFA-branded research and data published are technically sound and accurate with all substantive themes and the statistical annexes fact-checked (including technical notes, statistical references, and definitions, etc.).
  • Act as main focal point for country support on all relevant sustainable finance technical data analysis as well as the FFG Methodology which include regularly participating in the methodology working group, and consolidating inputs from all Asian partners to be considered during the regular methodology update.
  • Lead the development and implementation of FFA’s research and evidence-based advocacy framework in Phase 2 (2023-27).
  • Manage stakeholder relationships key to ensuring FFA’s advocacy priorities.

Knowledge Management
  • Strategically guide and leverage the FFA network’s body of knowledge for influencing key stakeholders; identify ways to close gaps between knowledge product development against knowledge needs; steer and support the development of strategic knowledge products for the FFA ET and FFA partners.
  • Contribute to the systematic identification of human stories, case studies, and smart practices that have the potential to capture the attention of wide range of audiences and key influencing targets for FFA. 
  • Act as main focal point and gatekeeper for quality control and content management for all FFA materials published.
  • Coordinate with country teams to ensure a coherent approach to research and knowledge products development that enhances national influencing plans and align with the overall FFA regional strategy.
  • Design creative and innovative ways to present in-depth technical data for specialist audiences as well as laypersons, which include web-based formats.

  • Strategically position Fair Finance Asia as a thought leader and key convener on sustainable finance dialogues in Asia by ensuring all FFA-branded publications are high-quality, evidence-based, fact checked, and technically sound.
  • Ensure that FFA is increasingly prominent and interlinked with relevant Oxfam programs and other regional initiatives, and that more relevant stakeholders are referring to the FFA network’s body of knowledge on sustainable finance policies and practices.

  • In collaboration with the Knowledge and Communications Manager, maintain a ‘watching brief’ of the current debates and discussions around international sustainable finance policy and practices. This includes monitoring consultation processes and the work of existing high-level panels and associations, relevant working groups, as well as others that will be formed over time.
  • Advise FFA partners on key, latest or upcoming sustainable finance and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) publications, news developments, or changing/unexpected circumstances that may impact their work, and determine appropriate strategic responses.

  • Support in ensuring relevant tailored support to country and regional partners.
  • Ensure quality and assess the sensitivity of reviews and comments on research products, and other key documents.
  • Eager and required to adhere to Oxfam’s principles and values as well as the promotion of gender justice and women's rights.
  • Understanding of and commitment to adhere to equity, diversity, gender, child safety and staff health and wellbeing principles.

Functional Competencies
  • Ability to lead and undertake policy research and deliver high quality quantitative analysis, utilizing relevant methodologies; proficiency in using financial databases and synthesizing relevant data sets, e.g., from Refinitiv, Capital IQ, Bloomberg Terminal, Proxy Insight, PreQin, etc.     
  • Ability to strategically consolidate large bodies of knowledge in networks like FFA, and using that knowledge develop strategic, coherent, and high-impact messages for advocacy and influencing.
  • Ability to lead strategic planning and reporting, as well as organize and complete multiple tasks by establishing priorities.
  • Ability to lead overall research project cycles in cost-effective and timely manner, and in consultation with multiple stakeholders. 
  • Establishes, builds and sustains effective relationships with stakeholders, demonstrates understanding of varying perspectives, anticipates needs and addresses them promptly.
  • Lead project and ad hoc teams effectively, demonstrating emotional intelligence and good judgment. Good mentoring as well as conflict resolution skills.
  • Proven ability to work cross functionally with all work units and sections in both in large confederations and small CSOs settings.
  • Experience and proficiency in integrating gender considerations in the context of sustainable finance and international development are highly desirable.

  • An advanced degree in finance, economics, communications, international development, or other related fields 

  • Between 5-8 years of relevant professional experience with increasingly complex leadership responsibilities
  • Demonstrated ability to lead the shaping of a collaborative strategy, agreement of priorities with large networks and groups, follow through into full cycle implementation, with a focus on impact.
  • Profound understanding of the Asian financial sector landscape, with prior experience in financial sector research and advocacy.
  • Hands on experience in the management of a data-driven website and community of practice tools.
  • Prior experience in accessing and using financial data sources (such as the Balance sheet) and in using data tools (such as PreQin, Bloomberg Terminal and Capital IQ).

  • Enjoys working in highly multicultural environments and demonstrate flexibility and appreciation for diversity.
  • Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in team and closed network settings.
  • Fast and eager learner, willing to expand her/his learning on relevant areas, and demonstrates openness to new processes and opportunities for co-creation.
  • Attention to detail is paramount to this role as well as the ability to place those details effectively as part of the broader, strategic picture.
  • Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences and gender issues, as well as the commitment to equal opportunities.
  • Ability to demonstrate an openness and willingness to learn about the application of gender/gender mainstreaming, women’s rights, and diversity for all aspects of development work.
  • Commitment to Oxfam’s safeguarding policies to ensure all people who come into contact with Oxfam are as safe as possible.


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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Research and Advocacy Advisor (Oxfam)__Deadline:11Jan
Position: Research and Advocacy Advisor (Oxfam)__Deadline:11Jan
Cambodia Jobs
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