Position: Associate Project Analyst -- Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Reference Number 171039
Position Level AS 6
Department Southeast Asia Department
Division Cambodia Resident Mission
Location Cambodia Resident Mission
Date Posted Friday, January 5, 2018
Closing Date Monday, January 22, 2018 11:59 p.m. (2359 Manila Time, 0800 GMT)

Asian Development Bank (ADB) is an international development finance institution headquartered in Manila, Philippines and is composed of 67 members, 48 of which are from the Asia and Pacific region. ADB's mission is to reduce poverty and promote sustainable economic growth in the region. ADB's main instruments for helping its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical assistance. 

The position is assigned in the Cambodia Resident Mission (CARM) within the Southeast Asia Department (SERD). SERD is responsible for maintaining client relations and delivering ADB assistance to countries in the Southeast Asian region. CARM is responsible for country partnership and strategy, policy dialogue and client relationship, business development, knowledge management, project quality assurance, sector analytic work, and loan and technical assistance processing and administration in Cambodia.  

Important Information: The vacancy is for a local position with a local remuneration package. It is open only to nationals and residents of Cambodia.
Job Purpose
The Associate Project Analyst will provide statistical and analytical support to the portfolio management functions, processing and administration of loans, grants and technical assistance in CARM. The incumbent will report to the designated Project Administration (PAU) Head and senior National Staff.
  • Maintain database for managing Cambodia project/sector portfolio of loans, grants and technical assistance in e-Operations (e-Ops) and other online applications/database systems and process such data into meaningful reports for inclusion in portfolio performance reports;
  • Advise Project Officers (POs) on rules and procedures, such as the Project Administration Instructions, loan/technical assistance (TA) disbursement handbooks, the financial management handbook and Government's standard operating proced;
  • Assist POs in monitoring implementation progress against targets (e.g., physical progress, contract awards and disbursements) to identify shortfalls and their underlying causes, and follow up these matters with the Executing Agencies (EAs);
  • Collect, analyze and update portfolio data, particularly on performance, trends, and issues; respond to requests from ADB colleagues in need of project/portfolio information; provide inputs to country portfolio reviews undertaken by CARM/HQ; organize project files for easy retrieval;
  • Conduct review of audited project financial statements, liaise with financial management specialist, ensure compliance with financial agreements, and provide guidance to executing agencies for timely actions;
  • Contribute to the preparation and/or updating of Project Administration Manual (PAM) by gathering and consolidating data, and preparing drafts on various sections of the PAM.
  • Participate in various missions as required and provide assistance in (i) collecting data on contract awards and disbursements, (ii) reconciliation of project accounts, (iii) compliance with loan covenants, (iv) familiarizing EAs with ADB's loan, grant and TA procedures, and (v) assist, where necessary, in the preparation of various reports and applications; and
  • Process withdrawal applications, create procurement contract summary sheets and expedite/follow up on contract management.


Relevant Experience & Requirements
  • Bachelor's degree in business management, economics, financial management or related fields.
  • At least 5 years of relevant work experience; related experience in international agencies and certification in Procurement Accreditation Skills Scheme (PASS) will be preferred.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of operational processes and procedures of ADB or other international organizations.
  • Proven ability to undertake background research and analysis on difficult but well-defined tasks, collect and organize required data and information, apply appropriate computer skills in analyzing and developing the data, and prepare notes, papers and sections of reports.
  • Proficiency in operating microcomputers and software applications for performing word processing, spreadsheets, graphics and database applications.
  • Able to liaise and work effectively with staff within own work location and throughout ADB.
  • Able to work collaboratively with teams as a constructive team member.
  • Able to establish and maintain productive contacts with appropriate officials of host government, donor agencies and executing agencies.
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills are desirable.
  • Able to work with individuals from different cultural/national backgrounds.
  • Very good oral and writing English communication skills.
  • Please refer to the link for ADB Competency Framework for Administrative Staff 6.
General Considerations
The selected candidate is appointed for an initial term of 3 years.
ADB offers competitive remuneration and a comprehensive benefits package. Actual appointment salary will be based on ADB's standards and computation, taking into account the selected individual's qualifications and experience.
ADB seeks to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and given equal opportunities to work in an inclusive environment. ADB encourages all qualified candidates to apply regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious and cultural background, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities. Women are highly encouraged to apply.
Please note that the actual level and salary will be based on qualifications of the selected candidate.



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Associate Project Analyst -- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Position: Associate Project Analyst -- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Cambodia Jobs
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