GEMMA - Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies

GEMMA is the first Erasmus +: Erasmus Mundus Master´s Degree in Women's and Gender Studies in Europe. It is a programme of excellence supported by the European Commission.

 GEMMA is unique in the way it brings together approaches to feminism from all cardinal points in Europe. Created as a result of the concerted efforts of several universities working together within the ATHENA network, the GEMMA Consortium represents the harmonization of seven different institutions from six European countries: University of Granada (Spain, coordinator), University of Bologna (Italy), Central European University (Vienna, Austria), University of York (United Kingdom), University of Lódź (Poland), University of Oviedo (Spain) and University of Utrecht (The Netherlands). GEMMA is thus the fine tuning of North European, South European and Central European higher education institutions where Women’s and Gender studies is one of the main elements of their postgraduate offer.

Since the 6th edition of the programme, the extended GEMMA Consortium also includes eight other North, Central and South American universities which participate as associates partners: Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Universidad Estatal de Campinas en Sao Paulo (Brazil), Universidad de Chile (Chile), Florida International University (USA), Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico), and Rutgers University (USA). And from 11th edition, University of Columbia (USA), University of New York (USA), University of Redlands (USA), Cátedra UNESCO de Cultura y Educación para la paz Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador), Cátedra de la Mujer at Universidad de la Habana, Cuba and the Centre for Women’s Studies in Zagreb (Croatia). Finally, in 2019, the University of New York withdrawn this extended consortium but other prestigious institutions were incorporated: the Goldsmiths University of London (United Kingdom) and the Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme (GEST) at the University of Iceland (Iceland). join them also as associate partners. These prestigious higher education institutions will participate in GEMMA through an innovative e-learning program in collaboration with the Virtual Training Centre at the University of Granada (Medialab), enhancing the singularity of this EMJMD in its transatlantic extended consortium.

GEMMA also collaborates with women’s studies research and promotion institutions such as Associazione Orlando (Bologna), Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women‘s History and the Equality Unit of the University of Granada; public administration actors such as the Instituto Asturiano de la Mujer (Spain), Diputación de Granada (Spain), Gender Equality and Human Rights Commission of the Legislative Asembly of Emilia Romagna Region (Italy), and Ayuntamiento de Granada (Spain); companies and enterprise associations, such as AIDDA, Associazione Imprenditrici e Donne Dirigenti di Azienda, HERA (Italy), CNA Impresa Donne di Bologna, Espora–Consultoría de Género (Spain) and Agora-Espacio de Formación Feminista (Spain); feminist activist organizations and NGO’s, suchas Acción en Red (Spain), Hombres por la Igualdad (Spain), Equal Opportunities’ Office of ASC InSieme, Azienda Speciale Interventi Sociali Valli dal Reno Lavino e Samoggia (Italy), and Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory (the Netherlands); academic and professional networks, such as ATGENDER - The European Association for Gender Research (the Netherlands), Fundación IES Granada (Spain), EWA, European Women’s Audiovisual Network (France), and Inter-America Organization for Higher Education (OUI-IOHE) (Colombia); academic publishers such asPeter Lang AG International Academic Publishers, KRK Ediciones (Spain), Colección Feminae UGR (Spain), Nomadías journal (Chile), Cuadernos PAGU journal (Brazil), and Mora journal (Argentina).

GEMMA is a joint interdisciplinary programme that provides high quality academic education and professional competencies for personnel working or intending to work in the areas of Women's Studies, Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities across Europe and beyond. Such a wide span of options and combinations makes the programme attractive to students worldwide. Courses are taught by the most distinguished and highly recognized professors in the fields of research in each one of the departments involved. Summer schools and language courses are on offer for both students and scholars. GEMMA offers added value through its geographically balanced consortium, which makes it possible for students to choose their international mobility route amongst seven participating universities.




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Cambodia Jobs: GEMMA - Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies
GEMMA - Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies
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