Position: Consultancy to Conduct Survey on Contributary Capacity of Small-Scale Farmers to NSSF (Oxfam)__Deadline:15Oct

Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and committed to promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct. We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.

Department Purpose
Voice for Change (V4C) Program is working in alignment with Oxfam’s Country Strategy to change power relation, increase citizens active engagement, and hold government accountable to the needs of poor and marginalized citizens or groups. V4C program focuses on good governance of fair and accountable fiscal policies, universal social protection policies and better essential services. In addition, it seeks to promotes fair workplace settings, decent work, wage opportunities of the marginalized workers in informal economy. It supports women, youth and groups that have been left behind to claim their rights, organize themselves in networks and coalitions, participate in public debates and discussions, and advocate for equal justice.

Team Purpose
We are implementing EU funded project Fostering an Inclusive and Shock Responsive Social Protection system in Cambodia (FIRST). The overall objective of the project is seeking to contribute to a stronger the social contract between the Royal Government of Cambodia’s (RGC’s) social protection institutions and the Cambodian citizens in relation to the ongoing implementation of the National Social Protection Policy Framework (NSPPF). The outcome of the project is to ensure that the Cambodian Social Protection System is more inclusive, rights-based, and shock-responsive in design and delivery. The project has three main outputs: 1) Representatives of target groups, in particular of women and girls, have an increased capacity, credibility and recognition in social dialogue and other participation mechanisms regarding the design and delivery of an inclusive, rights-based and shock responsive social protection system; 2) Target groups, in particular women and girls, have an increased awareness of and improved access to social protection benefits and (new) labor market schemes that increase their resilience against risks and shocks; 3) Social protection service delivery and social accountability mechanisms are more inclusive, transparent and accountable.

As the lead of the project, Oxfam is working with 11 partners, once of which Coalition of Cambodian Farmer Community (CCFC) is our Third Party working directly with small scale farmers. Under FIRST, CFCF will contribute to improving the influence capacity, analytical skill, and meaningful engagement of small-holder’s farmers, local leaders, and women leaders on the Cambodia Social Protection System to be more inclusive in development and delivery. CCFC is working closely with small holder’s farmers, local leaders, and women leaders in selected CCFC’s target communities located in 16 districts of 13 target provinces, including Koh Kong, Preah Sihanouk, Kampong Speu, Kampot, Takeo, Kandal, Prey Veng, Svay Reing, Thbong Khmom, Kratie, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, and Preah Vihear.   

Job Purpose
Oxfam in Cambodia and CCFC aim to contribute to national dialogue on expanding National Social Security Fund (NSSF) coverage for small scale farmers in Cambodia through evidence-based knowledge of their social protection needs and contributory capacity. Therefore, we are looking for a consultant or consulting firm based in Cambodia to conduct a survey on contributory capacity of small-scale farmers to NSSF. This study will complement the study conducted by Oxfam on contributory capacity of informal economy workers, looking at the contributory capacity of the small-scale farmers which was not the target group in the first study. The study is expected to give a better picture of the capacity of farmers to contribute to NSSF.

Specifically, Oxfam seeks the services of a qualified national consultant or firm to carry out the survey to respond to the following key questions:
  • What are the risks being faced by small-scale farmers (including climate risk and with specific focus on women)
  • What are the needs and social protection priorities of small-scale farmers, based on the types of risks they are subjected to?
  • What policies of national government or international policy frameworks support small-scale farmers to access social protection?
  • Would the small-scale farmers be able to contribute to health care and pension schemes under NSSF? If so, how much would they be willing to contribute based on their income and household expenditure for which NSSF schemes?
  • What are the key challenges that might hinder their capacity to make contributions, including how debt and household expenditure might hinder their capacity to contribute to the schemes?
  • What external barriers might impede the expansion of the NSSF coverage for small-scale farmers?
  • What policy options could be proposed based on the results for the expansions of social insurance to small-scale farmers, including what other alternatives and options could be recommended if small-scale farmers cannot make voluntary contributions?
The consultant or consulting firm is expected to work in close collaboration with Oxfam and CCFC Team in order to refine the research questions and data collection tools for the survey.

Methodology proposed:
A brief, but not exhaustive, methodology is proposed below to support applicants with the development of the budget proposal. Note that the methodology should be adapted and revised by the consultant accordingly.
  • Detailed desk review of relevant literatures including policy, legal and regulatory frameworks, and schemes on social protection specifically for small-scale farmers if any, overview of small-scale farmers in Cambodia, challenges in expanding social insurance to small scale farmers, classification of small-scale farmers, accessibility, and challenges, among other topics that may inform the design of the surveys.
  • Structured or semi-structured interviews using survey questionnaires with small scale farmers, elderly, people with disability, and indigenous people farmers in urban and rural areas. Respect for preventive measures against the spread of COVID-19 will be strictly followed.
  • Key informant interviews with technical experts, if necessary.

Expected result and timelines
  • A well-written reports in English of no longer than 30 pages (excluding annexes) containing: 1) A cover page, 2) An executive summary including key recommendations, 3) Explanation of the methodology used, and the body of the document structured around the list of inquiries mentioned in the job purpose.
  • A presentation of the final draft report to Oxfam and partners to collect their views and comments which should be integrated if and where appropriate to finalize the study report.
  • A presentation of the findings of the study with broader audience and different stakeholders, including government officials.
  • The entire time of the assignment will be from Mid-October 2022 to End of January 2023 and should not take longer than 60 working days to complete, from signing the contract. Proposed timeframe below:

Time frame

Expected Outcome

Payments (subject to change after negotiation with the consultant)

2nd and 3rd week of October 2022

Inception meeting

Propose report outline

Define the methodology and the sample

Development of the survey

20 % of total contract after the inception meeting

1st Week of November to 3rd week of December 2022

Literature review

Data collection

4th week of December 2022 to First week of January 2023

1st draft report, presentation, and feedback from Oxfam

30 % of total contract after presentation of first draft in January 2023

Second week of January 2023 to End of January 2023

Final report after incorporating feedback from Oxfam

Remaining 50% of total contract after submission of the final report

Travel and location of work: The duty station is home-based and might require some travel to the provinces depending on the consultant’s methodology. Only consultants based in Cambodia will be considered.

Indicative budget: The applicants are required to prepare a detailed financial proposal including consultancy fees, taxes (if applicable) and other related/needed costs (translation, logistics, etc.).

Job Requirement and qualifications

  • Advanced university degree in development, public policy, social science and related disciplines of lead consultant
  • Relevant experience in the field of social protection, economic policies, and legal reforms, experience on research on life cycle risks and social protection system (assistance, insurance, and labor market)
  • Proven track record in carrying out research or other technical consultancy in the areas of social protection, agricultural workers, farmers, informal economy, and/or gender.
  • A robust methodological background in a range of research tools, data analysis and statistical skills.
  • Proven track record in carrying out and publishing research in social studies, especially in social protection.
  • Excellent report writing skills in English.
  • Demonstrated high awareness working in multi-cultural environment or development sector

Key Attributes

  • Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences and gender issues, as well as the commitment to equal opportunities.
  • Ability to demonstrate an openness and willingness to learn about the application of gender/gender mainstreaming, women’s rights, and diversity for all aspects of development work.
  • Commitment to Oxfam’s safeguarding policies to ensure all people who come into contact with Oxfam are as safe as possible.

Organizational Values

  • Accountability – Our purpose-driven, results-focused approach means we take responsibility for our actions and hold ourselves accountable. We believe that others should also be held accountable for their actions.
  • Empowerment – Our approach means that everyone involved with Oxfam, from our staff and supporters to people living in poverty, should feel they can make change happen.
  • Inclusiveness – We are open to everyone and embrace diversity. We believe everyone has a contribution to make, regardless of visible and invisible differences.

How to Apply?

  • Interested consultants are invited to submit:
  • CV/company profile with contact details for 3 references
  • Examples of prior similar work (with links or attachment to the publication);
  • Detailed technical proposal explaining methodology, scope of work and timeline.
  • The financial proposal shall specify a total in Net Fee amount in US Dollars including consultancy fees and all associated costs i.e.  travel cost, meal, accommodation…etc. (the consultancy fee should be mentioned in net fee and Oxfam will cover the tax on consultancy service. (If it is a consulting firm with VAT certificate, then please propose net fee + VAT)


Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Consultancy to Conduct Survey on Contributary Capacity of Small-Scale Farmers to NSSF (Oxfam)__Deadline:15Oct
Position: Consultancy to Conduct Survey on Contributary Capacity of Small-Scale Farmers to NSSF (Oxfam)__Deadline:15Oct
Cambodia Jobs
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