The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in
Nairobi, announces a call for proposals for small grants for 2017 in the
Republic of Kenya.
This aid
modality of Slovak Official Development Assistance is funded from the
SlovakAid Programme and aimed directly at small-scale projects which
represent more flexible, operative and effective financial support for
developing countries.
The submitted projects must be related to sectors of health, education and training, agriculture and good governance. The proposals must be in line with the Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Development Cooperation with the Republic of Kenya for 2014 – 2018.
Project proposals which are not in accordance with the focus of this call for proposals will not be accepted.
The maximum amount of the non-repayable financial contribution from the SlovakAid programme is EUR 10,000 per project selected. The applicants can co-finance the proposed projects from their own resources or other resources.
A maximum of 7 projects will be awarded within this call for proposals.
The maximum duration of each project is 6 months commencing
from the date of signing the Agreement between the Slovak Agency for
International Development Cooperation (hereafter Agency) and the Final
The call for proposals is open to registered legal persons, NGOs, non-profit subjects, and local authorities.
Personal costs and salaries associated with project management activities are not eligible.
Bank fees are not eligible.
not clearly attributed to the objective of the project as well as costs
incurred and paid before and after the project implementation period
are not eligible.
The deadline for submission of project proposals (electronically, and hard copy delivered to Embassy of the Slovak Republic, Jakaya Kikwete Road, and 00100 Nairobi) is 31 July, 2017.
Hard-copy applications (completed, signed and stamped) with relevant
accompanying documentation (registration documents of the applicant
organization and resume of the key representative responsible for
project implementation) should be sent to the Slovak Embassy no later than 3pm on given deadline date. Applications received after this date and time will not be accepted.
Project proposal procedure and grant selection process
The applicants are encouraged to submit the standard application form
for financial contribution in English and send it with all mandatory
appendices to the Embassy by regular mail in a sealed envelope, and as
well as electronically to: Applications will be accepted when envelopes are clearly postmarked on or before the specified application closing date.
The Embassy will conduct preliminary review of individual project
proposals. The Embassy will assess each submitted proposal, and send it
to the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
(hereafter Ministry) and the Agency.
If the application is approved by the Ministry, the Agency will sign a
grant agreement with successful applicants. Upon the signing of the
agreement, the project implementation phase can be launched.
After signing the agreement and receiving financial contribution from
the Agency, the Embassy will transfer the respective amount of money
approved in agreement (70 % of the approved grant) to the Final
5. The applicant is
obliged to submit a Small Grant Completion Report and Small Grant
Financial Report together with all necessary accounting documents, after
the completion of the project, and send the requested documents to the
Embassy, which will subsequently forward them to the Agency.
After the completion and financial reporting documentation is approved
by the Agency, the Embassy will pay the remaining balance of the budget
(30 %) to the Final Beneficiary.