In pursuit of its aim to foster high quality and policy-relevant research in ADB's developing member countries, ADBI offers a limited number of places for fixed-term Visiting Researchers and Visiting Fellows. These places are intended to allow researchers to work in Tokyo on a topic of mutual interest to ADBI and the fellows/researchers themselves.
Researchers and fellows with an established record of research on issues of economic development in the region and who are nationals of an ADB member country are eligible to apply.
Researchers and fellows with an established record of research on issues of economic development in the region and who are nationals of an ADB member country are eligible to apply.
Researchers and fellows are engaged by ADBI as independent contractors, generally for a maximum of six months. During their period in ADBI researchers and fellows will normally work on an agreed research project under the direction of the Research Director. They will usually work on a research paper deliverable within an agreed timeframe for dissemination by ADBI as well as undertake other agreed project-related activities, if appropriate. Please note that these positions are intended for research in Tokyo.
Researchers and fellows are engaged by ADBI as independent contractors, generally for a maximum of six months. During their period in ADBI researchers and fellows will normally work on an agreed research project under the direction of the Research Director. They will usually work on a research paper deliverable within an agreed timeframe for dissemination by ADBI as well as undertake other agreed project-related activities, if appropriate. Please note that these positions are intended for research in Tokyo.
Researchers and fellows should bring with them all data which are required for them to conduct their research. ADBI does not normally provide additional funding to cover fieldwork expenses outside Tokyo associated with the selected research topics.
During their stay in Tokyo, Visiting Researchers and Visiting Fellows will receive an honorarium at internationally competitive rates plus accommodation and subsistence allowances.
ADBI Research Areas
Preferred areas of research and topics under each area are:
1.inclusive and sustainable growth
Preferred areas of research and topics under each area are:
1.inclusive and sustainable growth
- Infrastructure
- Financial sector development
- Environment and climate change
2.regional cooperation and integration
- Monetary and financial cooperation
- Trade and investment cooperation
3.governance for institutions and policies
- Economic policy management
- Public sector reform
Application Procedures
What to submit
Applicants should submit a research proposal (a maximum of 1500 words) for work in one of these areas, and a curriculum vitae setting out their past research record.
What to submit
Applicants should submit a research proposal (a maximum of 1500 words) for work in one of these areas, and a curriculum vitae setting out their past research record.
The research proposal should include
- a 100-word summary at the beginning of the proposal
- research objectives and issue to be addressed
- a brief review of the relevant literature
- sources of data to be used
- the methodology to be applied
- expected contribution of the research, including relevance for policymakers
plans for dissemination
An ADBI selection panel meets at least twice a year and judges applications competitively. The criteria applied will include
- clarity and technical competence of the research proposal
- feasibility of the work in the time available
- the applicant’s demonstrated research experience achievements and capacity to write effectively in English
- relevance of the work to economic policy either in the researcher’s country or more generally
- feasibility and effectiveness of dissemination plans
We particularly encourage women researchers from ADB developing member countries to apply.
How to submit
Applications may be sent via:
Applications may be sent via:
- E-mail to our Research Group using this online form.
- Fax: + 813 3593 4270, marked to the attention of the Director of Research
- Mail: Director of ResearchAsian Development Bank Institute Kasumigaseki Building 8 Floor3-2-5 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-6008 JAPAN