“ACLEDA Bank’s Strategic Saving Mobilization”
27-28 September 2012
Training Information
Date : 27-28 September 2012 (2 days)
Time : 8:30AM-5:00PM
Deadline Register : 17 September 2012
Venue : ACLEDA Training Center (Located in Phnom Penh)
Training Fee
- 180$ for CMA members
- 200$ for Non-members
Include (Lunch, Refreshment, Course Material and certificate of attended)
Note: If you register before deadline:
Get 5%- Discount for sending 1-2 staffs to attend one course
Get 10%- Discount for sending 3-4 staffs to attend one course
Get 1 Free for sending 5 or more staffs to attend one course.
Who should attend?
Marketing Manager, Branch Manager, Chief of Marketing Officer, Customer Relationship unit Manager, Marketing Officer or who work related with savings mobilization.
Note: If you register before deadline:
Get 5%- Discount for sending 1-2 staffs to attend one course
Get 10%- Discount for sending 3-4 staffs to attend one course
Get 1 Free for sending 5 or more staffs to attend one course.
Who should attend?
Marketing Manager, Branch Manager, Chief of Marketing Officer, Customer Relationship unit Manager, Marketing Officer or who work related with savings mobilization.
After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Be aware of history of ACLEDA savings program
- Gain knowledge about marketing strategies of Savings mobilization
- Be familiar with ACLEDA Bank's Functional structure
- Know about the real experience of ACLEDA Bank's savings mobilization strategies
- Be aware of introduction to Savings products
- Understand how to develop deposit policy and guidelines
- Understand how to process the Account opening
- Provide customers with the excellent service quality
- Retain customer to stay with your organization
Course Contents
Session 1: ACLEDA Bank's Saving Mobilization Strategies
- History of ACLEDA Savings program management
- Transformation of Functional Structure
- Strategic keys on Savings mobilization
- Sharing the real experience of ACLEDA Bank's savings mobilization strategies
Session 2: ACLEDA Bank's Deposit Policy and Procedure
- Introduction to savings products
- Deposit services policy and guidelines
- Process of Account opening
Session 3: ACLEDA Bank's Customer Service and Care
- How to provide customers with the excellent service quality
- How to maintain customer to stay with your organization
Trainers’ Profile
1. Mr. Rath Rattanak- Senior Faculty, Marketing Specialist: He has been elected as a senior faculty of ACLEDA Training Center (ATC) specializing in Marketing since 2010. In his specialty, he has conducted many training programs such as Customer Service and Retention, Successful Practice Savings Mobilization, Effective Communication at Workplace, Customer Focus and Service Quality, ACLEDA Bank Products and Services… etc. to both national and international MFIs and Banks. He is an experienced trainer certified by Frankfurt School (FS) and Women's World Banking (WWB) and he is very good at transferring his knowledge and skill to fulfill the participants' expectation. He has attended Professional Consulting Skills in Hong Kong and numerous training programs abroad related to Professional Development Skills, Microfinance Management Development, TOT, etc.. He obtained a Master's Degree of Business Administration (MBA) majoring in general management at Royal University of Law and Economic (RULE).
2. Mr. Yang Sophannarath-ASVP of Marketing Division: From 1996, he started working for ACLEDA Bank as a Credit Officer in Phnom Penh. In 1997, he was appointed to the Technical Staff of the Marketing Department in head office in Phnom Penh. In 2008, he was promoted to Assistant Vice President & Manager of Marketing Unit and Product Development Unit in Head office. In January 2009, He was promoted to Marketing Department Manager for ACLEDA Bank Lao Ltd. Since December 2010, he has been appointed to Assistant Senior Vice President & Head of Marketing Division. In his speciality, he has actively been involved in providing training courses on marketing to the management of ACLEDA Bank Lao Ltd., both national and international participants.
Training Methodology
Lecture/Demonstration, Handout, Discussion and offering experiences.
For Registration
Please: http://www.cma-network.org/drupal/TrainingRegistration
Seat are limited, please book your seat now.
For Registration
Please: http://www.cma-network.org/drupal/TrainingRegistration
Seat are limited, please book your seat now.
For more information, please feel free to contact us as below address:
Cambodia Microfinance Association, CMA
Address: #69, St. Boerk Thmei, Sangkat Tomnup toek, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: 023 219 406/ 011 795 625/ 092 1234 36
Email: tm@cma-network.org
Website: www.cma-network.org