The World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) is a unique global contest which
brings together young developers and digital entrepreneurs - under 30
years of age - who use internet and mobile technology to put the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)into action and make a difference.
The WSYA selects and promotes best practice in e-Content. It
demonstrates young people's potential to create outstanding digital
contents and serves as a platform for people from all UN member states
to work together in the efforts to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Fight Poverty, Hunger and Disease
Rewards the most effective content and applications addressing issues of extreme poverty and hunger, offering solutions for those whose income is less than $ 1 a day, supporting the reduction of diseases and fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS and malaria.Education for All
Gives credit to the most innovative content, platforms and solutions to give boys and girls everywhere in the world a full course of primary schooling, to advance training for personal development and jobs, and to achieve a high level of understanding and knowledge of the global information society and its promises, challenges and opportunities.Women Empowerment
Demonstrates the most inspiring content and communities which promote gender equality and empower women, eliminate gender disparity in education and at work places, facilitate access of women to all levels of political decision making and strengthen women’s contribution to the peaceful resolution of conflicts.Go Green, Climate Change
Showcases the ground-breaking applications and content addressing the natural environment, promoting environmental sustainability, integrating the principles of environmentally sustainable development into policy programmes, reversing the loss of environmental resources and biodiversity, reducing the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and improving the lives of slum dwellers.Digital Generation
This category combines topics closely connected with the SDGs such as media, culture, urbanisation and employement.Innovation for SDGs (as open category)
This is an open category for all digital innovations that contribute to
digital innovation, but are not fitting in the above mentioned