Posting Title: INTERN - ENVIRONMENT AFFAIRS (Two Positions), I (Temporary Job Opening)
Department/Office: United Nations Environment Programme
Duty Station: TOYAMA; BUSAN;
Posting Period: 20 November 2017 - 19 November 2018
Job Opening Number: 17-Environmental Affairs-UNEP-88958-J- (O)

The United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. UN Environment’s Division of Ecosystems works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and advisory services for the implementation of environmental policy, and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. These internship positions are located in the UN Environment, Ecosystems Division, Northwest Pacific Action Plan at Toyama, Japan or Busan, R. Korea duty station.

The Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region (NOWPAP) was adopted in September 1994 as a part of the Regional Seas Programme of the UN Environment. Member states of the NOWPAP are Japan, P.R. China, Republic of Korea, and the Russian Federation (http://nowpap.org). Regional Coordinating Unit of NOWPAP with two offices (in Toyama and Busan) has overall responsibility for the implementation of the NOWPAP Members' decisions regarding the operation of the Action Plan. The Regional Coordinating Unit maintains close contacts with and supports the work of the NOWPAP Regional Activity Centres and maintains cooperative relationships with other regional and international organizations. 

Two internship positions (for Toyama and Busan offices, respectively) will support Regional Coordinating Unit in the implementation of the NOWPAP Programme of Work. Daily responsibilities will depend on the individual's background as well as the agreed internship period.

Under the direct supervision of the NOWPAP Senior Coordinator (for Toyama office) or Programme Officer (for Busan office), the Environmental Affairs and Communication Intern will:

•Assist Senior Coordinator (Programme Officer) and other programme staff with outreach to Japanese and Korean governments, including local governments and various UN Environment stakeholders in the region;
•Assist with the organization of meetings/events, including logistics, preparing invitation letters, visa arrangements, etc.
•Undertake research, monitor relevant scientific and policy developments;
•Support communication materials, including website and social media development, designing posters/newsletters, drafting news articles/quarterly newsletters, editing pictures, etc.
•Assist in drafting meeting reports on the progress of activities when requested;
•Attend, report back, and draft summaries/ minutes of attended meetings and conferences;
•Assist with general office management;
•Assist with any other duties that will further the goals and mission of the NOWPAP when requested.
Core Competencies
•Speaks and writes clearly and effectively;
•Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately;
•Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication;
•Tailors language, tone, style and format to match the audience;
•Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.

•Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals;
•Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others;
•Places team agenda before personal agenda;
•Supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position;
•Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.

Client Orientation:
•Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view;
•Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect;
•Identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions;
•Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep informed and anticipate problems;
•Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects;
•Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client.
•Applicants must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements:
-Be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher);
-Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree program (minimum Bachelor's level or equivalent);
-Have graduated with a university degree and, if selected, must commence the internship within a one-year period of graduation.

•Be computer literate in standard software applications.

•Have demonstrated keen interest in the work of the United Nations and have a personal commitment to the ideals of the Charter;

•Have a demonstrated ability to successfully interact with individuals of different cultural backgrounds and beliefs, which include willingness to try and understand and be tolerant of differing opinions and views.

•Academic background in Environmental Studies, International Relations or International development, Communication or Journalism is required.
Work Experience
Applicants are not required to have professional work experience for participation in the programme.
Fluency in English and Japanese (for position in Toyama, Japan) or Korean (for position in Busan, Republic of Korea) (both oral and written) is required. Knowledge of Chinese or Russian is an advantage.
Potential candidates will be contacted by Hiring Managers directly for further consideration.
Special Notice
1. A Completed application (Personal History Profile) through the UN careers Portal. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. In your Personal History Profile (PHP), be sure to include all past work experiences, IT Skills and programmes that you are proficient in using, and explain why you are the best candidate for the internship and what you hope to gain from the internship, and three references.

2. Proof of enrollment (click on link to access and attach to your application: (http://unon.org/content/internship-programme),

3. A certified copy of degree certificate (if you have already graduated).

Due to a high volume of applications received, ONLY successful candidates will be contacted.

The duration of an Internship is two months minimum; maximum is six months with a possibility for extension depending on the needs of the Organization.

The Internship is UNPAID and full-time.

Interns work five days per week (35-40 hours) under the supervision of a staff member in the department or office to which they are assigned.



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: INTERN - ENVIRONMENT AFFAIRS (Two Positions) -- UNEP, TOYAMA; BUSAN
Cambodia Jobs
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