The United Nations Environment Programme has established a Trust Fund
for sustainable consumption and production (SCP) programmes to mobilize
voluntary contributions from multiple sources, including public/donor
contributions, the private sector and other sources. The Trust Fund has
the following elements:
The objectives of the Trust und is to receive and mobilize
resources in a stable, sustained and predictable manner to develop
sustainable consumption and production programmes in developing
countries and countries with economies in transition, as appropriate,
and to promote the transparent allocation of resources;
The trust fund is used to support the implementation of the
10-year framework of programmes in developing countries, such as by
providing seed money for developing and implementing programme
Financing for the trust fund should not be provided at the
expense of other high priority sustainable development activities being
carried out by United Nations bodies;
Programme proposals from developing countries to the trust fund
should meet the criteria specified below and allocation of the financing
should take regional balance into account;
The United Nations Environment Programme, as the secretariat of
the 10-year Framework of Programmes, was invited to act as trustee for
the trust fund and to administer the fund;
Donors, the private sector and others
are encouraged to contribute to the trust fund, providing general
support to the 10-year Framework of Programmes, as well as support to
specific programmes and initiatives responding to the national and
regional priorities of developing countries.
Who can apply (through project proposal) and receive funds from the Trust Fund? Governments, UN agencies, NGOs?
- The main objective of the Trust Fund is to support the implementation of the 10-year framework of programmes in developing countries.
- Governments, through the National Focal Point, will be able to apply. The NFP must be consulted, and the project must fit into one of the programmes.
- NGOs could submit a project proposal. We need to set up a process for eligibility of projects submitted by NGOs. The nomination of focal points for stakeholders, as envisaged today, will ensure that major groups representatives at international and regional levels are part of the 10YFP. We may have to consider the direct nomination of a focal point from different NGOs, so that they are “registered” under the 10YFP and can apply to the Trust Fund.
- The implementation of the 10YFP should be country driven.
- UN agencies could be involved in the projects as executing agency in government projects. They would then receive the funds for project implementation in the country.
The Secretariat of the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable
Consumption and Production (10YFP) organises calls for proposals to
support the shift towards SCP. Governments and not-for-profit
organizations in developing countries and countries with economies in
transition are invited to submit proposals in response to these calls.
Ongoing calls for proposals :
Theme of the Call for Proposals: Sustainable Buildings and Construction (SBC) Programme
Available funds for this call: up to USD 500,000 to support up to 3 project proposals
Duration of a submitted project: between a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 24 months
Budget of a submitted project: mimimum of US$100,000 and a maximum of $US200,000
Theme of the Call for Proposals: Sustainable Buildings and Construction (SBC) Programme
Available funds for this call: up to USD 500,000 to support up to 3 project proposals
Duration of a submitted project: between a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 24 months
Budget of a submitted project: mimimum of US$100,000 and a maximum of $US200,000