All applications must be submitted by December 1,. No late applications will be accepted.
- Community Health
- Development
- Education
- Environment
- Humanities & Social Sciences
- Media
- Policy & Administration
- Social Work
Successful students will study at prestigious international universities in Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia or the Philippines. Scholars will undertake masters degrees by coursework. Courses typically take one to two years to complete. Scholars must complete the course within the specified time period on a full time basis.
INTERNSHIPS: Successful students will be eligible to apply for an APSC Graduate Internship. Interns will be placed in organizations and institutions within the Southeast Asian region for a period of three months, so as to further develop skills acquired during formal degree study.
AWARD STRUCTURE: The following costs will be covered under the award at a basic level:
- Academic tuition and mandatory fees for the duration of the course, including examination and thesis costs.
- A monthly stipend for room and board, and living expenses sufficient for a single student. There will be no support for students' families.
- Accident and sickness insurance during the program
- Support for educational supplies and materials.
- Transport for the student to travel one time from their home to the campus and to return at the end of the program.
- All costs related to securing and maintaining a student visa for the duration of study.
- Professional development fund available to cover support for academic development such as attendance of academic conferences or subscription to journals.
- A research fund will be available on a competitive basis for students who wish to undertake thesis research in their home country.
- hold an undergraduate degree at the time of application deadline with an excellent academic record;
- be a resident of Myanmar, Cambodia or Lao PDR;
- have experience working in at least one of the fields listed above for development in their home country;
- be proficient in English;
- be committed to returning to their home country after completion of the program to continue their work.
Applicants must complete the application materials and submit them to APSC by December 1. The APSC Scholarship Application* and the APSC Reference Forms* should be filled in on your computer and sent to Your materials will be processed more quickly if completed in this manner, but hand-written or scanned copies of these documents are acceptable only if you have difficulties completing these documents electronically. The application materials required for this program are as follows:
- APSC Scholarship Application*.
- One academic letter of reference (using the APSC Reference Form*).
- One professional letter of reference (using the APSC Reference Form*).
- Scanned copies of all previous educational transcripts (or an explanation as to why these are unavailable).
- Scanned copy of your passport page (if available).
- Scanned copies of any official English language exams you have taken, such as TOEFL or IELTS (if available).
Shortlisted applicants will be contacted for an interview and selection exam. The exam will be an ITP TOEFL test but will include an additional essay component. Based on an applicant's interest, the shortlisted applications will be recommended for submission to a university from within APSC. This decision will be made by the selection committee. Applicants may be asked to complete a further application, depending on the entrance requirements of the selected university. Applicants do not need to apply to universities directly under this program. Masters courses will start between May and September, depending on the prospective university. Support will be provided for all logistics related to travel and registration at the respective universities.
To apply or request more information please contact or write to us at: PO Box 196, Chiang Mai University Post Office, Chiang Mai, 50202, Thailand