The ASEF Youth Partnerships is a funding window open to youth organisations in ASEM countries that seek to promote linkages among Youth and youth organisations and encourage a multiplicity of initiatives to strengthen relations between Asian and European Youth at the level of the national organisations and local communities.
The projects implemented under the Youth Partnerships involve youth organisations from ASEM countries working in the field of intercultural dialogue create direct impact on the professional and personal life of the projects' participants, as well as indirectly contribute to the process of raising social awareness and community development.
Which countries are covered under the ASEF Youth Partnerships?
The projects implemented under the Youth Partnerships involve youth organisations from ASEM countries working in the field of intercultural dialogue create direct impact on the professional and personal life of the projects' participants, as well as indirectly contribute to the process of raising social awareness and community development.
Which countries are covered under the ASEF Youth Partnerships?
Youth organisations that are based in the 43 Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) countries are eligible to apply for the ASEF Youth PARTNERSHIPS. They are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom and Vietnam.
Must projects supported by the ASEF Youth Partnerships involve all the ASEM countries? Can they include participants from countries outside of the ASEM process?Applicants are encouraged to open up participation to all 43 countries of ASEM. However, we are also aware that some youth organisations may not have the capacity to organise events of that scale. Hence, ASEF will still positively consider applications in connection with activities involving less than 43 ASEM countries, as long as they would involve participants from at least two Asian member countries and two European member countries of ASEM.
Proposed activities involving the participation of non-ASEM nationals would not be considered as eligible under the ASEF Youth Connections.
What kind of youth activities can qualify for the ASEF Youth Partnerships?
We are open to both innovative ideas and traditional youth activities. The following activities may be proposed under the ASEF Youth Partnerships:
- (a) Activities and exchanges previously conceived under the banner of the Asia-Europe Youth Co-operation framework, such as the Asia-Europe Youth Camps, Asia-Europe Young Volunteers Exchange, Asia-Europe Youth Explore and the Asia-Europe Youth Training Courses;
- (b) Joint initiatives, youth exchanges and activities as a follow-up to or resulting from the Youth Declaration or Action Plan of an event organised by ASEF, such as the ASEM Youth Dialogue; and
- (c) Other innovative ideas that would carry out the objectives of the grant.