Fisheries Programme Officer

Deadline: Sep 24, 2007
Title: Programme Officer
Functional Title: Programme Officer, Fisheries Programme
Division: Fisheries Programme, Operations Division
Level of post: M-10i (Riparian Professional)
Duration: One-year contract renewable
Location: MRC Secretariat, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Reporting to: Programme Manager, Fisheries Programme
The Mekong River Commission (MRC) was established by the 1995 Agreement on Co-operation for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin, between the governments of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Viet Nam. In accordance with this Agreement, the Mission of MRC is: “To promote and coordinate sustainable management and development of water and related resources for the countries’ mutual benefit and the people’s well being.”

The Operations Division is charged with managing the implementation of the various programmes including the Agriculture, Irrigation and Forestry Programme (AIFP), the Fisheries Programme (FP), the Navigation Programme (NAP), the Tourism Programme (TOP) and the Water Resources Management Programme (WRMP). These programmes focus on specific sectors and address regional issues that are significant to the management of the entire Mekong River Basin. While the programmes have a regional focus, they also complement and support initiatives at the national and trans-boundary levels.

The Fisheries Programme
The Fisheries Programme generates and communicates fisheries information in close co-operation with end users, and facilitates the use of this information by management agencies and resource user communities. It is the programme’s objective that this information is used by all relevant stakeholders in management planning and implementation. It is expected that the achievement of this objective will significantly contribute to the programme’s development objective of “Coordinated and sustainable development, utilization, management and conservation of the fisheries of the Mekong Basin”.

The Programme Officer, Fisheries, is responsible for technical and financial monitoring of the FP’s Work Agreements in the MRC-member countries. The PO plays a key role in linking the work of the FP with the member countries. S/he works closely with relevant governmental institutions in the riparian countries for the achievement of the overall goals of the Mekong River Commission in terms of fisheries development and management in the region. S/he is expected to display a high degree of initiative and
Specific tasks to be initiated in late 2007 and 2008
  • Contact person for Cambodian Statistics Agency.
    Set up the liaison with statistics agencies, take census/survey questions on fish consumption, value, spending, etc, as identified by component coordinators, and get these incorporated into national and regional surveys.
  • FP member on BDP Task Force.
    Responsible for getting information on fisheries developments in Cambodia into the BDP. Oversee the quality and relevance of Project Identification Notes (PINs) relating to fisheries in Cambodia.
    Identify any national Strategic Plans for Fisheries, as they might be required by BDP or FP.
  • Monitor FP expenditure and progress of Work Agreements in Cambodia.
    Generally take an active role in ensuring the Work Agreements for all components are being successfully implemented. Report any difficulties to component coordinators.
  • Translations of documents
    Translate the relevant FP publications from English into respective riparian language. Translate omnibus edition of Catch and Culture 2007. Arrange for publication.

On-going tasks:

  • Participates in planning, preparation, management and monitoring of FP work programme in Cambodia. This may include particular duties supporting the work of the Programme in Cambodia, such as developing and overseeing contracts, overseeing the implementation of Programme activities, facilitating smooth working arrangements with the Fisheries Administration;
  • Provides high quality support to and assists the Fisheries Programme Manager, including but not limited to maintaining relevant fisheries information and documentation; ensuring correspondence particularly with Cambodia is appropriate and timely; participating in the operation of a fisheries network;
  • Represents the MRC Fisheries Programme with a high degree of professionalism at internal and external workshops and meetings;
  • Liaises with the relevant government institutions, and visits fisheries administrations, institutions and components in the Mekong Basin in order to maintain contacts and assist and support the implementation of component activities;
  • Participates in the establishment of regional and international co-operation, research and study programmes related to the fisheries sector in the Mekong Basin;
  • Participates in other regular activities under the MRC Secretariat, including activity co-dination, meetings and professional training of others as requested by Management;
  • Performs other related tasks as assigned by supervisor.


  • (a) Supervision requirements: The position has no immedaite supervisory repsonsibilities, but the incumbent may be asked to supervise short-term contracted staff, and be responsible for his/her outputs and performance appraisal in line with MRC regulations.
  • (b) Level of autonomy: Large decisions are recommendatory, subject to final approval by the Manager of the Fisheries Programme, however the position has involvement in planning, reporting and financial management of components in his/her home country.
  • (c) Level of problem solving required: Problems are generally solved by referring to established precedents and MRC Manuals.
  • (d) Level and type of communications required: Communications are wide, both within and outside of the organisation. Some written reporting is required.


  • (a) Core Values: Integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.
  • (b) Core Competencies: Communication, teamwork, planning and organising, accountability, creativity, client orientation, commitment to continuous learning, and technological awareness.


  • A university degree (minimum BSc) required in biology or subject related to fisheries;
  • At least five years of practical working experience related to fisheries, development and
    management in one or more of the riparian countries;
  • Ability to work in an international environment and to travel regularly in the riparian countries;
  • Good knowledge and experience in project management;
  • Very good knowledge of written and spoken English. Knowledge of Khmer is a strong asset.

Remark: The funding for this position is from SIDA support to Fisheries Programme. The current funding is secured until 2009.

Brief information on remuneration
The remuneration package, subject to change, includes (i) annual net base salary exempt from tax by Lao authorities, starting at US$ 18,071.00 (M-10, step I); (ii) 6 weeks’ annual vacation; (iii) MRC’s contribution to staff member’s Provident Fund of 14% of basic salary upon completion of 3 years in service; (iv) Contribution of MRC to Health and Accident insurances (on shared basis with employee); (v) other entitlements and benefits such as dependency allowance, sick leave, maternity leave etc.

Non-resident staff members receive an additional (i) 7% of basic salary for Post Adjustment allowance; (ii) 7% of basic salary for Hardship allowance; (iii) Rental subsidy of 40% of the rent rate up to maximum of US$ 6,000 annual; (iv) Education Grant of 75% of max. expense of US$ 13,000; (v) Travel cost and Shipment expenses on assignment and upon separation; (vi) other entitlements and benefits such as Relocation Grant allowance, Home Leave Travel, Education Grant Travel, etc.

The duration of the assignment of MRC Riparian Professional Staff is up to maximum 6 yearsaccording to 1995 Mekong Agreement and Procedural Rules.


Apply for the position
Only nationals of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam are eligible to apply. The application must include a cover letter outlining clearly how the candidate meets the requirements of the position. The post title/programme must be indicated in the application letter. In addition to the cover letter, the applicant should include his/her detailed CV and references, together with a passport-sized photo and contact email address and send to the National Mekong Committee in the applicant’s home country.

Cambodia National Mekong Committee: 23 Mao Tse Toung Road, Phnom Penh, CambodiaTel. (855-23) 218 727 Fax. (855-23) 218 506E-mail:

LaoNational Mekong Committee: Prime Minister’s Office, Vientiane, Lao PDRTel. (856-21) 260 981-3 Fax. (856-21) 260 984E-mail:

Thai National Mekong Committee: Department of Water Resources180/3 Rama 6 Road, Soi Phibul Watana BuildingPhayathai, Bangkok 10400 ThailandTel. (66-2) 271 6165, 271 6620Fax. (66-2) 298 6605

Viet Nam National Mekong Committee: 23 Hang Tre, Ha Noi, Viet NamTel. (84-4) 825 4785 Fax. (84-4) 825 6929E-mail:



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Cambodia Jobs: Fisheries Programme Officer
Fisheries Programme Officer
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