The European Commission (EC) has a long-standing relationship and cooperation with non-governmental and other civil society organisations as well as with local and decentralised authorities in the field of development. It is part of the European Union's (EU) commitment to fighting poverty and promoting the rule of law and adherence to fundamental freedoms set out in Article 177 (former Article 130u) of the Lisbon Treaty.
The thematic programme “Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development”, introduced in 2007, should be seen as the successor of the above budget-lines. The overarching objective of this programme is poverty reduction in the context of sustainable development, including the pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and other internationally agreed targets.
The programme's three main components are the following:
- Support to development actions, to be implemented by Non-State-Actors (NSA) or Local Authorities (LA), in close cooperation with the local communities and the most vulnerable population groups, aiming at promoting an inclusive and empowered society in partner countries.
- Support to actions in the EU and acceding countries aiming at raising public awareness of development issues and promoting education for development, to mobilise greater support for actions against poverty and fairer relations between developed and developing countries.
- Support to actions aiming at achieving more efficient cooperation, foster synergies and facilitate a structured dialogue in the area of development between civil society networks and local authorities associations from the EU and acceding countries, within their organisations and with EU institutions.
The global objective of this call for proposals is to support actions presented by Non-State Actors
which aim at promoting an inclusive and empowered society in partner countries in order to (i) benefit populations out of reach of mainstream services and resources and excluded from policy making processes; (ii) strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations in partner countries, with a view to facilitating their participation in defining and implementing poverty reduction and sustainable development strategies; and (iii) facilitate interaction between State and non-State actors in different contexts.
Size of grants
- minimum amount: EUR 500.000
- maximum amount: EUR 4.000.0005 and in any case an amount lower than the indicative financial envelope per geographic area or for worldwide proposals foreseen.
- Guidelines for grant applicants
- Annex A - Grant application form
- Annex B - Budget
- Annex C - Logical framework
- Annex JA - PADOR derogation pack - Applicants
- Annex JB - PADOR derogation pack - Partners