Position: Impact and Communication Specialist (CCC)__Deadline:21Jul

I. Post Information:
Post Title:                          Impact and Communication Specialist
Post Level:                         Management Level 2
Post Number:                   220718
Duty Station:                    Kep city (with often field travel around coastal zone and Phnom Penh)
Report to:                          Members and Networking Strengthening Manager
Advertised on:                  06 July 2022                   
Closing Date:                     21 July 2022
Contract length:                   1 year, renewable subject to effective performance and fund availability

II. Background:
As the leading and longest established membership organization for domestic and foreign NGOs in Cambodia since 1990, the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) has been working in partnership for good governance, enabling environment, and sustainability of the civil society organizations (CSOs). The CCC is currently implementing its fourth phase of the Governance Hub Program (GHP 2021-2023) which is under the vision of sustainable and democratic development in Cambodia and two main goals: 1) improved enabling environment for CSOs; and 2) sustainability and functionality of CSO Resource Hub attained at national and sub-national levels.
Within the five years of “Governance Hub Program (GHP)” for 2021–2023, CCC delivers its mission and mandate to impacts the program’s outcome through: 1) CSOs empowered with enhanced capacity, resiliency and representation, 2) Enabling environment and democratic space enhanced for CSOs, 3) Resource made supportive to CSOs at the national and sub-national levels, and 4) CCC become a sustainable CSO Resource Hub. For details about GHP and other related information, please visit CCC website: www.ccc-cambodia.org

CCC is co-applicant with Aide Et Action (AeA) for the project called CO-SAVED—An Integrated Approach from the Cambodia Consortium for Sustainable Alternative and Voice for Equitable Development—which is supported by EU from 2022-2024. This project will be implemented in the coastal zone (Kep, Kampot, Sihanouk Ville, and Koh Kong provinces).  

III. Position Summary:  
The Impact and Communication Specialist is facilitating and managing the CO-SAVED project in Kep, Kampot, Sihanouk Ville, and Koh Kong provinces. S/he will be responsible for daily operating of the project in these four provinces, conducting the monitoring to the field, collecting the data, producing a project report. Moreover, s/he will be responsible for making a case study and video documentary of the project. S/he will represent CCC at the sub-national level to communicate with the provincial governor, district governor, commune council, and other relevant stakeholders. S/he will facilitate to provide the capacity development to the NGOs in the coastal area to improve their internal governance system, program management, and partnership.

IV. Key Functions / Results Expected:
Summary of Key Functions:
•    Manage the project implementation including the data collection, monitoring, and reporting;
•    Develop the case study and story of change of the project and make a video documentary for the project;
•    Facilitate to have capacity development and partnership strategy of NGOs and Provincial Networks NGOs in the four provinces;
•    Facilitate to have learning systems for the improvement of network organizational effectiveness;
•    Coordinate and maintaining good relationship and implementation with team members and other stakeholders

Major Responsibility areas:
1)- Manage the project implementation including the data collection, monitoring and reporting.
•    Develop the monthly, quarterly, and yearly plan for the project implementation;
•    Develop the tool for project monitoring and data collections;
•    Conduct the monitoring to the target areas regularly;
•    Develop tools and follow-up with the trained participants to produce outcome report (outcome harvesting) and submit to MSNM and donor;
•    Ensure the project goes smoothly as planned;
•    Be a focal person for the project and build a good relationship with the relevant stakeholders (commune council, district governor, provincial governor, NGOs partners);
•    Be a focal person to put the achievement into the SRI system;
•    Produce graphs or tables for presentation to SMT and donors
2)- Develop the case study and story of change of the project and make a video documentary of the project
•    Develop the tool for collecting the information to make a case study and story of change for the project;
•    Facilitate to have a documentary for the project including photos and videos;

3)- Facilitate to have capacity development and partnership strategy of NGOs and Provincial Networks NGOs in the four provinces;
•    Facilitate to conduct the capacity development needs with provincial NGOs networks as appropriate in coastal zone;
•    Conduct and facilitate training courses following capacity development needs, and for improving organizational development to targeted networks and improve capacity of members’ committee and member of networks;
•    Facilitate and support for identification of Co-funding, co-investment, and profit-sharing arrangements among CSOs, Las, and other stakeholders;
4)- Facilitate to have learning systems for the improvement of network organizational effectiveness
•    Facilitate and manage for information needs and knowledge management gap among CSOs networks in coastal zone;
•    Conduct and facilitate to conduct the training courses on knowledge management and organizational development for provincial networks NGOs in coastal zone; 
•    Design knowledge management and learning systems, tools and tactics and improvement plans;
•    Ensure the Communication and Visibility Plan implemented on the knowledge management activities;
•    Ensure the capacity of organizational development, management and advocacy capacity, partnership dialogue skills for provincial networks NGOs in coastal zone.

5)- Coordinate and maintaining good relationship and implementation with team members and other stakeholders
•    Implement responsibilities assigned as per provided in operational plan and project proposal;
•    Assist component’s manager on reviewing and doing operational plan and annual budgeting;
•    Participate in result-based planning (monthly and quarterly and annual plan), budgeting, and conducting monitoring and evaluation of the component; 
•    Collaborate with CCC staff and other NGO partners to well implement the activities toward achieving output set;
•    Complete activities result in reporting system;
•    Be a focal person to represent CCC organization at the provincial office level;
•    Do logistics work in her or his own job’s responsibilities assigned in operational plan and project proposal; 
•    Undertake other activities of the donors’ projects as indicated and assigned by supervisor or SMT.

V. Impact of Results:
The Impact and Communication Specialist (ICS) is working to improve the capacity of provincial NGOs networks so that they can participate in, support and contribute to the development of Cambodia, strengthening the collective voice of civil society for the join-efforts. S/he also contributes to the success two of specific objectives: 1) CSOs are empowered via increased capacity, resilience, and representation and 2) Enabling Environment and democratic space for CSOs is enhanced.

VI. Competency and Skills Requirements:
•    People Skills: Sets clear performance goals and standards; executes responsibilities accordingly; Ability to think strategically and holistically and make independent decisions when necessary; Ability to effectively manage performance of staff and provide support when needed.
•    Results-Orientation: Plans and produces quality results to meet established component goals and commitment with funding partners.
•    Communication and presentation: Demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills, good negotiations and presentation skills.
•    Job Expertise: Performance day-to-day tasks; facilitate participatory processes in decision making; coordinate and strong engagement with wide range of stakeholders; develop work plan and write reports.
•    Training and Development skill: demonstrates good knowledge and skills in facilitation and coordination, delivering training course, facilitating fora, and assessing the impacts of training courses to different stakeholders.

VII. Qualifications Requirements:

•    A Bachelor Degree in Public Policy, Law, Management (in CSOs sector), Social Science, Public Administration, International Development or IR, Political Science, Community Development, or related field; Master degree is preferred.

•    Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in conducting/facilitating/ coordinating multi-stakeholder forum/training/workshop with the involvement of stakeholders;
•    Experiences in report writing and management level is a plus;
•    Experience and knowledge management and communication is a plus;
•    Experience developing strategies, action plan and advocacy tools.
Language Requirements:    •    Fluency in English and Khmer

Interested candidates are invited to submit a cover letter clearly indicating the post title, expected remuneration, and addressing the recruitment criteria, along with a current CV, within only one file (do not attach certificates and recommendations), and send to email: recruitment@ccc-cambodia.org

Submission deadline is 21 July 2022 before 17:00pm. Women and people with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. CCC will not hire any person when there is any information that this person has committed abuse on children. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

Moreinfo: https://www.ccc-cambodia.org/kh/announcements/jobs/impact-and-communication-specialist-legal-specialist

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply! 



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Impact and Communication Specialist (CCC)__Deadline:21Jul
Position: Impact and Communication Specialist (CCC)__Deadline:21Jul
Cambodia Jobs
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