Grant funding for NGOs addressing human rights and justice issues_Deadline: Nov 14, 2008

For the last five years, East-West Management Institute (EWMI) has implemented the USAID-funded Program on Rights and Justice (PRAJ). While this program is scheduled to end December 31, 2008, EWMI was recently awarded the new, USAID – funded, Rule of Law and Human Rights in Cambodia Project. This new project, now labeled "PRAJ II" officially began October 1, 2008, and is expected to run until September 30, 2013, contingent upon the availability of funding.
PRAJ II aims to protect human rights and strengthen the justice sector by providing funding, technical assistance, education and training. A major component of this new program will consist of providing grant support to NGOs to fund key activities relating to human rights and the rule of law. EWMI is pleased to be taking on a new partner, The Asia Foundation (TAF) to help implement much of the grant programming. It is anticipated that TAF will administer most or all of the "human rights" related grants while EWMI will remain responsible for managing the legal aid related grant portfolio.
PRAJ II is now making its Request for Applications (RFA) for NGO grants. In contrast with previous years, multi-year grant proposals will be considered. The grants awarded will be anywhere from 1 – 5 years in duration - of course, contingent upon the availability of funds.
Which NGOs can apply for PRAJ II grants?
Any NGO or similar group addressing human rights and justice issues is welcome to apply. PRAJ II encourages organizations to work together and will be glad to consider funding NGO coalitions, working groups, and associations.
What kind of grant applications will PRAJ II consider?
NGOs are welcome to apply for PRAJ II support for any project that takes a participatory, non-violent approach to helping individuals and communities. However, PRAJ II's grant giving will show a strong preference for projects that provide support in the following areas:
  1. Advocacy for land and livelihood rights.
  2. Protection of core civil and political rights, such as freedom of assembly and freedom of speech.
  3. Providing legal representation
    a. to the indigent and to juveniles involved in criminal cases, and
    b. to individuals and communities involved in land rights – related cases.
    [Local law firms as well as NGOs are encouraged to submit applications for grants in the legal representation category.]
  4. Applications will also be considered for the establishment of a court monitoring program to better monitor judicial performance in criminal proceedings.
NGOs are especially welcome to seek support for projects that
  • build on existing projects that are shown to have been effective;
  • help strengthen local NGO and community networks;
  • engage with women, children and disadvantaged communities, including indigenous and other grassroots communities.
What are the requirements for applying?To be eligible for grant funding an organization must have
  • worked effectively in the past to improve rights and justice in Cambodia , and have well-formed plans to continue doing so;
  • a reputation for integrity and independence;
  • sound financial and administrative procedures, and a demonstrable commitment to its own organizational development.
How should applications be made, and by when?
Applications should be sent to The Asia Foundation (TAF) office in both hard and soft (electronic on CD) copies. Applications should be in English, please. Accompanying Khmer versions are also welcome.
Proposal guidelines, instructions and application forms are available, in English and Khmer, from the PRAJ website at They can also be collected from the Receptionist at the TAF office during office hours (7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., Monday through Friday). The address of the TAF office is # 59, Street 242, Phnom Penh .
Applications should be made to the TAF office by 5:30 p.m., November 14, 2008.
How are applications assessed?Grant applications will be short-listed in line with the criteria outlined above. Short-listed applications will be considered by a Grant Review Committee consisting of specialist staff from PRAJ II and USAID. The Committee will meet in early December 2008. PRAJ will let all applicants know about the outcome of this assessment process.
Is this RFA (Request for Applications) the only opportunity to apply for a PRAJ grant?
No, it isn't. The PRAJ-USAID Grant Review Committee will meet as required to consider unsolicited grant applications. However the bulk of PRAJ's grant funds go to applications made in response to PRAJ's annual RFA.
Is there some way of finding out more about the RFA?To help NGOs learn more about how to apply for a PRAJ grant, PRAJ staff will be organizing orientation workshops in the coming weeks in Battambang, and Phnom Penh . At the workshops, PRAJ will also provide an explanation of the targeted results PRAJ-USAID expects partners to achieve under the new project's 'results framework.' This should help interested organizations better focus their grant writing efforts.
If you are an NGO planning to attend one of these orientation sessions please inform Mr. Lim Vichda, Grants Management Officer, by emailing or call to 012 837 210.
Details of these orientation workshops are as follows:
Phnom Penh: October 23, 2008 at 1:30p.m. - 5:00p.m.
at Imperial Garden Villa & Hotel, # 315, St. Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh
Contact Persons: Lim Vichda at email:, Tel : 012 837 210
Battambang Province: October 28, 2008 at 8:00am – 12:00noon
at Hotel and Restaurant Rattanak, #85, National road #5, Romchek 5 village, Rattanak commune, Battambang District, Battambang province.
Contact Persons: Lim Vichda at email: or call to 012 837 210.

PRAJ is funded by the United States Agency for International Development. US government procurement and spending regulations apply to all PRAJ grantees.

Grant awards are contingent upon the availability of USAID funding.



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Cambodia Jobs: Grant funding for NGOs addressing human rights and justice issues_Deadline: Nov 14, 2008
Grant funding for NGOs addressing human rights and justice issues_Deadline: Nov 14, 2008
Cambodia Jobs
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