The 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons
July 14-18, 2008
Cheltenham , England
The emphasis of the conference is the exchange of knowledge on shared resources or ‘commons’: between developing and developed world, between practitioners and researchers, and between old and ‘new’ commons. The overarching theme of governing shared resources aims to encourage discussion on new ways of using, managing, protecting and creating what many understand as ‘commons’. The themes recognise the wide variety of understanding over the term ‘commons’ and the need to link practical experience at the local level with larger global commons issues.
IASC 2008 Call For Abstracts
All participants are invited to submit abstracts for presentation of papers or posters on any aspect of conference themes, or for symposia or workshop discussion sessions focused on specific issues. Papers may address theory, policy, practical work, empirical research, describe cases studies, or any aspect of commons issues listed below.
- Governance and institutional change in relation to commons
- ‘New Commons'
- Management of traditional natural resource commons (e.g.,water, fisheries, forestry, agriculture, wildlife, biodiversity)
- Global commons
- Theoretical and methodological developments in Commons research
- Resource management
- Case studies
Submission of abstracts
It would be helpful to us in our organization of the conference to know which of the conference themes you feel your paper is addressing, so please indicate this on your submission.
But , we also recognize that some papers or panels may address more than one theme. Therefore, please indicate a first, and a second choice theme, if appropriate.
All abstracts should be e-mailed to in word or text format by Jan 14, 2008 along with the required submission form (click to view) and should be drafted in the following way:
- Title (Arial pt. 14, Bold, align center) First Author (font Arial pt. 12, Bold, align left), co-authors (font Arial pt. 12, Italic). Initials and surname in that order; multiple authors must be separated by a comma.
- Body of the text: a maximum of 300 words (Arial, pt. 12, align left).
- All submissions must include the author's full name, affiliation and contact details, the title of the paper, a 300-word abstract and an indication of the theme, or themes the paper is addressing.
Poster submission
Submit an abstract to present a poster. Posters can be used to present research results, case studies, or provide information about practitioner initiatives relating to the management of the Commons. Abstracts are due Jan 14, 2008.
Poster submissions should be drafted in the following way:
- Title (Arial pt. 14, Bold, align center) First Author (font Arial pt. 12, Bold, align left), co-authors (font Arial pt. 12, Italic). Initials and surname in that order; multiple authors must be separated by a comma.
- Body of the text: a maximum of 200 words (Arial, pt. 12, align left).
- All submissions must include the author's full name, affiliation and contact details, the title of the paper, and a 200-word abstract
Please email John Powell at if you have any questions regarding posters. Posters can be on any topic related to the conference themes. Guidance on posters will be provided to authors on acceptance of abstracts.
More info: