Supporting the communities in which we live and work has been an
important part of Macquarie’s activities since our inception in 1969. In
that time, our people have devoted thousands of hours to work with
non-profit organisations around the world and contributed more than
$A330 million to drive social change at the local community level.
We are delighted to mark our 50th anniversary by extending
this tradition with a further $A50 million commitment. It is expected
to be awarded to five non-profit organisations ($A10 million each) over a
five-year period to fund projects globally that will have a lasting
community benefit.
This new global award seeks to initiate or build on bold ideas that
address an area of social need. We encourage non-profits to be
imaginative in their thinking about the enduring outcomes they can
achieve with this funding.
Macquarie’s 50th Anniversary Award will be shared by approximately
five organisations globally, with funding to be delivered over a period
of five years.
Award objectives:
- to build on an eligible organisation’s ability to address an area of social need
- to encourage eligible organisations to be bold in their thinking about how to address social needs
- to support excellence in the implementation of these bold ideas
- to publicly promote the selected organisations’ work and inspire continuing best practice within the social sector.
Application criteria and eligibility
Applicant organisations need to meet the following criteria:
- must be a registered non-profit within the applicable country and have audited financial statements and a board of directors
- must have a current annual operating budget of minimum $A4 million
- must demonstrate that it has been in operation for a minimum of three years
- must be able to provide evidence or data to support the expected outcomes of their proposed project (either the organisation’s own data if a project is already underway, or research done elsewhere if a new project is proposed)
- the proposed project must be delivered within five years upon receipt of funds or demonstrate a strong ongoing sustainability model following the five-year funding period. Funds will be released according to an agreed project timeline.