Position: Communications and Knowledge Management Specialist -- Oxfam

Communications and Knowledge Management Specialist
Asia Water Governance Program
Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and committed to promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct. We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.

Position Title:      
Communications and Knowledge Management Specialist
TROSA Project Manager or the Asia Regional Programme Manager (tbc)

At the Asia Water Governance PMU at Phnom Penh or any of the program countries in Asia (subject to work permit and employment visa)
Contract Type:
Fixed term -18 months (Oct 2019- March 2021), with possibility of extension
Internal job grade:
C2 National
Salary and Benefits:       
As per national pay scale
Starting Date:
October 2019

Shaping a stronger Oxfam for people living in poverty
Department Purpose
Oxfam is an international confederation of 19 organizations networked together in 97 countries. As part of a global movement for change, Oxfam is working with thousands of partners around the world to end world poverty and injustice. Oxfam works directly with communities and at the policy level to enable the most marginalized to improve their lives and livelihoods and have a say in decisions that affect them. Oxfam has been working on water governance and river basin planning in Asia since the early 2000s focusing on supporting rural river communities to remain connected to, and in control of, their lands, waters and resources.
Team Purpose

Oxfam is working towards an Asia Water Governance Programme that aligns Mekong Regional Water Governance PEM (People managing their eco-systems in the Lower Mekong basin)  and TROSA (Transboundary Rivers of South Asia) Project. TROSA is a 5 year project and is currently in its third year of implementation (2019-2020). The programme management units (PMUs) are being merged incrementally and are based in Cambodia. Country level portfolios are managed at country level and the regional PMU manages regional partnerships and maintains an overview that the respective programmes achieve their objectives. The programme contributes to Oxfam Asia Regional Strategy and Oxfam Country Strategies in Myanmar, Lao PDR, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nepal and India and is implemented together with approximately 27 country level and 8 regional partners with the intention of increasing this portfolio for TROSA project.

Oxfam's programme objectives are to enable communities and civil society to be better able to realize sustainable livelihoods and reduce poverty and promote transboundary cooperation in the Mekong, Salween, Brahmaputra, Ganges, Mahakali/Sharda river basins. Our objectives are that we will achieve this by facilitating i) increased civil society participation and engagement in water resource governance; and ii) promoting more open, inclusive, accountable and effective water resource governance. We seek to convene dialogues and work with a range of partners and allies, including governments, the private sector, academia and institutions.  The work seeks to influence change at the community and civil society level, as well as changes in policies and practices at the national and transboundary level. 
Team Purpose
The Asia Water Governance program is contributing directly to the Oxfam regional result areas of Goal 5 (Fair Sharing of Natural Resources); Goal 1 (Right to be Heard); and Goal 4 (Sustainable Food). It contributes directly to Goal 5 i.e. communities (particularly women) having greater control over their natural resources and sources of livelihood and having increased influence on decision making at all levels. By working to scale from community to national, regional and global levels we are contributing to Oxfam country level and regional objectives and have specific opportunities to hold governments and the private sector to account on international standards and fairer benefit sharing.

The program is also actively contributing to One Oxfam Asia Strategy Framework (2018-2030) which has four strategic levers of data justice, working with the private sector, thought leadership and knowledge-based organization (KBO), and partnerships to influence change.

Position focus
This is an exciting opportunity to coordinate the overall communications and knowledge management work in an innovative multi-country regional initiative working with a diverse set of stakeholders for inclusive transboundary water governance in the Asia region. The Asia Water Governance Programme aims to give voice and agency to vulnerable and marginalized riverine communities living in some of the programme basins in the region.

The Communications and Knowledge Management Specialist will lead the programme’s overall communication and knowledge management strategies and plans and liaise with programme partners and external stakeholders for timely and effective sharing of programme lessons and learnings and use them in influencing. This will involve working with programme partners to co-develop and support knowledge management plans, for timely and effective production, dissemination and use of program insights, evidences and learnings. S/he will regularly work with other PMU functions (policy engagement and programme quality),  coordinate with other Oxfam regional programmes and liaison with external stakeholders such as research institutes and academia, think tanks, regional and global movements and youth networks in the region and globally (wherever relevant) for collective advocacy and influencing.

The post provides an exciting opportunity for an experienced Communications & Knowledge
Management Specialist with the ability to not only draw out lessons and learnings from the programme but to leverage it for influencing key internal and external stakeholders. We are looking for someone who is passionate about working on issues of water governance, gender and youth, engaging with the private sector and responsible business, and resilience building and recognizes the importance of working directly with communities to achieve impact within this space. The post holder needs to be someone who takes initiative, shows leadership, and willing to take on challenges to help the programme achieve its impact. This is a unique coordination position, with an explicit role to play in driving efforts on evidence-into-use in the programmes, and to maximizing the uptake and influence of the knowledge products developed from and with Oxfam’s programmes. Building on Oxfam’s investments in this space, and reputation for high quality programme research, impact evaluation and rich programme learning, the
Specialist will help to position Oxfam as sector leader in learning-oriented knowledge processes and a thought leader on inclusive water governance.

Key Responsibilities

  • Reviewing/updating and implementing the programme  communications strategy and better align it with the overall programme influencing strategy and the Oxfam Asia Strategy Framework (primarily on the Lever on Knowledge Based Organization and Thought Leadership).  .
  • Drafting content and key messages using various formats and media targeting different
Stakeholders to engage and inform strategic stakeholders and forums in the region.
  • Responsible for preparation, coordination and compilation of all important programme knowledge and communication products, including six monthly and annual progress reports.
  • Pro-actively lead the documentation and dissemination lessons learnt from various project interventions, including but not limited to useful case studies, progress reports, evaluations, human interest stories and follow up on action planning.
  • Coordinate the production and dissemination of high quality documentation / publications such as case studies, learning briefs, evidence notes, best practices, photo essays, blogs and Video Blogs, social media content, quarterly newsletters, process and learning documentation, lessons learned for internal and external use on regular interval.
  • In coordination with the programme quality and  policy coordinator, organize regular virtual and face-to-face peer-to-peer learning exchanges between various programme partners, Oxfam, and other relevant stakeholders.

  • Coordinate, facilitate and support high-quality communications and knowledge management strategy and planning across functional areas, which make the most of Oxfam’s investments in evidence and knowledge generation and use.
  • Ensure that a learning culture is fostered within the project and Knowledge Management is an integral part of project interventions.
  • Play a key role in the cluster’s evolving work in the knowledge and evidence space. As our role evolves and the world moves forward, help to ensure that our contributions remain cutting-edge, relevant and appropriate.
  • Coordinating with country teams, partners, and other stakeholders and external forums on communications, knowledge products, and project deliverables.
  • Support the program quality and learning specialist in organizing basin-level learning events/program review meetings on regular basis to share lessons and best practices both internally within Oxfam and partners, but externally with other stakeholders.
  • Work with the program manager and the policy influencing lead to plan and organize inputs to strategic policy processes and initiatives at the regional/global levels, including  organizing/facilitating outreach and engagement sessions at key regional/global forums on water, business and human rights, youth and women leadership, SDGs etc.  
  • Identify opportunities by which project-generated evidence, learning and innovations from our water governance programme approach and lessons can be shared with multiple external audiences, including government, private sector and donors.
  • Work with Oxfam in Asia Comms and PQ team to contribute lessons from the cluster to the development and delivery of a global and regional influencing agenda that is focused and strategic on inclusive water governance.
  • Represent Oxfam and communicate Oxfam’s views, values and approaches to a range of actors, including governments, regional institutions, civil society organisations and media, whenever required.

Business development
Play an active supporting role in business development and funding processes, as they link to the cluster’s function and ambition. This is both about ensuring that programme design and business development processes link, wherever possible, with evidence and insight, and about developing new funding opportunities for the functions itself.

Knowledge of core dimensions in Programme Quality
In addition to any thematic expertise, cultivate a broad knowledge of Programme Quality standards, practices and resources (for example: emerging best practices in partnership in consortia, key modes for incorporating ICTs into programme) to help programme design teams incorporate them into practical plans.
  • Required to adhere to Oxfam’s principles and values as well as the promotion of gender justice and women's rights
  • Understanding of and commitment to adhere to equity, diversity, gender, child safety and staff health and wellbeing principles.

Skills and Experience
  • University degree (or equivalent) in the fields of international development, water resources management, communications, development studies, social policy, community development, environmental science, international relations.
  • At least 10 years of experience working in a communications and knowledge management role facilitating cross-organization learning, evidence sharing, and information dissemination.
  • Demonstrated experience of leading and implementing initiatives around evidence generation and knowledge use at an organizational level, in a large and complex organization or network. We would expect this experience to be complemented by a broad theoretical understanding of different approaches and trends in the area of natural resources and water governance.
  • Able to represent Oxfam externally - including demonstrated success in collaborating and partnering with specialist or technical audiences (for example: policymakers, researchers, academics or development practitioners) on issues relating to evidence, knowledge or learning.
  • Excellent writing, editing and communication skills in English.
  • Sound understanding and experience of working on issues of water governance, responsible business and CSOs-led advocacy and influencing in Asia.
  • Strong inter-personal skills and ability to build, motivate and inspire multi-disciplinary teams based at different locations working for a common purpose to enhance project impact.
  • Strong background in using both traditional communication tools and social media, including skills and experience of digital communication.
  • Ability to work strategically and share & leverage learning to influence key project stakeholders including governments, private sector and donors.
  • Digital design skills for producing infographics and report templates, including experience of digital photo and video editing.
  • Excellent people skills, with proven ability to motivate others and work collaboratively, requiring strong self-awareness and inter-personal skills.
  • Ability to adapt to different working styles and work within a multicultural, multilingual and multidisciplinary environment.
  • Commitment to living and role modelling the principles outlined in Oxfam’s leadership Model.
  • A positive, friendly and inspiring attitude towards donor, colleagues and partners, which helps create a constructive atmosphere to deliver a highly challenging project.
Key Attributes
  • Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences and gender issues, as well as the commitment to equal opportunities.
  • Ability to demonstrate an openness and willingness to learn about the application of gender/gender mainstreaming, women’s rights, and diversity for all aspects of development work.
  • Commitment to Oxfam’s safeguarding policies to ensure all people who come into contact with Oxfam are as safe as possible.
Organizational Values
  • Accountability – Our purpose-driven, results-focused approach means we take responsibility for our actions and hold ourselves accountable. We believe that others should also be held accountable for their actions.
  • Empowerment – Our approach means that everyone involved with Oxfam, from our staff and supporters to people living in poverty, should feel they can make change happen.
  •  Inclusiveness – We are open to everyone and embrace diversity. We believe everyone has a contribution to make, regardless of visible and invisible differences.
Note to candidates: Shortlisted candidates will be assessed on our organisational values and attributes at the interview stage. The successful candidate(s) will be expected to adhere to our code of conduct. We encourage candidates to read and understand our code of conduct here.
At Oxfam, our job descriptions provide a guide to what might be expected in the role. Along with our strategy the job profile is used to help to shape specific objectives for employees. Employees are supported to deliver these objectives and they are annually assessed against them as part of the Oxfam performance review process. This job profile is not incorporated into the employment contract.
Key Behavioral Competencies
(based on Oxfam’s Leadership Model)

We are comfortable to make transparent decisions and to adapt decision making modes to the context and needs.
We have the ability to engage with diverse stakeholders in a way that leads to increased impact for the organization We spot opportunities to influence effectively and where there are no opportunities we have the ability to create them in a respectful and impactful manner.
We put ‘we’ before ‘me’ and place an emphasis on the power of the collective, nurture the team and play to the strengths of each individual. We are not concerned with hierarchical power, and we engage with, trust and value the knowledge and expertise of others across all levels of the organization.
Relationship Building
We understand the importance of building relationship, within and outside the organization. We have the ability to engage with traditional and non-traditional stakeholders in ways that lead to increased impact for the organization.
We are good listeners who can see where deeper levels of thoughts and tacit assumptions differ. Our messages to others are clear and consider different preferences.
Mutual Accountability
We can explain our decisions and how we have taken them based on our organizational values.  We are ready to be held to account for what we do and how we behave, as we are also holding others to account in a consistent manner.
Agility, Complexity, and Ambiguity
We scan the environment, anticipate changes, are comfortable with lack of clarity and deal with a large number of elements interacting in diverse and unpredictable ways.
Systems Thinking
We view problems as parts of an overall system and in their relation to the whole system, rather than reacting to a specific part, outcome or event in isolation. We focus on cyclical rather than linear cause and effect. By consistently practicing systems thinking we are aware of and manage well unintended consequences of organizational decisions and actions.
Strategic Thinking and Judgment
We use judgment, weighing risk against the imperative to act. We make decisions consistent with organizational strategies and values.
Vision Setting
We have the ability to identify and lead visionary initiatives that are beneficial for our organization and we set high-level direction through a visioning process that engages the organization and diverse external stakeholders.
We are able to develop a high degree of self-awareness around our own strengths and weaknesses and our impact on others. Our self-awareness enables us to moderate and self-regulate our behaviors to control and channel our impulses for good purposes.

We all work to effectively empower and enable others to deliver the organizations goals through creating conditions of success. We passionately invest in others by developing their careers, not only their skills for the job.  We provide freedom; demonstrate belief and trust provide appropriate support.

Interested applicants should  submit their application and CV to our recruitment website at https://career2.successfactors.eu/career?company=OxfamNovibP by August 29, 2019, Cambodia time.
Moreinfo: https://career2.successfactors.eu/career?career%5fns=job%5flisting&company=OxfamNovibP&navBarLevel=JOB%5fSEARCH&rcm%5fsite%5flocale=en%5fGB&career_job_req_id=5201&selected_lang=en_GB&jobAlertController_jobAlertId=&jobAlertController_jobAlertName=&_s.crb=rCAx0If0ivF61UHZsMm7QqmLgLY%3d



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Communications and Knowledge Management Specialist -- Oxfam
Position: Communications and Knowledge Management Specialist -- Oxfam
Cambodia Jobs
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