Position: Director for Trade and Investment Facilitation (Mekong Institute)__Deadline:31Aug

 Deadline: August 31, 2021

Mekong Institute (MI) is an intergovernmental organization that contributes to regional cooperation and integration through capacity development, dialogue, and advocacy for the acceleration of sustainable socioeconomic development and poverty alleviation in the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Founded and represented by Cambodia, P.R. China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam, MI’s strategies are aligned with the core tenets of the GMS Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030, ASEAN Economic Community, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

MI supports these frameworks through the implementation of projects across the areas of Agricultural Development and Commercialization, Trade and Investment Facilitation, and Sustainable Energy and Environment, while addressing issues of social inclusion and vulnerability, digital economy and innovation, and labor mobility to cement holistic and sustainable development impacts in the subregion and beyond.


  • Reporting to the Executive Director, the Director of Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF) is responsible for designing, planning, managing, and following up projects and key activities under the areas of learning program, consultancy services and research, development projects, and policy dialogue. The TIF Director will also be responsible for generating business development activities and other forms of resource mobilization. This includes network building, negotiation of potential projects, and proposal writing to broaden development opportunities and partnerships for MI.
  • Key deliverables
  • Successful completion of all projects and tasks assigned to the Department
  • Secure income and resources through proposal development and projects  for the Department and MI
  • Design and deliver diverse and innovative capacity development products that respond current and emerging development trends and priorities
  • Deliver high quality standards for all Department outputs
  • Lead the enhancement of team capacities

Main Responsibilities and Tasks

  • Contribute to MI’s Strategic Plan 2021-2025
  • Serve as a role model of professional conduct and courtesy for the organization. Represent, commit, and implement the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of action plan
  • Prepare and oversee organization-wide strategic and operational plans, as well as monitor organizational performance
  • Work  on  key  strategic  initiatives  and  issues  to  optimize  the  operations  of  the organization, with the view of maximizing impacts and results

Develop and Prepare Fund-Raising Strategy

  • Enable the organization to achieve the program fundraising targets based on MI’s Five- Year Master Budget Plan
  • Increase revenue generation of  TIF Department’s annual budget from around USD 1 to 2 million with an annual increase from 5 percent or up
  • Identify and take action of project opportunities such as proposal development to secure program funding
  • Build relations with current and new development partners for continuous and expanding alliances and networks

Proficiency on Financial and Grant Management

  • Develop and review budget proposals according to the MI Financial Manual
  • Review  and   provide  feedback  on   Grant   Project   Agreements,   Memorandums   of Understanding, and other contracts
  • Work  closely  with  the  TIF  and  Finance  Teams  to  review  monthly  revenue  and expenditures, as well as approve donors’ financial reports
  • Manage the sub-grantees for non-profits, private, and government agencies

Proficiency on Human Resource Management

  • Provide necessary capacity development support to TIF staff so they may effectively perform their roles and tasks
  • Assess the mid- and annual performance of TIF staff
  • Mentor, advice, and encourage staff to work as the team to meet MI’s goals

Oversee and Manage TIF Operations

  • Manage the TIF team and contracted consultants to deliver the Department’s planned projects and activities on an annual basis
  • Oversee  processes  that  ensure  quality  control  of  all  TIF  activities  and  outputs  in compliance with MI’s visibility and communications guidelines and  M&E system
  • Design and deliver capacity development activities in relevant program areas
  • Conduct research in relevant program areas, and organize policy consultations, dialogues, conferences, fora, among others
  • Develop case studies and policy briefs
  • Create capacity development packages
  • Serve as a resource person and/or consultant to capacity development activities
  • Provide technical guidance to research and capacity development programs
  • Manage communication and cooperation with other MI Departments and project teams to ensure organizational cohesion and efficiency
  • As a member of the Management Team, contribute to cross organization management, strategy development, budget development, operational planning, and organization-wide M&E, among others
  • Under the guidance of the Executive Director, network with MI’s Coordinating Agencies in GMS member countries
  • Represent MI in regional and international think tanks, organizations, and other associations
  • Perform other reasonable tasks requested by the Executive Director

1.    At least four years of work experience with a PhD or a minimum of eight years of work experience with a Master’s degree. Higher-level education must be in the area of economics, international trade and development,  or any other related field
2.    Knowledge of technical issues related to trade and investment facilitation in the context of the GMS, ASEAN, and the global stage
3.    High-level understanding of technical concepts related to program management such as logical frameworks, results-based management, evidence-based advocacy, research and survey methodologies
4.    Demonstrable expertise in
a.    Leading and managing teams
b.    Program planning and management
c.    Implementation of capacity development activities
d.    Leading and conducting research studies and evaluations
e.    Developing project proposals and project reports
5.    Proven ability to manage teams, including effective staff management and team capacity development
6.    Excellent English writing, speaking, and comprehension skills
7.    Highly substantive analytical, presentation, negotiation, and interpersonal skills
8.    Proven ability to work in a team and coordinate with others
9.    Proficient user of all Microsoft Office applications
Proficiency in at least one GMS language

Interested applicants who meet the qualifications and requirements of the position can send his/her CV and cover letter to recruitment@mekonginstitute.org by August 31, 2021 under the subject heading “TIF Director.” Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.




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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Director for Trade and Investment Facilitation (Mekong Institute)__Deadline:31Aug
Position: Director for Trade and Investment Facilitation (Mekong Institute)__Deadline:31Aug
Cambodia Jobs
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