WFP has created an innovation fund to promote collaboration with NGOs in the design and development of new tools and approaches for food assistance. All interested parties are invited to participate.
The newly established WFP fund – the Cooperating Partners’ Innovation Fund (CPIF) – is focusing in its first year on innovative ideas around cash and voucher programming.
WFP seeks to discover, seed, and foster innovative programming to achieve food assistance outcomes at scale. To this end, the Coop erating Partners’ Innovation Fund (CPIF) provides early stage funding for Partners de veloping promising tools or approaches for the design and delivery of efficient, effective, scalable food assistance.
To promote collaboration and shared learning, the CPIF seeks Partner proposals to develop and test replicable innovations around the choice, design, and implementation of cash and voucher interventions with the potential to efficie ntly and effectively achieve food assistance outcomes at scale. Successful innovations will enrich cooperation between Partners and WFP to enhance and expand collaborative cash and voucher programme platforms.
The newly established WFP fund – the Cooperating Partners’ Innovation Fund (CPIF) – is focusing in its first year on innovative ideas around cash and voucher programming.
WFP seeks to discover, seed, and foster innovative programming to achieve food assistance outcomes at scale. To this end, the Coop erating Partners’ Innovation Fund (CPIF) provides early stage funding for Partners de veloping promising tools or approaches for the design and delivery of efficient, effective, scalable food assistance.
To promote collaboration and shared learning, the CPIF seeks Partner proposals to develop and test replicable innovations around the choice, design, and implementation of cash and voucher interventions with the potential to efficie ntly and effectively achieve food assistance outcomes at scale. Successful innovations will enrich cooperation between Partners and WFP to enhance and expand collaborative cash and voucher programme platforms.
There are up to $1 million in total funds available for autumn 2013 awards. Within the available resources, there is no pre-determined maximum or minimum award. WFP reserves the right to carry over resources to a subsequent solicitation of proposals
Eligible applicants include national and international NGOs with valid registration in the country from where the application is initiated and, if different, with documented authorization to work in the country or countries where the proposed innovation will be developed. If selected applicants are not already WFP Cooperating Partners, WFP will undertake standard due diligence to ensure suitability of a partnership relationship prior to issuing an award.
Eligible applicants include national and international NGOs with valid registration in the country from where the application is initiated and, if different, with documented authorization to work in the country or countries where the proposed innovation will be developed. If selected applicants are not already WFP Cooperating Partners, WFP will undertake standard due diligence to ensure suitability of a partnership relationship prior to issuing an award.
All interested parties are invited to participate. For more details, check the Concept Note and Guidelines. Please submit proposals, and any fund-related questions that may arise, to