Position title: Local Strategies for Decent Work Specialist
Grade: P.4
Contract type: Fixed-term appointment
Organization unit: SRO-Bangkok
Duty Station: Bangkok, Thailand
Deadline for application: 30 November 2007
- Design and promote a wide range of special job creation, enterprise development, social protection and social dialogue programmes. This involves the analysis of complex or conflicting data, statistics and information or policy guidelines, in a manner requiring the advanced application of principles of the technical specialisations involved.
- Develop and review an institutional framework, in which social partners can best improve, implement and evaluate efficient and equitable ILO action programmes.
- Provide policy advice to ILO's constituents on institutional strengthening, the application of ILO standards and the promotion of technical cooperation activities.
- Formulate and submit project proposals and negotiate funding.
- Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the project activities.
- Undertake technical advisory missions independently or in collaboration with other specialists.
- Conduct seminars, workshops and technical meetings and training courses.
- Prepare draft recommendations and guidelines for discussion and adoption as ILO Recommendations or Conventions on related technical fields.
- Write manuals and/or training guides on related topics.
- Disseminate information on programmes through publications and press releases as well as ensuring representation at donors'meetings, international, regional and national fora and advocacy campaigns.
- Monitor and coordinate research and technical cooperation services carried out by technical officers and external collaborators.
- Provide technical inputs to office documents (sectoral meetings, technical committees, regional meetings and conference reports).
- Participate in tripartite reviews on technical cooperation activities and international meetings and conferences.
Specific duties:
- Identify and promote the possibilities and advantages of integrating local strategies contributing to Decent Work into national and sub-national developments and frameworks, as well as into Decent Work Country Programmes.
- Analyse and develop policies and strategies relating to job creation and social protection at the local level, with specific attention to workers and operators in the informal economy, vulnerable populations, and also attention to gender considerations, post disaster and crisis situations.
- Undertake technical missions to countries in the sub-region and provide advice to governments, employers and workers organizations and other relevant institutions on the formulation and implementation of local development strategies, policies and programmes reflecting the Decent Work agenda.
- At the request of the Director of the SRO-Bangkok, provide technical support for local development initiatives in the Asia-Pacific Region
- Provide technical support on the development, design, implementation and evaluation of local development programmes and projects contributing to the objectives of the Asian Decent Work Decade, to poverty alleviation programmes and to roliing back informality in Asia.
- Design, develop, manage and evaluate key initiatives contributing to the development of knowledge and models illustrating the feasibility and advantages of local strategies for Decent Work and informing policy formulation.
- Develop strategic partnerships with key institutions at local, sub-national, national, regional and international level for the inclusion and promotion of local development strategies in their mandates and programmes.
- Ensure effective knowledge development, management and transfer on local development in the sub-region.
- Contribute to the global knowledge base and transfer on local development in the ILO, including with the Turin International Training Centre.
Required Qualifications
Education: Advanced university degree with demonstrated expertise in economics, business or social sciences.
Experience: Eight years experience at the national level or five years at the international level.
Languages: Excellent command of English is required. Knowledge of a second official language of the ILO is an asset, as well as knowledge of any national languages of the sub-region.
Job specific competencies include the ability to: participate effectively in technical missions and multi-disciplinary teams; capacity to provide first-line technical advice in the area of specialisation; the ability to conceptualise and design research techniques and analyse complex cross-national practices and data sets covering a wide range of issues in the specialised technical field; capability to guide and co-ordinate the work of external collaborators, general service staff or young professionals; ability to prepare reports and publications of a high quality, technically sound with conclusions leading to an action plan and programme development and ability to provide credible implementation assistance to senior specialists in carrying out research, project formulation and implementation.
Also, the ability to synthesize research and reach empirically based conclusions on related subjects; provide seasoned advice on best practices, to address broader issues outside the field of specialization; formulate new concepts and methodologies; develop training materials, alternative courses of action, project proposals, policy, procedural matters and present them at high-level meetings; design and synthesize strategies for programme development in member States; produce reports (e.g. reports for regional conferences and ILC, technical publications, training manuals and draft resolutions); evaluate and monitor technical cooperation activities and projects.
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