The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund (RCNF) is pleased to
announce the third open Request for Proposals (RfP). Global and
regional networks and consortia that meet the definitions and criteria
set by this RfP, are invited to apply for a grant to support
core-funding and/or programmatic needs of the network for up to three
years (2016-2018).
The request for proposals (RfP) is open to global and regional networks, as well as consortia that
meet the definitions and criteria set by this RfP. Applicants can
submit proposals for up to three years of funding. For the first year
(2016), a work plan, budget and cash flow statement is required. The
work plans, budgets and liquidity prognoses for subsequent years will
have to be submitted in subsequent years.
The RCNF prioritizes applications by consortia and global networks.
Furthermore, applications by networks that have a proven track record in
working towards RCNF outcomes are prioritized. New and emerging
networks can be recommended for funding to the extent that they fill a
gap in the global HIV response. Preferably, new and emerging networks
will submit an application in a consortium with other global and/or
regional networks with a proven track record.
Current grantees are prioritized based on proven track record of
success in achieving outcomes from previous RCNF grant awards. Progress
and success need to be described in the application. For all applicants,
a description on how inadequately served populations are involved in
the governance structure and in programming will be required.
Applications will be reviewed competitively, according to the
definitions and funding priorities set by this RFP. However, current
RCNF grantees will be prioritized over proposals with the same focus of
comparable quality.