The Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation (PPCF) is a grant giving trust
with Quaker family roots in the United Kingdom. We aim to contribute to
the development of a just society based on a commitment to nonviolence
and environmental sustainability. Our priority is to address systemic
threats by seeking to change policy and attitudes at a national or
European level. In order to do this, in the limited areas described
below we support projects that seek to influence values and attitudes,
promote equity and social justice, and develop radical alternatives to
current economic and social structures.
What We Fund
Peace and Sustainable Security: We support the development of ways of resolving violent conflicts peacefully, and of addressing their underlying causes.
Peace and Sustainable Security: We support the development of ways of resolving violent conflicts peacefully, and of addressing their underlying causes.
Environmental Sustainability: We support work that addresses the pressures and conditions that risk global environmental breakdown.
Our resources are limited and we receive a huge number of
applications. In order to make informed grant decisions we have to focus
our grant-giving in a number of ways. For this reason we fund
organisations in UK that are working to influence policy, attitudes and
values at a national or international level. These may be single issue
groups working to achieve a particular change, or organisations with a
broader remit. We give particular consideration to small pioneering
headquarters organisations.
We only support practical projects when they are clearly of a
pioneering nature, with potential for influencing UK national policy.
We usually give grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 per year, for up to
three years. We usually support organisations for whom this would
represent between 3% and 50% of their annual income (organisations with
an annual income of between £10,000 and £500,000 approximately).
We do not fund:
- organisations that are large (see above)
- organisations that are outside UK (unless they are linked with a UK registered charity and doing work of international focus)
- work outside the UK (unless it is of international focus)
- grants to individuals
- travel bursaries (including overseas placements & expeditions)
- study
- academic research
- capital projects (e.g. building projects or purchase of nature reserves)
- community or local practical projects (except innovative projects for widespread application)
- youth work, youth training and youth camps
- environmental/ ecological conservation
- international agencies and overseas appeals
- general appeals
- human rights work (except where it relates to peace and environmental sustainability).
- community mediation and crime related work