International Fellowships are awarded for
full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not
U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate
studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported.
Applicants must have earned the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s
degree and must have applied to their proposed
institutions of study by the time of the application. Up to five
International Master’s/First Professional Degree Fellowships are
renewable for a second year.
Recipients are selected for academic achievement and demonstrated
commitment to women and girls. Recipients return to their home countries
to become leaders in business, government, academia, community
activism, the arts, and sciences.
AAUW advances equality for women and girls through advocacy, education,
philanthropy, and research. AAUW breaks through educational and economic
barriers so that all women have a fair chance. AAUW is a nationwide
network of more than 170,000 members and supporters, 1,000 local branches, and 800 college and university partners.
AAUW is one of the nation’s largest sources of private funding exclusively for educational programs that directly benefit women and girls. Every year AAUW awards fellowships and grants to more than 200 women. In principle and practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class.
AAUW is one of the nation’s largest sources of private funding exclusively for educational programs that directly benefit women and girls. Every year AAUW awards fellowships and grants to more than 200 women. In principle and practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class.
The International Fellowship program has been in existence since 1917. The program provides support for one year of graduate or postgraduate study in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. (Women holding dual citizenship in the U.S. and another country are not eligible.) Preference is given to women who show prior commitment to the advancement of women and girls through civic, community, or professional work. Fellowships are available for study in the U.S. A limited number of awards are available to women who are members of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW; see List of IFUW Member Organizations) for study in any country other than their own.
Up to five International Master’s/First Professional Degree Fellowships will be renewable for a second year; renewal instructions will be provided to fellows during their fellowship year.
Award Amounts
Up to five International Master’s/First Professional Degree Fellowships will be renewable for a second year; renewal instructions will be provided to fellows during their fellowship year.
Award Amounts
- Master’s/First Professional Degree: $18,000
- Doctoral: $20,000
- Postdoctoral: $30,000