Position: Education Management Facilitator-Kratie Province -- VSO

Type of role Teaching and education
Location Cambodia
Application Closing Date
Interview date ASAP
Start date ASAP

VSO is the world’s leading international development organisation that works through volunteers to fight poverty. Working in 24 countries around the world, our unique role in international development is to place committed volunteers with carefully selected organisations where their skills can have the greatest impact. As a VSO volunteer you’ll live and work in some of the world’s poorest communities. By sharing your unique skills and experience you’ll help generate new ideas and new ways of doing things, helping the communities you work in lift themselves out of poverty. We’re not about delivering quick fixes, but instead we focus on long-lasting, sustainable change, that will impact generations to come. Join us as a VSO volunteer and help us work towards our vision of a world without poverty.

Role overview

The Education Management Facilitator (EMF) is part of the Capacity Development Partnership (CDP) project team that builds the capacity of targeted staff at the Provincial Office of Education (POE), and District Office of Education (DOE) in developing, implementing and monitoring education plans and budgets. He/she will provide technical assistance, on-the-job support, coaching and mentoring through working alongside with International Volunteer who plays role as Education Management Adviser (EMA) to ensure successful project delivery

Skills, qualifications and experience

Minimum educational background:
•At least Bachelor degree in Education and/or Management or other relevant field.

Minimum experiences and skills:
•Knowledge in the Cambodian education system, structure, priorities, and current situation including education policies and laws relevant to provinces.
•Experience in the field of education preferably within planning and management is a plus.
•Has strong background, knowledge, and experience in participatory approaches of facilitating, coaching and mentoring.
•Ability to be flexible and adaptive at work (e.g. working hours and tasks)
•Has strong reporting skills with the ability to capture and write project’s chains of results and other related reports
•Strong organizational, time management and financial management skills

•Experience of working with educational planning and management either in public or private education sector (e.g. as school director, POE or DOE officer)
•Understanding/Knowledge of how subnational education planning and management works (e.g. structure of POEs, DOEs and schools)
•Committed to learning new skills/improving existing skills through ongoing mentoring and coaching
•Experience of volunteering and understanding/knowledge of volunteering for development
•Committed to VSO’s values
•Understanding/knowledge of VSO’s core programmatic areas
•Able to work in a cross-cultural context
•Strong interpersonal and communication skills
•Good level of IT skills, particulalry email and MS Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel)
•Have a valid licence and knows how to ride a motorbike
•Have good English proficiency

At VSO we believe progress is only possible by working together. Whether you want to join us as an employee, or as a volunteer working in your own country, overseas or online, our selection process includes an assessment based on these core competencies:

• Ability to be open minded and respectful
• Ability to be resilient and adaptive to new situations
• Ability to facilitate positive change and build sustainable working relationships
• Ability to seek and share knowledge

Equal Opportunities

VSO promotes equal opportunities and values a diverse workforce.
Allowance and Benefits:
VSO will support the living expenses of volunteering during your placement period such following:
- In-country monthly allowance: USD383 per month
- Housing monthly allowance: USD 70 per month (relocated volunteers when away from home. This housing allowance will be included in the monthly allowance)
- Resettlement grant is paid at the rate of USD155 per month for the duration of the placement, at the condition the volunteer stays the full duration or at least 75% of the agreed placement duration

VSO works with some of the poorest communities in the world which means accommodation varies and will be basic.

VSO works with some of the poorest communities in the world which means accommodation varies and will be basic.

Some background about VSO

Much has changed since VSO started 60 years ago. We’ve gone from being a UK charity to a truly global development organisation. In 2016/2017 alone, we worked with over 7,000 volunteers from all over the world and from all backgrounds to deliver services that had an impact on the lives of almost 2.6 million people in the 24 countries where we work. Our programmes focus on the areas of health, education and livelihoods, with an increasing emphasis on resilience building, social accountability, gender and social inclusion. We believe progress is only possible when we work together and that strong partnerships are crucial to delivering positive change. That’s why we work with over 500 partner organisations, from local and national governments, to businesses, NGOs, funders, charities and community groups. Currently, over 30% of our people are recruited from within the country in which they work, and we continue to grow the share of community and national volunteers involved in our programmes. We also send increasing numbers of volunteers from one developing country to another. However, our vision has remained the same; to build a world without poverty.

Moreinfo: https://www.vsointernational.org/volunteering/professional/jobs/education-management-facilitator-kratie-province-a0m3z00000d7qkyaaj



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Education Management Facilitator-Kratie Province -- VSO
Position: Education Management Facilitator-Kratie Province -- VSO
Cambodia Jobs
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