Position: National Communication and Visibility Expert (UNIDO)__Deadline:01Dec

Title:  National Communication and Visibility Expert

​Requisition ID: 1450 
Grade: SB4 - Local Professional (Junior & Mid Level) 
Country: Cambodia 
Duty Station: Phnom-Penh 
Category: National Consultant 
Type of Job Posting: Internal and External
Employment Type: NonStaff-Regular
Application deadline: 01-Dec-2022  


Vacancy Announcement

Only nationals or permanent residents of the country of the duty station are considered eligible. 
Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.



The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The mission of UNIDO, as described in the Lima Declaration adopted at the fifteenth session of the UNIDO General Conference in 2013 as well as the Abu Dhabi Declaration adopted at the eighteenth session of UNIDO General Conference in 2019, is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in Member States. The relevance of ISID as an integrated approach to all three pillars of sustainable development is recognized by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will frame United Nations and country efforts towards sustainable development. UNIDO’s mandate is fully recognized in SDG-9, which calls to “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. The relevance of ISID, however, applies in greater or lesser extent to all SDGs. Accordingly, the Organization’s programmatic focus is structured in four strategic priorities: Creating shared prosperity; Advancing economic competitiveness; Safeguarding the environment; and Strengthening knowledge and institutions.

Each of these programmatic fields of activity contains a number of individual programmes, which are implemented in a holistic manner to achieve effective outcomes and impacts through UNIDO’s four enabling functions: (i) technical cooperation; (ii) analytical and research functions and policy advisory services; (iii) normative functions and standards and quality-related activities; and (iv) convening and partnerships for knowledge transfer, networking and industrial cooperation. Such core functions are carried out in Departments/Offices in its Headquarters, Regional Offices and Hubs and Country Offices.


The Directorate of SDG Innovation and Economic Transformation (IET) houses the Divisions of Coordination and Integration Support (IET/CIS), Quality, Impact and Accountability (IET/QUA), Agribusiness and Infrastructure Development (IET/AGR), Innovative Finance and International Financial Institutions (IET/IFI), Fair Production, Sustainability Standards and Trade (IET/PST), Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), and Climate and Technology Partnerships (CTP). The Directorate also ensures close coordination and collaboration among the Divisions and relevant entities in the Directorate of Global Partnerships and External Relations (GLO) and the Directorate of Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Industrial Development (TCS). 


The Division of Agribusiness and Infrastructure Development provides technical cooperation services to assist the modernization of agriculture and agroindustry, especially in less-developed countries, ensuring that enterprises add value to primary agricultural production, substitute the imports of food and other value-added agricultural products, and participate effectively in local, regional and global value chains. Where needed, it will develop infrastructure and agroindustrial parks and capacities for agro-industrialization, value addition, quality assurance and food safety. It will also bring innovative approaches to Member States to fully benefit from carbon-neutral and biodiversity-enhancing agricultural and agro-industrial production and development opportunities in the green and blue bioeconomy.


The Rural Development, Agroindustries and Industrial Parks Unit (IET/AGR/RAP) aims to improve rural livelihoods by extending and professionalizing agro-industrial production, infrastructure supply and employment. It provides technical cooperation services to develop formal and informal enterprises and entrepreneurs that produce and source agricultural products– directly or through business-development service agents – with support for business planning, technology adoption, investment planning, product improvement, quality compliance and marketing. The Unit also promotes the planning for developing the necessary infrastructure for the transportation of intermediary and final products and related basic infrastructure (land, electricity, water, communication, waste treatment, etc.) required for agro-processing and value addition, making use, among others, of sustainable agro-industrial park development schemes.




CAPFISH Capture - Post Harvest Fisheries Development project is part of the “Cambodia Programme for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Fisheries Sector” (ACA/2019/408-424) and is co-funded by the European Union. The overall objective is to contribute to the achievement of the Royal Government of Cambodia's long-term vision of social and economic development, food security and poverty reduction. It is in this framework that the CAPFISH Capture - Post Harvest Fisheries Development project is designed with the specific objective to contribute to the development of post-harvest fisheries through upgrading of the regulatory and institutional system, as well as the adoption of better practices and innovation by the private sector. This project will aim at inclusive post-harvest fisheries value chain development focusing on strengthening the institutional capacity of Competent Authority for establishing official control systems and subsequently supporting the development of post-harvest fisheries, through capacity building in terms of skills development, food safety system implementation, matching investment support and building business support mechanisms.     


UNIDO is delegated by EU and the Fisheries Administration to implement CAPFISH Capture - Post Harvest Fisheries Development project with respect to the following outputs:


  • Enhanced technical competence and sustainability of the Competent Authority and official control services supporting the post-harvest fisheries.
  • Enhanced private sector capacity to comply with international standards and market requirements relevant to the post-harvest fisheries.
  • Enhanced business competitiveness of post-harvest fisheries through innovation and R&D.
  • Project management, monitoring and evaluation.


In this context, UNIDO is recruiting a qualified National Communication and Visibility Expert on a full-time basis. The expert will work under the direct supervision of Chief Technical Advisor (CTA)/Project Manager, in close cooperation with the project counterparts (mainly the Fisheries Administration-FiA), the UNIDO Country Representative, the international communication expert and the project team, to perform the following tasks:




Concrete/measurable Outputs to be achieved

Expected duration


  1. Communication and visibility related duties:
  • Lead implementation of Communication and Visibility strategy/plan in collaboration with the international communication expert and project team and in line with the EU and UNIDO communication guidelines
  • Manage communication campaign with project team to reach targeted audiences and outcomes, aligning EU and UNIDO communication guidelines
  • Develop a bilingual communication and visibility package of promotional materials carrying the visual identity of the project, including, but not limited to, newsletters, project factsheets, brochures, folders, press kits, leaflets, flyers, display panels, banners etc.
  • Develop and regularly update project online communication materials such as key messages, visuals, impact stories  for national, regional and local media, websites; as well as social media materials.
  • Manage events online/offline such as   preparing press releases and media advisories; promoting donor and project visibility
  • Supervise service providers with regards       to desktop publishing, graphic design, and technical writing/editing of visibility materials, ensuring alignment with the UNIDO and EU communication guidelines
  • Design and coordinate the production of promotional and communication materials
  • Promote donor visibility and project profile in different platforms such as media and key events, publications  
  • Provide high quality action photographs and video of project activities and when possible short project documentaries
  • Bilingual communication package developed


  • Project online communication and social media materials and tools developed and regularly updated


  • Promotional and visibility materials produced


  • High quality project visibility materials developed and produced


  • Photographs and video provided

 Period of the assignment











Phnom Penh (Travel to provinces to be authorized separately)





  1. General activities


  • Keep a database of all communication and visibility materials, and photographs produced by the project
  • Carry out other tasks as required by the project CTA
  • Data compiled in a database and regularly updated
  • Other tasks caried out as required by the project CTA



  1. Final report: To submit final report at the end of the assignment
  • Reports submitted






Education: Advanced University degree (Master’s degree) in Journalism and Information, Communications, or related field is required.


Technical and Functional Experience:  At least 3 years of practical experience in the field of communication and visibility is required. Experience in the use of various software to develop visibility materials is required. Experience with donor-funded Programme is desirable.


Languages: Fluency in written and spoken English and Khmer is required.  

Moreinfo: https://careers.unido.org/job/Phnom-Penh-National-Communication-and-Visibility-Expert/849346255/

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply! 



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: National Communication and Visibility Expert (UNIDO)__Deadline:01Dec
Position: National Communication and Visibility Expert (UNIDO)__Deadline:01Dec
Cambodia Jobs
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