Type of Contract: Consultant
Location: Phnom Penh City
Time Period: October and November 2021
Application Deadline: September 22nd, 2021
Chab Dai Coalition is an organization dedicated to the eradication of modern slavery and sexual abuse. Founded in 2005, we are now a coalition of 51 organizations working in Cambodia to end abuse, exploitation and trafficking. Chab Dai also works in the USA and the UK.
Chab Dai Coalition is seeking a Consultant to evaluate the Advocacy Project which took place in Tboung Khmom, Kratie, and Preah Vihear Province from 2019 to 2021. Advocacy Project works at the sub-national level to build the duty bearers’ capacity, and to establish and strengthen their understanding and practice of a Human Rights Based Approach. At the National Level, the project engages with the Cambodian government through assistance in technical and financial support as well as participating in the National Committee for Counter Trafficking and Ministry of Women Affair meetings
Purpose of the Evaluation
It aims to collect and analyze data and information to explore whether the project achieved its overall
objective, scope and the various outcomes – and if so, how successful was the project in its impact,
and if not, the specific areas the project failed to achieve its outcomes. It also provides an aspect of
challenges and opportunities for the project to implement the activities in the future.
The outcome of the evaluation will be given and used by the donors to:
- Identify way to improve or shift project activities
- Facilitate changes in the project
- Prepare project reports to external stakeholders about the project
- Present the worth and value of the project to stakeholders and public
- Compare among projects to plan for their future, and
- Make evidence-based organizational decisions
Project Goal Statement
Outcome 1. Community members report suspected human trafficking and exploitation cases and
these cases are properly investigated by duty bearers (police and local authorities).
Outcome 2. Strengthened knowledge of relevant national-level actors concerning human trafficking and appropriate responses and best practice.
Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation should follow the five OECD/DAC evaluation criteria of Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability
1. Relevance: Determine whether we are doing the right thing and whether it is relevant to the issue.
2. Effectiveness: Determine the project’s effectiveness at reaching its objectives by describing and assessing how the project was or was not able to achieve the intended activities, outputs, and outcomes.
3. Efficiency: Measure the efficiency of the program’s activities in relation to its outputs by assessing the management of time, resources, and staff throughout the project implementation.
4. Impact: Analyze the impact the project has had on direct and indirect beneficiaries and various stakeholders.
a. What difference has the project made to beneficiaries and stakeholders?
b. What are the intended and unintended, positive and negative, long term effects?
c. How many people were impacted, from where and how?
d. Did the project successfully reach its intended short, medium and long-term outcomes?
5. Sustainability: Determine the sustainability of the project by assessing the likelihood that the project outcomes and overall goal will continue to occur even after the project activities have ended
a. To what extent did the benefits of the project continue beyond the project’s initial activities?
b. Was the project able to adapt to the changes in the community and context in which they worked?
c. In what ways did beneficiaries and stakeholders retain the benefits of Chab Dai’s services and activities after the project activities were completed?
d. Have Felm’s capacity-building efforts towards the supported partner organization yielded permanent, positive change in the partner’s modus operandi?
Scope of Works:
- The project evaluation will be conducted with 36 participants as in Focused-Group Discussion (FGDs), which will include local police trained by Advocacy project,
- and deep face-to-face interview with 9 police officers and 2 national stakeholders who have collaborated with Chab Dai Coalition project.
Consultant Qualifications:
- Hold Master’s Degree in Relevant Field
- Have at least 3 to 5 years of experience in project evaluation.
- Have experienced in areas of human trafficking, sexual abuse, migration or Child Rights issue and understand the government framework on child rights and protection.
- Have experience of providing training/workshops with communities and local authorities.
- Fluent in English and Khmer or have an associate who can deliver this work in Khmer.
- Have had a good record of project evaluation.
Confidentiality & Ethical Code of Conduct:
The consultant must operate on principles that are in line with the vision, mission and values of Chab Dai and follow Chab Dai’s standards when interacting with Chab Dai's stakeholders and beneficiaries.The consultant will sign Chab Dai’s Safeguarding Policy and SEAH Policy upon being hired.
(a) You must consider all information provided to you by Chab Dai in the course of your employment as confidential, except where it is expressly provided on the basis that it is to be made public. You are required to respect and maintain the confidentiality of information made available by Chab Dai, its related partners, stakeholder, and beneficiaries during the course of your employment under this Contract.
(b) You must not, during or at any time after your period of employment with Chab Dai, divulge to any person or use any information concerning Chab Dai’s stakeholder and beneficiaries, except in the proper course of your duties, as permitted by Chab Dai or as required by law.
The Evaluation Requirements:
Produce at least 10-15 pages of report.
Develop the inception plan with a schedule to further discuss and agree on the evaluation plan, the questionnaires and logistics.
The evaluation specifically focused on the findings to answer to the above evaluation goal and objectives.
Desk review of all documents related to current status of issues related to human trafficking, sexual abuse, and migration at the target areas and Conduct an analysis of qualitative data collected.
Providing clear explanations of the weaknesses and strengths of the project, success and failure of the project
The evaluation report also will include specific recommendations on how to improve the project to ensure that outcomes of the project are met in the future, in addition to evaluation criteria assessment.
Conduct a presentation for Chab Dai relevant staff prior to finalization of report
Submit the research final report findings in English to the Chab Dai Coalition, in hard (2 copies) and soft (1 copy) copies.
The consultant is required to consult with Chab Dai in designing questionnaires for in-depth interviews or other forms of data collection. Chab Dai project would like to suggest the Consultant to use the methodologies below
- The individual or group interviews will be conducted in either open or closed format, depending on the preference of the interviewee.
- The interviews will be conducted in English or in Khmer depending on the preference of the interviewee.
Tentatively it is expected that the consultant will carry out the evaluation in October 2021, and the final report and presentation will be submitted to Chab Dai between 1st and 30th November 2021. One week prior to submitting the final report, the consultant will present findings to Chab Dai’s project staff and relevant department(s), as well as the donors, FELM.
Overall Budget Package:
The total budget for this evaluation is $6,000 USD including other travel allowances such as transportation, per diem, gifts, lodging, and other relating expenses including withholding tax 15%. In accordance with Cambodian tax law, Chab Dai Coalition will withhold tax from the consultancy fee if the consultants is from unregistered agency/freelance
The first payment of 50% of the total amount will be paid after signing the contract.
The second payment 50% of the total amount will be paid one week after the evaluation finished.
Diversity and Inclusion
Chab Dai’s vision and ethos of collaboration with diverse groups and organizations informs our values of inclusion, non-discrimination and diversity. We aspire to be an inclusive workplace that embraces diversity and values difference. Our staff are committed to our vision, mission and core values. In line with best practices we do not discriminate against individuals on the basis of:
- Mental and Physical Disability
- Age
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- Gender
- Ethnicity & Nationality
- Religion
- Socio-Economic Background
Interested consultants should submit a proposal, budget plan, CV ,and other required documents to: Chab Dai Coalition to Email address: careers@chabdai.org by the closing date on September 22nd, 2021
Please mention "Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!