Stockholm Challenge gives you a unique opportunity to boost the viability of your project, find new investors and expand your professional network.
The proven Stockholm Challenge Framework puts the most relevant and crucial aspects of your project to the test. The most promising projects will be nominated for the Stockholm Challenge Award. Selected by a jury comprising some of the foremost global IT-entrepreneurs, the most innovative and viable projects will be rewarded the Stockholm Challenge Award.
Entry rules
The Stockholm Challenge Award is open for projects that use ICT to improve people's social and economic conditions and their environment. Please read this before entering the competition:
* All submissions must be made in English and on line, using the entry form.
* All competing projects must be fully implemented, or piloted in a realistic setting, for at least three months before the closing date for entries. Plans, draft concepts or ideas are not eligible. The jury will only evaluate and compare projects that can show measurable outcomes and impact.
* All indicated fields of the entry form must be filled out or the jury will not evaluate your project.
* Each project may enter only one category.
* Participants must illustrate how their use of ICT improves traditional services and/or products, or creates new ones that are beneficial for human and social development.
* Be verifiable, i.e. able to present credible references from independent third parties.
* Refrain from promoting religious, political or other personal beliefs.
* Previous winning projects of the Stockholm Challenge Award cannot participate again.
The entry form can be edited and updated at any time until the official closing date for entries.
Official Closing Dates
The Stockholm Challenge Award- August 1
Evaluation criteria
The Stockholm Challenge jury will study each project application in detail. All projects will be evaluated by three experts each and all jurors will use the same criteria for their judgements. The jurors will be looking for the most skillful applications of ICT that matches the following criteria:
Promote democratic governance and give users influence over and a measure of control of the services delivered by the project.
Equal Opportunity
Equality regardless of gender, origin, age, physical or mental disabilities.
Economic survivability, stakeholder support and environmental and social responsibility.
Demonstrable effects on the project target groups and positive changes over time.
Local initiatives, ownership and innovation in providing services and products to target groups.
Inspiration and transferability
Replicable ways of using ICT that inspire others to adopt similar solutions.
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