IMPAKT - International Mobility Programme for Academic and Knowledge Transfer


Erasmus Mundus is a program financed by the European Commission which aims to promote European higher education, to help improve and enhance the career prospects of students and to promote intercultural understanding with third countries distributed by "lots", in accordance with the foreign policy objectives of the European Union, to contribute to sustainable development of higher education in these countries.

Action 2 of the Erasmus Mundus program aims to build university partnerships, formed in consortia, composed of European universities and universities in third countries, and to organize the flow of student and staff mobility between Europe and third countries with scholarships for a period of 3 months to 3 years.

Who can apply?

To be eligible for a IMPAKT scholarship, applicants must meet a set of minimum requirements.

General criteria:

- Be a national of a country in Asia (Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, North Korea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) for mobility to Europe or an European Union national for mobility to Asia
- Not have resided or had a main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than 12 months during the last five years in any eligible European country at the time of application to the consortium (only for Asian applicants)
- Not have benefited in the past from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship of the IMPAKT project (any category)
- Not have benefited in the past from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship of another project for the same type of mobility (excepting staff)
- Have sufficient knowledge of the language of instruction or one of the languages ​​spoken in the host country
- Respect the specific criteria and applicable additions for each type of mobility (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate, Post-doctorate, Staff).

Specific criteria for each type of mobility:

- Bachelors (mobility): be at least in the 2nd year at the time of submission of the application. The validation of the second year must be demonstrated before departure.
- Master (mobility): be registered in the first year of a Master’s program of two years. If the student is in the third year of a Bachelor, he/she must prove that his/her admission in Master 1 is acquired through a certificate downloaded from the "other documents" section.
- Master (full) (Asia to Europe): the applicant must have completed 8 semmesters of studies before starting the mobility.
- Doctorate (mobility): be enrolled in a doctoral program at the time of submission of the application.
- Post-doctorate: holding a PhD and have a formal link with a higher education institution in one of the eligible countries.
- Staff: be tenured staff or working full time in a partner institution or an institution of one of the eligible countries.

In addition to these criteria, others may be specific to each partner institution or to each degree. It is strongly recommended that applicants prepare their application in close collaboration with the contact person of their home institution in order to obtain clear information on specific eligibility criteria established either in their home institution (if applicable) or the host institution where they intend to apply.



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Cambodia Jobs: IMPAKT - International Mobility Programme for Academic and Knowledge Transfer
IMPAKT - International Mobility Programme for Academic and Knowledge Transfer
Cambodia Jobs
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