The thematic programme ‘Investing in People’ pursues a broad approach to development and poverty reduction, with the general aim of improving human and social development levels in partner countries in accordance with the United Nations Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). It is based on Article 12 of the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI)1, and is detailed in the Strategy Paper for the Thematic Programme 2007-2013. Part of the fourth theme of the programme –‘Other aspects of human and social development’– is dedicated to addressing inequalities and promoting social cohesion, fostering the ‘decent work’ agenda, and employment.
Overall objective
The overall objective of the call for proposals is to contribute to poverty reduction and to social inclusion for workers in the informal economy and vulnerable groups.
The overall objective of the call for proposals is to contribute to poverty reduction and to social inclusion for workers in the informal economy and vulnerable groups.
Specific objectiveThe development of sustainable initiatives (including capacity building of local communities) to strengthen social protection and employment at community level for workers in the informal economy and/or vulnerable groups as well as the dissemination and exchanges of related good practices at local, national or transnational level.
Cooperation and partnerships between non-state actors and government at local and national level are encouraged with a view to developing innovative, community-level schemes for social protection and employment for vulnerable groups and workers in the informal economy.
Expected results:
- Sharing and learning from best practices in community level initiatives in the field of social
protection and employment carried out; - Local communities capacities to identify needs of the informal workers and vulnerable groups strengthened;
- Sustainable social protection and employment in the community-level improved.
Size of grants
Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
- Minimum amount: EUR 500 000
- Maximum amount: EUR 2 000 000
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